锈毛莓Rubus reflexus
中文名(Chinese Name):锈毛莓
学名(Scientific Name):Rubus reflexus Ker
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):蛇包勒、大叶蛇勒
科属(Family & Genus):蔷薇科(Rosaceae)悬钩子属
形态特征(Description):攀援灌木,高达2米。枝被锈色绒毛状毛,有稀疏小皮刺。单叶,心状长卵形,长7- 14厘米,宽5-11厘米,上面无毛或沿叶脉疏生柔毛,有明显皱纹,下面密被锈色绒毛,沿 叶脉有长柔毛,边缘3-5裂,有不整齐的粗锯齿或重锯齿,基部心形,顶生裂片长大,披针 形或卵状披针形,比侧生裂片长很多,裂片顶端钝或近急尖;叶柄长2.5-5厘米,被绒毛 并有稀疏小皮刺;托叶宽倒卵形,长宽各约1-1.4厘米,被长柔毛,梳齿状或不规则掌状 分裂,裂片披针形或线状披针形。花数朵团集生于叶腋或成顶生短总状花序;总花梗和花 梗密被锈色长柔毛;花梗很短,长3-6毫米;苞片与托叶相似;花直径1-1.5厘米;花萼 外密被锈色长柔毛和绒毛;萼片卵圆形,外萼片顶端常掌状分裂,裂片披针形,内萼片常全,缘;花瓣长圆形至近圆形,白色,与萼片近等长;雄蕊短,花丝宽扁,花药无毛或顶端有毛; 雌蕊无毛。果实近球形,深红色;核有皱纹。花期6-7月,果期8-9月。
分布(Distribution):产江西、湖南、浙江、福建、台湾、广东、广西。生山坡、山谷灌丛或疏林中,海拔300- 1000米。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 9 Page 259
Rubus reflexus Ker Gawler, Bot. Reg. 6: 461. 1820.
锈毛莓 xiu mao mei | Rosaceae | Rubus
Shrubs scandent, to 2 m tall. Branchlets brown to dark reddish brown, rust colored tomentose, with sparse, minute prickles. Leaves simple; petiole 2.5–5 cm, tomentose-villous, with sparse, minute prickles; stipules broadly obovate, 1–1.4(–2.5) × 0.9–1.3 cm, villous, margin pectinately or irregularly palmately lobed, lobes lanceolate or linear-lanceolate; blade narrowly or broadly ovate to suborbicular, 7–14(–20) × 5–11(–19) cm, abaxially rust colored tomentose, with long hairs along veins, adaxially glabrous or sparsely soft hairy along veins, prominently rugose, base cordate, margin 3–5(–7)-lobed or -parted; terminal lobe longer, larger, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, much longer than or nearly as long as lateral lobes, margin unevenly coarsely serrate to doubly serrate, apex obtuse or acute. Inflorescences terminal, short subracemes, 5–8 cm, or flowers several in clusters in leaf axils; rachis and pedicels rusty villous; bracts obovate, 6–12 × 7–11 mm, villous, pectinately or palmately lobed; lobes linear or linear-lanceolate. Pedicel 3–6 mm. Flowers 1–1.5 cm in diam. Calyx abaxially densely rusty villous; sepals ovate-orbicular or ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, 6–8 × 4–7 mm, outer sepals apically often palmately lobed; lobes lanceolate, inner sepals entire, margin tomentose. Petals white, oblong to suborbicular, nearly as long as sepals, glabrous, base shortly clawed. Stamens shorter than petals; filaments broad, complanate; anthers glabrous or apically hairy. Pistils longer than stamens, glabrous. Aggregate fruit dark red, subglobose, 7–10 mm in diam.; pyrenes rugose. Fl. Jun–Jul, fr. Aug–Sep.
Mountainous regions, slopes, sparse forests, thickets, valleys, stream sides, moist places, near water courses; 300--1500 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang.
![锈毛莓Rubus reflexus 锈毛莓Rubus reflexus](/uploads/allimg/180701/2-1PF1094259263.JPG)
![锈毛莓Rubus reflexus 锈毛莓Rubus reflexus](/uploads/allimg/180701/2-1PF1094003921.JPG)
![锈毛莓Rubus reflexus 锈毛莓Rubus reflexus](/uploads/allimg/180701/2-1PF10943094C.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Rubus reflexus Ker
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):蛇包勒、大叶蛇勒
科属(Family & Genus):蔷薇科(Rosaceae)悬钩子属
形态特征(Description):攀援灌木,高达2米。枝被锈色绒毛状毛,有稀疏小皮刺。单叶,心状长卵形,长7- 14厘米,宽5-11厘米,上面无毛或沿叶脉疏生柔毛,有明显皱纹,下面密被锈色绒毛,沿 叶脉有长柔毛,边缘3-5裂,有不整齐的粗锯齿或重锯齿,基部心形,顶生裂片长大,披针 形或卵状披针形,比侧生裂片长很多,裂片顶端钝或近急尖;叶柄长2.5-5厘米,被绒毛 并有稀疏小皮刺;托叶宽倒卵形,长宽各约1-1.4厘米,被长柔毛,梳齿状或不规则掌状 分裂,裂片披针形或线状披针形。花数朵团集生于叶腋或成顶生短总状花序;总花梗和花 梗密被锈色长柔毛;花梗很短,长3-6毫米;苞片与托叶相似;花直径1-1.5厘米;花萼 外密被锈色长柔毛和绒毛;萼片卵圆形,外萼片顶端常掌状分裂,裂片披针形,内萼片常全,缘;花瓣长圆形至近圆形,白色,与萼片近等长;雄蕊短,花丝宽扁,花药无毛或顶端有毛; 雌蕊无毛。果实近球形,深红色;核有皱纹。花期6-7月,果期8-9月。
分布(Distribution):产江西、湖南、浙江、福建、台湾、广东、广西。生山坡、山谷灌丛或疏林中,海拔300- 1000米。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 9 Page 259
Rubus reflexus Ker Gawler, Bot. Reg. 6: 461. 1820.
锈毛莓 xiu mao mei | Rosaceae | Rubus
Shrubs scandent, to 2 m tall. Branchlets brown to dark reddish brown, rust colored tomentose, with sparse, minute prickles. Leaves simple; petiole 2.5–5 cm, tomentose-villous, with sparse, minute prickles; stipules broadly obovate, 1–1.4(–2.5) × 0.9–1.3 cm, villous, margin pectinately or irregularly palmately lobed, lobes lanceolate or linear-lanceolate; blade narrowly or broadly ovate to suborbicular, 7–14(–20) × 5–11(–19) cm, abaxially rust colored tomentose, with long hairs along veins, adaxially glabrous or sparsely soft hairy along veins, prominently rugose, base cordate, margin 3–5(–7)-lobed or -parted; terminal lobe longer, larger, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, much longer than or nearly as long as lateral lobes, margin unevenly coarsely serrate to doubly serrate, apex obtuse or acute. Inflorescences terminal, short subracemes, 5–8 cm, or flowers several in clusters in leaf axils; rachis and pedicels rusty villous; bracts obovate, 6–12 × 7–11 mm, villous, pectinately or palmately lobed; lobes linear or linear-lanceolate. Pedicel 3–6 mm. Flowers 1–1.5 cm in diam. Calyx abaxially densely rusty villous; sepals ovate-orbicular or ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, 6–8 × 4–7 mm, outer sepals apically often palmately lobed; lobes lanceolate, inner sepals entire, margin tomentose. Petals white, oblong to suborbicular, nearly as long as sepals, glabrous, base shortly clawed. Stamens shorter than petals; filaments broad, complanate; anthers glabrous or apically hairy. Pistils longer than stamens, glabrous. Aggregate fruit dark red, subglobose, 7–10 mm in diam.; pyrenes rugose. Fl. Jun–Jul, fr. Aug–Sep.
Mountainous regions, slopes, sparse forests, thickets, valleys, stream sides, moist places, near water courses; 300--1500 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang.