天目金粟兰Chloranthus tianmushanensis
中文名(Chinese Name):天目金粟兰
学名(Scientific Name): Chloranthus tianmushanensis K. F. Wu
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
科属(Family & Genus):金粟兰科(Chloranthaceae)金粟兰属
形态特征(Description):多年生、无毛草本,高20-26厘米,根状茎具多数淡黄色须根;茎直立,单生或数个丛生,有6-7个明显的节,节间长0.6-3.5厘米,下部节上对生2片鳞状叶,后期脱落。叶对生,6片生于茎上部,纸质,长圆形或宽椭圆形,长5-8厘米,宽3-5.5厘米,顶端突尖,基部阔楔形至钝圆,边缘具锯齿,齿端有一腺体;侧脉5-7对; 叶柄长1-2厘米;鳞状叶膜质,宽卵形;托叶钻形。穗状花序从茎顶抽出,单一或二叉分枝,连总花梗长2.8-4厘米;苞片宽卵形;花白色;雄蕊3枚,3/4以下合生,着生于子房上部外侧,中央雄蕊有1个2室的花药,两侧雄蕊花药1室(偶有2室);药隔长圆形,中央药隔长约2毫米,与侧药隔等长或略长,药室在药隔中部;雌蕊具长4-7毫米的雌蕊柄;子房卵形,无花柱,柱头头状。果未见。花期5-6月。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 4 Page 136
Chloranthus tianmushanensis K. F. Wu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 221. 1980.
天目金粟兰 tian mu jin su lan | Chloranthaceae | Chloranthus
Herbs perennial, 20-26 cm high, glabrous. Rhizomes with many pale yellow, fibrous roots. Stems erect, 1 or several in a fascicle, with 6 or 7 conspicuous nodes; internodes 0.6-3.5 cm, basal nodes with 1 pair of scalelike leaves. Scalelike leaves opposite, ovate, membranous, late deciduous. Leaves opposite, 6 on apical part of stems; stipules subulate; petiole 1-2 cm; leaf blade oblong or broadly elliptic, 5-8 × 3-5.5 cm, papery, glandular mucronate, base broadly cuneate to obtuse, margin serrate, apex acute; lateral veins 5-7 pairs. Spikes at stem apex, dichotomously branched or unbranched, 2.8-4 cm with peduncles; bracts ovate. Flowers white. Stamens 3, basal 3/4 connate, on outside of apical part of ovary; connectives oblong; central connective ca. 2 mm, nearly as long as lateral connectives or slightly longer, with a 2-loculed anther; lateral connectives with a 1(or 2)-loculed anther each; thecae at middle of connectives. Pistil with gynophore 4-7 mm; ovary ovoid; style absent; stigma capitate. Fruit unknown. Fl. May-Jun.
* Wet places in forests; circa 1100 m. Zhejiang