牯岭勾儿茶Berchemia kulingensis
中文名(Chinese Name):牯岭勾儿茶
学名(Scientific Name):Berchemia kulingensis Schneid.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):熊柳,青藤,勾儿茶,小叶勾儿茶
科属(Family & Genus):鼠李科Rhamnaceae勾儿茶属Berchemia
形态特征(Description):藤状或攀援灌木,高达3米;小枝平展,变黄色,无毛,后变淡褐色。叶纸质,卵状椭圆形或卵状矩圆形,长2-6.5厘米,宽1.5-3.5厘米,顶端钝圆或锐尖,具小尖头,基部圆形或近心形,两面无毛,上面绿色,下面干时常灰绿色,侧脉每边7-9 (10)条,叶脉在两面稍凸起;叶柄长6-10毫米,无毛;托叶披针形,长约3毫米,基部合生。花绿色,无毛,通常2-3个簇生排成近无梗或具短总梗的疏散聚伞总状花序,或稀窄聚伞圆锥花序,花序长3-5厘米,无毛;粒梗长2-3毫米,无毛;花芽圆球形,顶端收缩成渐尖;萼片三角形,顶端渐尖,边缘被疏缘毛;花瓣倒卵形,稍长。核果长圆柱形,长7-9毫米,直径3.5-4毫采,红色,成熟时黑紫色,基部宿存的花盘盘状;果梗长2-4毫米,无毛。花期6-7月,果期翌年4-6月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 12 Page 124, 126
Berchemia kulingensis C. K. Schneider in Sargent, Pl. Wilson. 2: 216. 1914.
牯岭勾儿茶 gu ling gou er cha| Rhamnaceae | Berchemia
Shrubs scandent or climbing, to 3 m tall. Branchlets spreading, yellow, turning pale brown, glabrous. Stipules lanceolate, ca. 3 mm, basally connate; petiole 6-10 mm, glabrous; leaf blade abaxially grayish green when dry, adaxially green, ovate-elliptic or ovate-oblong, 2-6.5 × 1.5-3.5 cm, papery, both surfaces glabrous, lateral veins 7-9(or 10) pairs, veins slightly prominent on both surfaces, base rounded or subcordate, apex obtuse-rounded or acute, mucronulate. Inflorescences 3-5 cm, glabrous. Flowers green, glabrous, usually 2- or 3-fascicled in subsessile or shortly pedunculate lax cymose racemes, rarely narrowly cymose panicles. Pedicels 2-3 mm, glabrous. Sepals triangular, margin ciliate, apex acuminate. Petals obovate. Drupe red when young, black-purple at maturity, narrowly cylindric, 7-9 mm, 3.5-4 mm in diam., with persistent cup-shaped disk at base; fruiting pedicel 2-3 mm, glabrous. Fl. Jun-Jul, fr. Apr-Jun of following year.
● Forests in valleys, forest margins, thickets; 300-2200 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang.
The roots are used medicinally.
This species is quite similar to Berchemia polyphylla var. leioclada, but the latter differs in having shorter, pubescent petioles and fruit that matures within the same year.

学名(Scientific Name):Berchemia kulingensis Schneid.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):熊柳,青藤,勾儿茶,小叶勾儿茶
科属(Family & Genus):鼠李科Rhamnaceae勾儿茶属Berchemia
形态特征(Description):藤状或攀援灌木,高达3米;小枝平展,变黄色,无毛,后变淡褐色。叶纸质,卵状椭圆形或卵状矩圆形,长2-6.5厘米,宽1.5-3.5厘米,顶端钝圆或锐尖,具小尖头,基部圆形或近心形,两面无毛,上面绿色,下面干时常灰绿色,侧脉每边7-9 (10)条,叶脉在两面稍凸起;叶柄长6-10毫米,无毛;托叶披针形,长约3毫米,基部合生。花绿色,无毛,通常2-3个簇生排成近无梗或具短总梗的疏散聚伞总状花序,或稀窄聚伞圆锥花序,花序长3-5厘米,无毛;粒梗长2-3毫米,无毛;花芽圆球形,顶端收缩成渐尖;萼片三角形,顶端渐尖,边缘被疏缘毛;花瓣倒卵形,稍长。核果长圆柱形,长7-9毫米,直径3.5-4毫采,红色,成熟时黑紫色,基部宿存的花盘盘状;果梗长2-4毫米,无毛。花期6-7月,果期翌年4-6月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 12 Page 124, 126
Berchemia kulingensis C. K. Schneider in Sargent, Pl. Wilson. 2: 216. 1914.
牯岭勾儿茶 gu ling gou er cha| Rhamnaceae | Berchemia
Shrubs scandent or climbing, to 3 m tall. Branchlets spreading, yellow, turning pale brown, glabrous. Stipules lanceolate, ca. 3 mm, basally connate; petiole 6-10 mm, glabrous; leaf blade abaxially grayish green when dry, adaxially green, ovate-elliptic or ovate-oblong, 2-6.5 × 1.5-3.5 cm, papery, both surfaces glabrous, lateral veins 7-9(or 10) pairs, veins slightly prominent on both surfaces, base rounded or subcordate, apex obtuse-rounded or acute, mucronulate. Inflorescences 3-5 cm, glabrous. Flowers green, glabrous, usually 2- or 3-fascicled in subsessile or shortly pedunculate lax cymose racemes, rarely narrowly cymose panicles. Pedicels 2-3 mm, glabrous. Sepals triangular, margin ciliate, apex acuminate. Petals obovate. Drupe red when young, black-purple at maturity, narrowly cylindric, 7-9 mm, 3.5-4 mm in diam., with persistent cup-shaped disk at base; fruiting pedicel 2-3 mm, glabrous. Fl. Jun-Jul, fr. Apr-Jun of following year.
● Forests in valleys, forest margins, thickets; 300-2200 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang.
The roots are used medicinally.
This species is quite similar to Berchemia polyphylla var. leioclada, but the latter differs in having shorter, pubescent petioles and fruit that matures within the same year.