越南美人兜兰 Paphiopedilum delenatii
中文名(Chinese Name):越南美人兜兰
学名(Scientific Name):Paphiopedilum delenatii Guillaumin
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):德氏兜兰
异名(Synonym):Paphiopedilum delenatii f. albinum Braem Paphiopedilum delenatii f. vinicolor O.Gruss & Roeth Cypripedium delenatii (Guillaumin) C.H.Curtis Paphiopedilum xichouense Z.J. Liu & X.Qi Chen
科属(Family & Genus):兰科(Orchidaceae)兜兰属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 25 Page 33, 36
Paphiopedilum delenatii Guillaumin, Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 71: 554. 1924.
德氏兜兰 de shi dou lan| Orchidaceae | Paphiopedilum
Cypripedium delenatii (Guillaumin) C. H. Curtis; Paphiopedilum xichouense Z. J. Liu & S. C. Chen.
Plants terrestrial. Leaves 4-6, distichous; blade abaxially heavily purple spotted and carinate, adaxially tessellated with dark and light green and marked with golden pedate stripes toward apex, oblong, 8-12 × 3.5-4.2 cm, base ciliate, apex obtuse. Scape suberect, terminating in 1 or 2 flowers; peduncle purple-brown, 14-22 cm, densely white hirsute; floral bracts pale green spotted with purple-brown, ovate, conduplicate, ca. 1.5 cm, abaxially hairy; pedicel and ovary 4-5 cm, white hirsute. Flowers 6-8 cm wide; dorsal sepal, synsepal, and petals white, obscurely spotted and veined with pale pink particularly on abaxial surface; lip pink to pale purple-red; staminode whitish marked with purple-red in apical half and pale yellow centrally. Dorsal sepal ovate, 2.7-3.3 × 1.7-2.5 cm, pubescent on both surfaces, subacute at apex; synsepal similar to dorsal sepal, slightly shorter. Petals broadly elliptic, 3.5-4.4 × 2.7-3.7 cm, rounded at apex; lip subglobose, 3-3.8 × 2.2-2.8 cm, puberulent outside, apical margin involute. Staminode rhombic-ovate, 1.6-2 × 1.6-1.8 cm, ciliate. Fl. Mar-Apr. 2n = 26.
Shrubby and grassy places in limestone areas; 1000-1300 m. N Guangxi (N of Liuzhou), SE Yunnan (Funing, Malipo, Xichou) [Vietnam].
学名(Scientific Name):Paphiopedilum delenatii Guillaumin
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):德氏兜兰
异名(Synonym):Paphiopedilum delenatii f. albinum Braem Paphiopedilum delenatii f. vinicolor O.Gruss & Roeth Cypripedium delenatii (Guillaumin) C.H.Curtis Paphiopedilum xichouense Z.J. Liu & X.Qi Chen
科属(Family & Genus):兰科(Orchidaceae)兜兰属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 25 Page 33, 36
Paphiopedilum delenatii Guillaumin, Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 71: 554. 1924.
德氏兜兰 de shi dou lan| Orchidaceae | Paphiopedilum
Cypripedium delenatii (Guillaumin) C. H. Curtis; Paphiopedilum xichouense Z. J. Liu & S. C. Chen.
Plants terrestrial. Leaves 4-6, distichous; blade abaxially heavily purple spotted and carinate, adaxially tessellated with dark and light green and marked with golden pedate stripes toward apex, oblong, 8-12 × 3.5-4.2 cm, base ciliate, apex obtuse. Scape suberect, terminating in 1 or 2 flowers; peduncle purple-brown, 14-22 cm, densely white hirsute; floral bracts pale green spotted with purple-brown, ovate, conduplicate, ca. 1.5 cm, abaxially hairy; pedicel and ovary 4-5 cm, white hirsute. Flowers 6-8 cm wide; dorsal sepal, synsepal, and petals white, obscurely spotted and veined with pale pink particularly on abaxial surface; lip pink to pale purple-red; staminode whitish marked with purple-red in apical half and pale yellow centrally. Dorsal sepal ovate, 2.7-3.3 × 1.7-2.5 cm, pubescent on both surfaces, subacute at apex; synsepal similar to dorsal sepal, slightly shorter. Petals broadly elliptic, 3.5-4.4 × 2.7-3.7 cm, rounded at apex; lip subglobose, 3-3.8 × 2.2-2.8 cm, puberulent outside, apical margin involute. Staminode rhombic-ovate, 1.6-2 × 1.6-1.8 cm, ciliate. Fl. Mar-Apr. 2n = 26.
Shrubby and grassy places in limestone areas; 1000-1300 m. N Guangxi (N of Liuzhou), SE Yunnan (Funing, Malipo, Xichou) [Vietnam].