草珊瑚Sarcandra glabra
中文名(Chinese Name):草珊瑚
学名(Scientific Name):Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) Nakai
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):九节茶、九节兰
异名(Synonym):Chloranthus esquirolii H. Lév. Chloranthus denticulatus Cordem. Chloranthus glaber (Thunb.) Makino Sarcandra chloranthoides Gardner Ardisia glabra (Thunb.) A. DC. Bladhia glabra Thunb.
科属(Family & Genus):金粟兰科(Chloranthaceae)草珊瑚属
形态特征(Description):常绿半灌木,高50-120厘米;茎与枝均有膨大的节。叶革质,椭圆形、卵形至卵状披针形,长6-17厘米,宽2-6厘米,顶端渐尖,基部尖或楔形,边缘具粗锐锯齿,齿尖有一腺体,两面均无毛;叶柄长0.5-1.5厘米,基部合生成鞘状;托叶钻形。穗状花序顶生,通常分枝,多少成圆锥花序状,连总花梗长1.5-4厘米;苞片三角形;花黄绿色;雄蕊1枚,肉质,棒状至圆柱状,花药2室,生于药隔上部之两侧,侧向或有时内向; 子房球形或卵形,无花柱,柱头近头状。核果球形,直径3-4毫米,熟时亮红色。花期6月,果期8-10月。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 4 Page 132
Sarcandra glabra (Thunberg) Nakai, Fl. Sylv. Kor. 18: 17. 1930.
草珊瑚 cao shan hu| Chloranthaceae | Sarcandra
Bladhia glabra Thunberg, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 2: 331. 1794; Ardisia glabra (Thunberg) de Candolle; Chloranthus glaber (Thunberg) Makino.
Subshrubs, evergreen, 50-150 cm tall. Stems cylindric, erect, glabrous, nodes swollen. Stipules subulate; petioles 0.5-2 cm; leaf blade elliptic or ovate to ovate-lanceolate, or broadly elliptic to oblong, 6-20 × 2-8 cm, leathery or papery, glandular mucronate on marginal teeth, glabrous, base acute, cuneate, or broadly cuneate, margin sharply coarsely-serrate or dully serrate except basally, apex acute to acuminate; lateral veins 5-7, slightly prominent on both surfaces. Inflorescences terminal, usually branched, ± in spikes, 1.5-4 cm with peduncles; bracts triangular or ovate. Flowers yellowish green. Stamen 1, fleshy, baculate to terete or ovoid; anther 2-loculed, thecae lateral or sometimes introrse, on both sides of apical part of connective or nearly as long as connective. Ovary globose or ovoid; style absent; stigma subcapitate or minutely spotted. Drupes green when young, shiny red or yellowish red at maturity, globose (3-4 mm in diam.) or ovoid (ca. 4 mm). 2n = 30*.
Forests, thickets, valleys, ravines, slopes, roadsides, trailsides, grasslands, swamps, streamsides, sandy soil; near sea level to 2000 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Cambodia, India, Japan (including Ryukyu Islands), Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, N Thailand, Vietnam]
Used medicinally and for tea.