石斛 Dendrobium nobile
中文名(Chinese Name):石斛
学名(Scientific Name):Dendrobium nobile Lindl.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):金钗石斛
异名(Synonym):Dendrobium nobile var. formosanum Rchb. f. Dendrobium nobile var. nobilus Burb. Dendrobium formosanum (Rchb. f.) Masam. Callista nobilis (Lindl.) Kuntze Dendrobium lindleyanum Griff. Dendrobium nobile var. virginale Dendrobium nobile var. alboluteum Huyen & Aver. Dendrobium nobile var. nobilius Rchb.f. Dendrobium nobile f. nobilius (Rchb.f.) M.Hiroe Dendrobium nobile virginale Rolfe
科属(Family & Genus):兰科(Orchidaceae)石斛属
形态特征(Description):茎直立,肉质状肥厚,稍扁的圆柱形,长10-60厘米,粗达1.3厘米,上部多少回折状弯曲,基部明显收狭,不分枝,具多节,节有时稍肿大;节间多少呈倒圆锥形,长2-4厘米,干后金黄色。叶革质,长圆形,长6-11厘米,宽1-3厘米,先端钝并且不等侧2裂,基部具抱茎的鞘。总状花序从具叶或落了叶的老茎中部以上部分发出,长2-4厘米,具1-4朵花;花序柄长5-15毫米,基部被数枚筒状鞘;花苞片膜质,卵状披针形,长6-13毫米,先端渐尖;花梗和子房淡紫色,长3-6毫米;花大,白色带淡紫色先端,有时全体淡紫红色或除唇盘上具1个紫红色斑块外,其余均为白色;中萼片长圆形,长 2.5-3.5厘米,宽1-1.4厘米,先端钝,具5条脉;侧萼片相似于中萼片,先端锐尖,基部歪斜,具5条脉;萼囊圆锥形,长6毫米;花瓣多少斜宽卵形,长2.5-3.5厘米,宽1.8-2.5厘米,先端钝,基部具短爪,全缘,具3条主脉和许多支脉;唇瓣宽卵形,长2.5-3.5厘米,宽2.2-3.2厘米,先端钝,基部两侧具紫红色条纹并且收狭为短爪,中部以下两侧围抱蕊柱,边缘具短的睫毛,两面密布短绒毛,唇盘中央具1个紫红色大斑块;蕊柱绿色,长5毫米,基部稍扩大,具绿色的蕊柱足;药帽紫红色,圆锥形,密布细乳突,前端边缘具不整齐的尖齿。花期4-5月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 25 Page 371, 381
Dendrobium nobile Lindley, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 79. 1830.
石斛 shi hu| Orchidaceae | Dendrobium
Callista nobilis (Lindley) Kuntze; Dendrobium coerulescens Wallich ex Lindley; D. formosanum (H. G. Reichenbach) Masamune; D. lindleyanum Griffith; D. nobile var. alboluteum Huyen & Averyanov; D. nobile var. formosanum H. G. Reichenbach; D. nobile f. nobilius (H. G. Reichenbach) M. Hiroe; D. nobile var. nobilius H. G. Reichenbach.
Stems erect, cylindric, 10-60 cm, stout, to 1.3 cm in diam., fleshy, base conspicuously contracted, unbranched, with many, sometimes slightly swollen, nodes, internodes 2-4 cm, golden yellow when dry. Leaves oblong, 6-11 × 1-3 cm, leathery, base with clasping sheath, apex obtuse and unequally bilobed. Inflorescences arising from old stems before or after leaves have fallen, 2-4 cm, 1-4-flowered; peduncle 5-15 mm; basal sheaths several, tubular; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, 6-13 mm, membranous, apex acuminate. Pedicel and ovary pale purple, 0.3-0.6 cm. Flowers large, all parts white, tinged with pale purple at apex, sometimes entirely pale purplish red, with purplish red striation on either side at base of lip, or lip disk with a central purplish red spot, sometimes white, column green, anther cap purplish red. Dorsal sepal oblong, 25-35 × 10-14 mm, 5-veined, apex obtuse; lateral sepals similar, 5-veined, base oblique, apex acute; mentum conic, ca. 6 mm. Petals ± obliquely broadly ovate, 25-35 × 18-25 cm, main veins 3, secondary veins many, base shortly clawed, margin entire, apex obtuse; lip broadly ovate, 25-35 × 22-32 mm, both surfaces densely pubescent, base shortly clawed, embracing column below middle, margin shortly ciliate, apex obtuse. Column ca. 5 mm, base slightly dilated; anther cap conic, densely finely papillate, front margin with irregular sharp teeth.
Epiphytic on tree trunks in mountain forests, lithophytic on rocks in mountain valleys; 500-1700 m. NE to W Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan (Baisha), Hong Kong, W Hubei (Yichang), S Sichuan, Taiwan, SE Xizang (Mêdog), Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, N Thailand, Vietnam].

学名(Scientific Name):Dendrobium nobile Lindl.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):金钗石斛
异名(Synonym):Dendrobium nobile var. formosanum Rchb. f. Dendrobium nobile var. nobilus Burb. Dendrobium formosanum (Rchb. f.) Masam. Callista nobilis (Lindl.) Kuntze Dendrobium lindleyanum Griff. Dendrobium nobile var. virginale Dendrobium nobile var. alboluteum Huyen & Aver. Dendrobium nobile var. nobilius Rchb.f. Dendrobium nobile f. nobilius (Rchb.f.) M.Hiroe Dendrobium nobile virginale Rolfe
科属(Family & Genus):兰科(Orchidaceae)石斛属
形态特征(Description):茎直立,肉质状肥厚,稍扁的圆柱形,长10-60厘米,粗达1.3厘米,上部多少回折状弯曲,基部明显收狭,不分枝,具多节,节有时稍肿大;节间多少呈倒圆锥形,长2-4厘米,干后金黄色。叶革质,长圆形,长6-11厘米,宽1-3厘米,先端钝并且不等侧2裂,基部具抱茎的鞘。总状花序从具叶或落了叶的老茎中部以上部分发出,长2-4厘米,具1-4朵花;花序柄长5-15毫米,基部被数枚筒状鞘;花苞片膜质,卵状披针形,长6-13毫米,先端渐尖;花梗和子房淡紫色,长3-6毫米;花大,白色带淡紫色先端,有时全体淡紫红色或除唇盘上具1个紫红色斑块外,其余均为白色;中萼片长圆形,长 2.5-3.5厘米,宽1-1.4厘米,先端钝,具5条脉;侧萼片相似于中萼片,先端锐尖,基部歪斜,具5条脉;萼囊圆锥形,长6毫米;花瓣多少斜宽卵形,长2.5-3.5厘米,宽1.8-2.5厘米,先端钝,基部具短爪,全缘,具3条主脉和许多支脉;唇瓣宽卵形,长2.5-3.5厘米,宽2.2-3.2厘米,先端钝,基部两侧具紫红色条纹并且收狭为短爪,中部以下两侧围抱蕊柱,边缘具短的睫毛,两面密布短绒毛,唇盘中央具1个紫红色大斑块;蕊柱绿色,长5毫米,基部稍扩大,具绿色的蕊柱足;药帽紫红色,圆锥形,密布细乳突,前端边缘具不整齐的尖齿。花期4-5月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 25 Page 371, 381
Dendrobium nobile Lindley, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 79. 1830.
石斛 shi hu| Orchidaceae | Dendrobium
Callista nobilis (Lindley) Kuntze; Dendrobium coerulescens Wallich ex Lindley; D. formosanum (H. G. Reichenbach) Masamune; D. lindleyanum Griffith; D. nobile var. alboluteum Huyen & Averyanov; D. nobile var. formosanum H. G. Reichenbach; D. nobile f. nobilius (H. G. Reichenbach) M. Hiroe; D. nobile var. nobilius H. G. Reichenbach.
Stems erect, cylindric, 10-60 cm, stout, to 1.3 cm in diam., fleshy, base conspicuously contracted, unbranched, with many, sometimes slightly swollen, nodes, internodes 2-4 cm, golden yellow when dry. Leaves oblong, 6-11 × 1-3 cm, leathery, base with clasping sheath, apex obtuse and unequally bilobed. Inflorescences arising from old stems before or after leaves have fallen, 2-4 cm, 1-4-flowered; peduncle 5-15 mm; basal sheaths several, tubular; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, 6-13 mm, membranous, apex acuminate. Pedicel and ovary pale purple, 0.3-0.6 cm. Flowers large, all parts white, tinged with pale purple at apex, sometimes entirely pale purplish red, with purplish red striation on either side at base of lip, or lip disk with a central purplish red spot, sometimes white, column green, anther cap purplish red. Dorsal sepal oblong, 25-35 × 10-14 mm, 5-veined, apex obtuse; lateral sepals similar, 5-veined, base oblique, apex acute; mentum conic, ca. 6 mm. Petals ± obliquely broadly ovate, 25-35 × 18-25 cm, main veins 3, secondary veins many, base shortly clawed, margin entire, apex obtuse; lip broadly ovate, 25-35 × 22-32 mm, both surfaces densely pubescent, base shortly clawed, embracing column below middle, margin shortly ciliate, apex obtuse. Column ca. 5 mm, base slightly dilated; anther cap conic, densely finely papillate, front margin with irregular sharp teeth.
Epiphytic on tree trunks in mountain forests, lithophytic on rocks in mountain valleys; 500-1700 m. NE to W Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan (Baisha), Hong Kong, W Hubei (Yichang), S Sichuan, Taiwan, SE Xizang (Mêdog), Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, N Thailand, Vietnam].