长叶轮钟草Cyclocodon lancifolius
中文名(Chinese Name):长叶轮钟草
学名(Scientific Name):Cyclocodon lancifolius (Roxb.) Kurz
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):肉算盘、山荸荠、轮钟花
异名(Synonym):Campanumoea lancifolia (Roxb.) Merr.;Campanumoea axillaris Oliv.;Codonopsis albiflora Griff.;Codonopsis lancifolia (Roxb.) Moeliono;Cyclocodon truncatum (Wall. ex A. DC.) Hook. f. et Thomson
科属(Family & Genus):桔梗科(Campanulaceae)轮钟草属Cyclocodon
形态特征(Description):直立或蔓性草本,有乳汁(?),通常全部无毛。茎高可达3米,中空,分枝多而长,平展或下垂。叶对生,偶有3枚轮生的,具短柄,叶片卵形,卵状披针形至披针形,长6-15厘米,宽1-5厘米,顶端渐尖,边缘具细尖齿,锯齿或圆齿。花通常单朵顶生兼腋生,有时3朵组成聚伞花序,花梗或花序梗长1-10厘米,花梗中上部或在花基部有一对丝状小苞片。花萼仅贴生至子房下部,裂片 (4-) 5 (-7) 枚,相互间远离,丝状或条形,边缘有分枝状细长齿;花冠白色或淡红色,管状钟形,长约1厘米,5-6裂至中部,裂片卵形至卵状三角形;雄蕊5-6枚,花丝与花药等长,花丝基部宽而成片状,其边缘具长毛,花柱有或无毛,柱头 (4) 5-6裂;子房 (4) 5-6室。浆果球状, (4) 5-6室,熟时紫黑色,直径5-10毫米。种子极多数,呈多角体。花期7-10月。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 19 Page 527
Cyclocodon lancifolius (Roxburgh) Kurz, Flora. 55: 303. 1872.
轮钟花 lun zhong hua| Campanulaceae | Cyclocodon
Campanula lancifolia Roxburgh, Fl. Ind. 2: 96. 1824; Campanumoea axillaris Oliver; C. lancifolia (Roxburgh) Merrill; C. truncata (Wallich ex A. Candolle) Diels; Codonopsis lancifolia (Roxburgh) Moeliono; C. truncata Wallich ex A. Candolle; Cyclocodon truncatus (Wallich ex A. Candolle) J. D. Hooker & Thomson.
Herbs, (perennial or annual), erect or ascending, sometimes lignified at base, usually glabrous throughout. Stems up to 3 m tall, hollow; branches multiple, horizontal or pendulous. Leaves opposite, rarely in whorls of 3, shortly petiolate; blade ovate or ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, 6-15 × 1-5 cm, margin serrate, dentate, or crenate, apex acuminate. Flowers usually solitary, terminal, or both terminal and axillary, sometimes in a cyme of 3; pedicels or peduncles 1-10 cm, with a pair of filiform bracteoles at middle to top. Calyx adnate to ovary up to lower part of ovary; lobes (4 or)5(-7), filiform or linear, margins with ramiform teeth. Corolla white or pale red, tubular-campanulate, 7-12 mm, 5- or 6-cleft to middle; lobes ovate to ovate-triangular. Stamens 5 or 6; filaments equal to anthers in length, base dilated into lamellar part, margins villous-ciliate. Style glabrous or hairy; stigma (4 or)5- or 6-fid; ovary (4 or)5- or 6-locular. Berry purple-black when mature, globose, (4 or)5- or 6-locular, 5-10 mm in diam. Seeds extremely numerous, subglabrous. Fl. and fr. Jul-Nov.
Forests, thickets, grasslands; below 1500 m. Chongqing, S Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, SW Hubei, S and W Hunan, S Jiangxi (Quannan), Sichuan, Taiwan, SE Yunnan [Bangladesh, Cambodia, NE India, Indonesia, Japan (including Ryukyu Islands), Laos, Philippines, Vietnam].