泽漆Euphorbia helioscopia
中文名(Chinese Name):泽漆
学名(Scientific Name):Euphorbia helioscopia Linn.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):朵云,五灯草,五风草
异名(Synonym):Tithymalus helioscopius (L.) Hill Galarhoeus helioscopius (L.) Haw. Euphorbion helioscopium (L.) St.-Lag.
科属(Family & Genus):大戟科Euphorbiaceae大戟属Euphorbia
形态特征(Description):一年生草本。根纤细,长7-10厘米,直径3-5毫米,下部分枝。茎直立,单一或自基部多分枝,分枝斜展向上,高10-30 (50)厘米,直径3-5 (7)毫米,光滑无毛。叶互生,倒卵形或匙形,长1-3.5厘米,宽5-15毫米,先端具牙齿,中部以下渐狭或呈楔形;总苞叶5枚,倒卵状长圆形,长3-4厘米,宽8-14毫米,先端具牙齿,基部略渐狭,无柄;总伞幅5枚,长2-4厘米;苞叶2枚,卵圆形,先端具牙齿,基部呈圆形。花序单生,有柄或近无柄;总苞钟状,高约2.5毫米,直径约2毫米,光滑无毛,边缘5裂,裂片半圆形,边缘和内侧具柔毛;腺体4,盘状,中部内凹,基部具短柄,淡褐色。雄花数枚,明显伸出总苞外;雌花1枚,子房柄略伸出总苞边缘。蒴果三棱状阔圆形,光滑,无毛;具明显的三纵沟,长2.5-3.0 毫米,直径3-4.5毫米;成熟时分裂为3个分果爿。种子卵状,长约2毫米,直径约1.5毫米,暗褐色,具明显的脊网;种阜扁平状,无柄。花果期4-10月。
引自中国植物志英文版: FOC Vol. 11 Page 291, 301
Euphorbia helioscopia Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 459. 1753.
泽漆 ze qi| Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia
Herbs, usually annual, erect or ascending, 10-30(-50) cm tall. Root fibrous, 7-10 cm × 3-5 mm, branched. Stems single or with ascending branches from near base, 3-5(-7) mm thick, sometimes slightly fistulose, smooth and glabrous. Leaves alternate; stipules absent; petiole absent or nearly so; leaf blade obovate to spoon-shaped, 1-3.5 × 0.5-1.5 cm, base cuneate, margin dentate, apex rounded. Inflorescence a compound pseudumbel, usually rather compact; primary involucral leaves 5, yellowish green, obovate-oblong, 3-4 × 0.8-1.4 cm, margin dentate, base attenuate, primary rays 5, to 2-4 cm, progressively shorter; cyathophylls 2, obovate, base rounded, margin dentate, apex rounded. Cyathium subsessile; involucre campanulate, ca. 2.5 × 2 mm, smooth and glabrous, lobes rounded, pilose at margin and inside; glands 4, pale brown, disklike, shortly stalked, shallowly concave. Male flowers many, exserted from involucre. Female flower: ovary slightly reaching margin of cup. Capsule trigonous-terete, 2.5-3 × 3-4.5 mm, with 3 vertical furrows, conspicuous, smooth, glabrous. Seeds ovoid, ca. 2 × 1.5 mm, dark brown, reticulately wrinkled; caruncle compressed, sessile. Fl. and fr. Apr-Oct. 2n = 42*.
Fields, roadsides, scrub, margins of mixed forests. Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [widely spread in N Africa, Asia, and Europe; introduced to North America].
This species is used medicinally.
Euphorbia helioscopia is a widespread and variable species and several subspecies have been proposed. Chinese material all belongs to subsp. helioscopia.

学名(Scientific Name):Euphorbia helioscopia Linn.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):朵云,五灯草,五风草
异名(Synonym):Tithymalus helioscopius (L.) Hill Galarhoeus helioscopius (L.) Haw. Euphorbion helioscopium (L.) St.-Lag.
科属(Family & Genus):大戟科Euphorbiaceae大戟属Euphorbia
形态特征(Description):一年生草本。根纤细,长7-10厘米,直径3-5毫米,下部分枝。茎直立,单一或自基部多分枝,分枝斜展向上,高10-30 (50)厘米,直径3-5 (7)毫米,光滑无毛。叶互生,倒卵形或匙形,长1-3.5厘米,宽5-15毫米,先端具牙齿,中部以下渐狭或呈楔形;总苞叶5枚,倒卵状长圆形,长3-4厘米,宽8-14毫米,先端具牙齿,基部略渐狭,无柄;总伞幅5枚,长2-4厘米;苞叶2枚,卵圆形,先端具牙齿,基部呈圆形。花序单生,有柄或近无柄;总苞钟状,高约2.5毫米,直径约2毫米,光滑无毛,边缘5裂,裂片半圆形,边缘和内侧具柔毛;腺体4,盘状,中部内凹,基部具短柄,淡褐色。雄花数枚,明显伸出总苞外;雌花1枚,子房柄略伸出总苞边缘。蒴果三棱状阔圆形,光滑,无毛;具明显的三纵沟,长2.5-3.0 毫米,直径3-4.5毫米;成熟时分裂为3个分果爿。种子卵状,长约2毫米,直径约1.5毫米,暗褐色,具明显的脊网;种阜扁平状,无柄。花果期4-10月。
引自中国植物志英文版: FOC Vol. 11 Page 291, 301
Euphorbia helioscopia Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 459. 1753.
泽漆 ze qi| Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia
Herbs, usually annual, erect or ascending, 10-30(-50) cm tall. Root fibrous, 7-10 cm × 3-5 mm, branched. Stems single or with ascending branches from near base, 3-5(-7) mm thick, sometimes slightly fistulose, smooth and glabrous. Leaves alternate; stipules absent; petiole absent or nearly so; leaf blade obovate to spoon-shaped, 1-3.5 × 0.5-1.5 cm, base cuneate, margin dentate, apex rounded. Inflorescence a compound pseudumbel, usually rather compact; primary involucral leaves 5, yellowish green, obovate-oblong, 3-4 × 0.8-1.4 cm, margin dentate, base attenuate, primary rays 5, to 2-4 cm, progressively shorter; cyathophylls 2, obovate, base rounded, margin dentate, apex rounded. Cyathium subsessile; involucre campanulate, ca. 2.5 × 2 mm, smooth and glabrous, lobes rounded, pilose at margin and inside; glands 4, pale brown, disklike, shortly stalked, shallowly concave. Male flowers many, exserted from involucre. Female flower: ovary slightly reaching margin of cup. Capsule trigonous-terete, 2.5-3 × 3-4.5 mm, with 3 vertical furrows, conspicuous, smooth, glabrous. Seeds ovoid, ca. 2 × 1.5 mm, dark brown, reticulately wrinkled; caruncle compressed, sessile. Fl. and fr. Apr-Oct. 2n = 42*.
Fields, roadsides, scrub, margins of mixed forests. Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [widely spread in N Africa, Asia, and Europe; introduced to North America].
This species is used medicinally.
Euphorbia helioscopia is a widespread and variable species and several subspecies have been proposed. Chinese material all belongs to subsp. helioscopia.