秃疮花Dicranostigma leptopodum
中文名(Chinese Name):秃疮花
学名(Scientific Name):Dicranostigma leptopodum (Maxim.) Fedde
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):秃子花、勒马回
异名(Synonym):Chelidonium franchetianum Prain Dicranostigma franchetianum (Prain) Fedde Chelidonium leptopodum Prain Glaucium leptopodum Maxim.
科属(Family & Genus):罂粟科(Papaveraceae)秃疮花属
形态特征(Description):通常为多年生草本,高25-80厘米,全体含淡黄色液汁,被短柔毛,稀无毛。主根圆柱形。茎多,绿色,具粉,上部具多数等高的分枝。基生叶丛生,叶片狭倒披针形,长10-15厘米,宽2-4厘米,羽状深裂,裂片4-6对,再次羽状深裂或浅裂,小裂片先端渐尖,顶端小裂片3浅裂,表面绿色,背面灰绿色,疏被白色短柔毛;叶柄条形,长2-5厘米,疏被白色短柔毛,具数条纵纹;茎生叶少数,生于茎上部,长1-7厘米,羽状深裂、浅裂或二回羽状深裂,裂片具疏齿,先端三角状渐尖;无柄。花1-5朵于茎和分枝先端排列成聚伞花序;花梗长2-2.5厘米,无毛;具苞片。花芽宽卵形,长约1厘米;萼片卵形.长0.6-1厘米,先端渐尖成距,距末明显扩大成匙形,无毛或被短柔毛;花瓣倒卵形至回形,长1-1.6厘米,宽1-1.3厘米,黄色;雄蕊多数, 花丝丝状,长3-4毫米,花药长圆形,长1.5-2毫米,黄色;子房狭圆柱形,长约6毫米.绿色,密被疣状短毛,花柱短,柱头2裂,直立。蒴果线形,长4-7.5厘米,粗约2毫米,绿色,无毛,2瓣自顶端开裂至近基部。种子卵珠形,长约0.5毫米,红棕色,具网纹。花期3-5月,果期6-7月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 7 Page 281, 282
Dicranostigma leptopodum (Maximowicz) Fedde, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 36(Beibl. 82): 45. 1905.
秃疮花 tu chuang hua| Papaveraceae | Dicranostigma
Glaucium leptopodum Maximowicz, Mélanges Biol. Bull. P hys.-Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg 9: 714. 1876; Chelidonium franchetianum Prain; C. leptopodum (Maximowicz) Prain; Dicranostigma franchetianum (Prain) Fedde.
Herbs, biennial to short-lived perennial, 25-80(-100) cm tall, throughout yellow lactiferous, shortly pubescent, rarely glabrous. Taproot terete. Stems many, green, glaucous, apex with many equal branches. Basal leaves in a rosette; petiole strip-form, 2-5 cm, sparsely shortly white pubescent, several striate; blade pale green abaxially, green adaxially, narrowly oblanceolate, 10-15 × 2-4 cm, sparsely shortly white pubescent, pinnatipartite; lobes 4-6 pairs, pinnatipartite or pinnatilobate again; lobules apically acuminate, apical lobules 3-lobed. Cauline leaves few at stem apices, sessile, 1-7 cm, pinnatipartite, pinnatilobate, or bipinnatipartite; lobes sparsely serrate, apex deltoid-acuminate. Flowers in cymes of 2-5, sometimes solitary. Pedicel 2-2.5 cm, glabrous, bracteate. Flower buds broadly ovoid, ca. 1 cm. Sepals ovate, 0.6-1 cm, apically acuminate to shortly horned, spur end obviously ampliate spatulate, glabrous or shortly pubescent. Petals slightly overlapping, yellow, obovate to orbicular, 10-20 × 10-13 mm, undulate. Stamens many; filaments 3-4 mm; anthers yellow, oblong, 1.5-2 mm. Ovary green, narrowly terete, ca. 6 mm, densely verrucose-pubescent; styles erect, short; stigmas 2-divided. Capsule green, linear, 4-7.5 cm × ca. 2 mm, glabrous, 2-valvate from apex almost to base. Seeds rufous, ovoid, ca. 0.5 mm, tessellate. Fl. Mar-Jul, fr. Jun-Sep. 2n = 12*.
● Grassy slopes and roadsides, field ridges, corners of walls, housetops, rocky embankments; 400-2900(-3700) m. S to SE Gansu, SW Hebei, NW Henan, E Qinghai, Shaanxi (N Qin Ling), S Shanxi, NW and W Sichuan, N Xizang, NW Yunnan.
One of us (Grey-Wilson) notes that typical Dicranostigma leptopodum is a rather small plant (25-50 cm tall) with petals rarely more than 14 mm. The status of D. franchetianum is unclear and requires further investigation; plants are generally more robust than D. leptopodum (to 1 m) and bear larger flowers, with petals 15-20 mm. However, the two taxa appear to be linked by intermediates. In cultivation, D. franchetianum behaves as an annual.
The status of Dicranostigma henanense S. Y. Wang & L. H. Wu (Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 17: 43. 1997, "henanensis"), described from Henan, is uncertain and requires further investigation. It will probably prove to be a form of the very variable D. leptopodum.
![秃疮花Dicranostigma leptopodum 秃疮花Dicranostigma leptopodum](/uploads/allimg/131029/2-131029143040548.JPG)
![秃疮花Dicranostigma leptopodum 秃疮花Dicranostigma leptopodum](/uploads/allimg/131029/2-13102914304D22.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Dicranostigma leptopodum (Maxim.) Fedde
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):秃子花、勒马回
异名(Synonym):Chelidonium franchetianum Prain Dicranostigma franchetianum (Prain) Fedde Chelidonium leptopodum Prain Glaucium leptopodum Maxim.
科属(Family & Genus):罂粟科(Papaveraceae)秃疮花属
形态特征(Description):通常为多年生草本,高25-80厘米,全体含淡黄色液汁,被短柔毛,稀无毛。主根圆柱形。茎多,绿色,具粉,上部具多数等高的分枝。基生叶丛生,叶片狭倒披针形,长10-15厘米,宽2-4厘米,羽状深裂,裂片4-6对,再次羽状深裂或浅裂,小裂片先端渐尖,顶端小裂片3浅裂,表面绿色,背面灰绿色,疏被白色短柔毛;叶柄条形,长2-5厘米,疏被白色短柔毛,具数条纵纹;茎生叶少数,生于茎上部,长1-7厘米,羽状深裂、浅裂或二回羽状深裂,裂片具疏齿,先端三角状渐尖;无柄。花1-5朵于茎和分枝先端排列成聚伞花序;花梗长2-2.5厘米,无毛;具苞片。花芽宽卵形,长约1厘米;萼片卵形.长0.6-1厘米,先端渐尖成距,距末明显扩大成匙形,无毛或被短柔毛;花瓣倒卵形至回形,长1-1.6厘米,宽1-1.3厘米,黄色;雄蕊多数, 花丝丝状,长3-4毫米,花药长圆形,长1.5-2毫米,黄色;子房狭圆柱形,长约6毫米.绿色,密被疣状短毛,花柱短,柱头2裂,直立。蒴果线形,长4-7.5厘米,粗约2毫米,绿色,无毛,2瓣自顶端开裂至近基部。种子卵珠形,长约0.5毫米,红棕色,具网纹。花期3-5月,果期6-7月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 7 Page 281, 282
Dicranostigma leptopodum (Maximowicz) Fedde, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 36(Beibl. 82): 45. 1905.
秃疮花 tu chuang hua| Papaveraceae | Dicranostigma
Glaucium leptopodum Maximowicz, Mélanges Biol. Bull. P hys.-Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg 9: 714. 1876; Chelidonium franchetianum Prain; C. leptopodum (Maximowicz) Prain; Dicranostigma franchetianum (Prain) Fedde.
Herbs, biennial to short-lived perennial, 25-80(-100) cm tall, throughout yellow lactiferous, shortly pubescent, rarely glabrous. Taproot terete. Stems many, green, glaucous, apex with many equal branches. Basal leaves in a rosette; petiole strip-form, 2-5 cm, sparsely shortly white pubescent, several striate; blade pale green abaxially, green adaxially, narrowly oblanceolate, 10-15 × 2-4 cm, sparsely shortly white pubescent, pinnatipartite; lobes 4-6 pairs, pinnatipartite or pinnatilobate again; lobules apically acuminate, apical lobules 3-lobed. Cauline leaves few at stem apices, sessile, 1-7 cm, pinnatipartite, pinnatilobate, or bipinnatipartite; lobes sparsely serrate, apex deltoid-acuminate. Flowers in cymes of 2-5, sometimes solitary. Pedicel 2-2.5 cm, glabrous, bracteate. Flower buds broadly ovoid, ca. 1 cm. Sepals ovate, 0.6-1 cm, apically acuminate to shortly horned, spur end obviously ampliate spatulate, glabrous or shortly pubescent. Petals slightly overlapping, yellow, obovate to orbicular, 10-20 × 10-13 mm, undulate. Stamens many; filaments 3-4 mm; anthers yellow, oblong, 1.5-2 mm. Ovary green, narrowly terete, ca. 6 mm, densely verrucose-pubescent; styles erect, short; stigmas 2-divided. Capsule green, linear, 4-7.5 cm × ca. 2 mm, glabrous, 2-valvate from apex almost to base. Seeds rufous, ovoid, ca. 0.5 mm, tessellate. Fl. Mar-Jul, fr. Jun-Sep. 2n = 12*.
● Grassy slopes and roadsides, field ridges, corners of walls, housetops, rocky embankments; 400-2900(-3700) m. S to SE Gansu, SW Hebei, NW Henan, E Qinghai, Shaanxi (N Qin Ling), S Shanxi, NW and W Sichuan, N Xizang, NW Yunnan.
One of us (Grey-Wilson) notes that typical Dicranostigma leptopodum is a rather small plant (25-50 cm tall) with petals rarely more than 14 mm. The status of D. franchetianum is unclear and requires further investigation; plants are generally more robust than D. leptopodum (to 1 m) and bear larger flowers, with petals 15-20 mm. However, the two taxa appear to be linked by intermediates. In cultivation, D. franchetianum behaves as an annual.
The status of Dicranostigma henanense S. Y. Wang & L. H. Wu (Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 17: 43. 1997, "henanensis"), described from Henan, is uncertain and requires further investigation. It will probably prove to be a form of the very variable D. leptopodum.