华南谷精草Eriocaulon sexangulare
中文名(Chinese Name):华南谷精草
学名(Scientific Name):Eriocaulon sexangulare L.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):谷精珠、大叶谷精草
异名(Synonym): Eriocaulon cantoniensis Hook. et Arn. Eriocaulon sinicum Miq. Eriocaulon sinii Ruhland Eriocaulon willdenovianum Moldenke Eriocaulon contoniense Hook et Arn. Eriocaulon miyagianum Koidz. Eriocaulon myriophyllum Wall. Eriocaulon kwangtungense Ruhland Eriocaulon consanguineum Kunth Eriocaulon quandrangulare Lour. Eriocaulon petrosepalum Hayata Eriocaulon pterospermum Hayata Eriocaulon cantoniense Hook. & Arn. Eriocaulon quadrangulare Lour. Eriocaulon sexangulare var. micronesicum Moldenke Eriocaulon wallichianum var. tenellum Wight ex Moldenke Eriocaulon quadriangulare Lour. ex Moldenke
科属(Family & Genus):谷精草科(Eriocaulaceae)谷精草属
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 24 Page 11
Eriocaulon sexangulare Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 87. 1753.
华南谷精草 hua nan gu jing cao | Eriocaulaceae | Eriocaulon
Eriocaulon cantoniensis Hooker & Arnott; E. pterosepalum Hayata; E. sinicum Miquel; E. sinii Ruhland; E. wallichianum Martius.
Leaves linear, 10--35 cm, 4--13 mm wide at middle, veins 15--37. Scapes 5--20, 20--60 cm, 4--6-ribbed; sheath 4--12 cm; receptacle glabrous; heads subglobose, ca. 6.5 mm in diam., glaucous, base truncate; involucral bracts straw-colored, obovate, 2.2--2.4 mm in diam., rigid, abaxially white clavate hairy; floral bracts obovate to obovate-cuneate, 2--2.5 mm, abaxially hairy toward apex. Male flowers: sepals spathelike, glabrous, laterally winged, apex (2 or)3-lobed or occasionally truncate; petals (2 or)3, linear, apex pubescent, gland usually indistinct; anthers (4--)6, black. Female flowers: sepals (2 or)3, free, glabrous, posterior one smaller than others, sometimes reduced or absent, wingless, lateral ones boatlike, winged; petals (2 or)3, linear, unequal, membranous, occasionally villous at center, apex white clavate hairy; ovary (2 or)3-loculed; style (2 or)3-cleft. Seeds ovoid, 0.6--0.7 mm; testa hexagonally reticulate, prickles 1 per cell, T-shaped. Fl. and fr. Aug--Mar.
Ponds, rice fields; near sea level to 800 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan [Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; Africa (including Madagascar)].
The 2-merous form that is occasionally found in China resulted in the 2-merous Eriocaulon willdenovianum Moldenke ( E. longifolium Nees ex Kunth (1841), not Rafinesque (1840)) being put in synonymy under E. sexangulare in FRPS. These two species are distinct outside of China, and it is possible that the 2-merous plants in China represent a reduction from 3-merous to 2-merous within E. sexangulare. This question needs further study.

学名(Scientific Name):Eriocaulon sexangulare L.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):谷精珠、大叶谷精草
异名(Synonym): Eriocaulon cantoniensis Hook. et Arn. Eriocaulon sinicum Miq. Eriocaulon sinii Ruhland Eriocaulon willdenovianum Moldenke Eriocaulon contoniense Hook et Arn. Eriocaulon miyagianum Koidz. Eriocaulon myriophyllum Wall. Eriocaulon kwangtungense Ruhland Eriocaulon consanguineum Kunth Eriocaulon quandrangulare Lour. Eriocaulon petrosepalum Hayata Eriocaulon pterospermum Hayata Eriocaulon cantoniense Hook. & Arn. Eriocaulon quadrangulare Lour. Eriocaulon sexangulare var. micronesicum Moldenke Eriocaulon wallichianum var. tenellum Wight ex Moldenke Eriocaulon quadriangulare Lour. ex Moldenke
科属(Family & Genus):谷精草科(Eriocaulaceae)谷精草属
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 24 Page 11
Eriocaulon sexangulare Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 87. 1753.
华南谷精草 hua nan gu jing cao | Eriocaulaceae | Eriocaulon
Eriocaulon cantoniensis Hooker & Arnott; E. pterosepalum Hayata; E. sinicum Miquel; E. sinii Ruhland; E. wallichianum Martius.
Leaves linear, 10--35 cm, 4--13 mm wide at middle, veins 15--37. Scapes 5--20, 20--60 cm, 4--6-ribbed; sheath 4--12 cm; receptacle glabrous; heads subglobose, ca. 6.5 mm in diam., glaucous, base truncate; involucral bracts straw-colored, obovate, 2.2--2.4 mm in diam., rigid, abaxially white clavate hairy; floral bracts obovate to obovate-cuneate, 2--2.5 mm, abaxially hairy toward apex. Male flowers: sepals spathelike, glabrous, laterally winged, apex (2 or)3-lobed or occasionally truncate; petals (2 or)3, linear, apex pubescent, gland usually indistinct; anthers (4--)6, black. Female flowers: sepals (2 or)3, free, glabrous, posterior one smaller than others, sometimes reduced or absent, wingless, lateral ones boatlike, winged; petals (2 or)3, linear, unequal, membranous, occasionally villous at center, apex white clavate hairy; ovary (2 or)3-loculed; style (2 or)3-cleft. Seeds ovoid, 0.6--0.7 mm; testa hexagonally reticulate, prickles 1 per cell, T-shaped. Fl. and fr. Aug--Mar.
Ponds, rice fields; near sea level to 800 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan [Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; Africa (including Madagascar)].
The 2-merous form that is occasionally found in China resulted in the 2-merous Eriocaulon willdenovianum Moldenke ( E. longifolium Nees ex Kunth (1841), not Rafinesque (1840)) being put in synonymy under E. sexangulare in FRPS. These two species are distinct outside of China, and it is possible that the 2-merous plants in China represent a reduction from 3-merous to 2-merous within E. sexangulare. This question needs further study.