香港带唇兰Tainia hongkongensis
中文名(Chinese Name):香港带唇兰
学名(Scientific Name):Tainia hongkongensis Rolfe
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):香港安兰
异名(Synonym):Ania angustifolia Lindl:Benth. Ania hongkongensis (Rolfe) T. Tang et F. T. Wang Ascotainia hongkongensis (Rolfe) Schltr.
科属(Family & Genus):兰科(Orchidaceae)带唇兰属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 25 Page 281, 282
Tainia hongkongensis Rolfe, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 1896: 195. 1896.
香港带唇兰 xiang gang dai chun lan| Orchidaceae | Tainia
Ania hongkongensis (Rolfe) Tang & F. T. Wang; Ascotainia hongkongensis (Rolfe) Schlechter.
Pseudobulbs ovoid, 1-2 cm in diam., sheathing when young. Petiole 13-16 cm, slender, base with 1 tubular sheath ca. 6 cm; leaf blade oblong, ca. 26 × 3-4 cm, plicate, apex acuminate. Inflorescence erect; peduncle to 50 cm, ca. 3 mm in diam., with 4 tubular sheaths below inflorescence; rachis to 15 cm, laxly several flowered; floral bracts narrowly lanceolate, 6-12 mm, membranous, long acuminate. Flowers: pedicel and ovary purplish brown, sepals and petals yellowish green with purplish brown spots and stripes, lip white with yellowish green stripes, anther cap with 2 purple cornute appendages, column white, tinged with purple; pedicel and ovary ca. 15 mm. Sepals similar, oblong-lanceolate, ca. 20 × 2.2-3.5 mm, 5-veined, acuminate; lateral sepals adnate to column base. Petals obovate-lanceolate, ca. 20 × 3 mm, 5-veined, base contracted, apex acuminate; lip obovate, ca. 11 × 6 mm, ± embracing column below middle, spurred at base, entire, mucronate; disk with 3 narrow lamellae; spur projecting beyond base of lateral sepals, suboblong, ca. 3 × 2.5 mm. Column ca. 7 mm, slightly dilated toward apex. Fl. Apr-May.
Wooded slopes or open places in hilly areas; 100-500 m. S Fujian, S Guangdong [Vietnam].

学名(Scientific Name):Tainia hongkongensis Rolfe
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):香港安兰
异名(Synonym):Ania angustifolia Lindl:Benth. Ania hongkongensis (Rolfe) T. Tang et F. T. Wang Ascotainia hongkongensis (Rolfe) Schltr.
科属(Family & Genus):兰科(Orchidaceae)带唇兰属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 25 Page 281, 282
Tainia hongkongensis Rolfe, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 1896: 195. 1896.
香港带唇兰 xiang gang dai chun lan| Orchidaceae | Tainia
Ania hongkongensis (Rolfe) Tang & F. T. Wang; Ascotainia hongkongensis (Rolfe) Schlechter.
Pseudobulbs ovoid, 1-2 cm in diam., sheathing when young. Petiole 13-16 cm, slender, base with 1 tubular sheath ca. 6 cm; leaf blade oblong, ca. 26 × 3-4 cm, plicate, apex acuminate. Inflorescence erect; peduncle to 50 cm, ca. 3 mm in diam., with 4 tubular sheaths below inflorescence; rachis to 15 cm, laxly several flowered; floral bracts narrowly lanceolate, 6-12 mm, membranous, long acuminate. Flowers: pedicel and ovary purplish brown, sepals and petals yellowish green with purplish brown spots and stripes, lip white with yellowish green stripes, anther cap with 2 purple cornute appendages, column white, tinged with purple; pedicel and ovary ca. 15 mm. Sepals similar, oblong-lanceolate, ca. 20 × 2.2-3.5 mm, 5-veined, acuminate; lateral sepals adnate to column base. Petals obovate-lanceolate, ca. 20 × 3 mm, 5-veined, base contracted, apex acuminate; lip obovate, ca. 11 × 6 mm, ± embracing column below middle, spurred at base, entire, mucronate; disk with 3 narrow lamellae; spur projecting beyond base of lateral sepals, suboblong, ca. 3 × 2.5 mm. Column ca. 7 mm, slightly dilated toward apex. Fl. Apr-May.
Wooded slopes or open places in hilly areas; 100-500 m. S Fujian, S Guangdong [Vietnam].
上一篇:带唇兰Tainia dunnii
下一篇:笋兰 Thunia alba