文山红柱兰 Cymbidium wenshanense
中文名(Chinese Name):文山红柱兰
学名(Scientific Name):Cymbidium wenshanense Y. S. Wu et F. Y. Liu
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Cymbidium wenshanense var. quinquelobum (Z.J. Liu & S.C. Chen) Z.J. Liu,S.C. Chen & P.J. Cribb
科属(Family & Genus):兰科(Orchidaceae)兰属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 25 Page 261, 269
Cymbidium wenshanense Y. S. Wu & F. Y. Liu, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 12: 291. 1990.
文山红柱兰 wen shan hong zhu lan| Orchidaceae | Cymbidium
Plants epiphytic, autotrophic. Pseudobulbs ovoid, slightly bilaterally flattened, 3-6 × 1.5-3 cm, enclosed in leaf bases. Leaves distichous, 4-9, lorate, 45-98 × 1.3-2.1 cm, articulate 8-15 cm from base, apex subacuminate. Inflorescence arching or subpendulous, 28-39 cm; peduncle 5-13 cm, with 5 or 6 sheaths; rachis 3-12-flowered; floral bracts deep purple to yellowish, triangular or linear-lanceolate, 7-16 mm. Flowers fragrant, usually not opening very widely; pedicel and ovary 45-60 mm; sepals and petals white, usually slightly tinged pale purplish red on outer surfaces, petals occasionally with a few purple-red spots at base; lip white or yellowish with dark purple or purplish brown striations and spots, turning reddish brown, lamellae yellow; column purple-red at apex, white tinged pink toward base. Sepals similar, narrowly obovate-elliptic or broadly oblanceolate, slightly concave, 58-80 × 18-30 mm, apex obtuse to acute; lateral sepals pendulous or downcurved, oblique, outer surfaces carinate. Petals incurved and clasping column, subobovate, oblique, 57-65 × 21-33 mm, apex acute; lip broadly obovate, 56-65 × 58-78 mm, base fused to basal margins of column for 2-3 mm, 3-lobed or obscurely 5-lobed above middle, margin white ciliate, lateral lobes erect and embracing column; lateral lobes in plants with a 3-lobed lip obovate, to 20 mm wide; lateral lobes in plants with a 5-lobed lip composed of a small, ovate to linear basal pair of lobes to ca. 5 mm wide, and a larger, subsquare upper pair to 20 mm wide; mid-lobe deflexed, obovate to nearly oblate, 18-25 × 22-30 mm, apex rounded-obtuse and slightly erose to emarginate, ciliate; disk pubescent, with 2 longitudinal lamellae extending from base of lip to base of mid-lobe; lamellae conspicuously inflated and converging at apex. Column arcuate, 40-48 mm, narrowly winged, sparsely pubescent on ventral surface; pollinia 2, nearly pear-shaped. Fl. Feb-Mar.
Trees in forests; ca. 1500 m. SE Yunnan (Maguan) [Vietnam].

学名(Scientific Name):Cymbidium wenshanense Y. S. Wu et F. Y. Liu
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Cymbidium wenshanense var. quinquelobum (Z.J. Liu & S.C. Chen) Z.J. Liu,S.C. Chen & P.J. Cribb
科属(Family & Genus):兰科(Orchidaceae)兰属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 25 Page 261, 269
Cymbidium wenshanense Y. S. Wu & F. Y. Liu, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 12: 291. 1990.
文山红柱兰 wen shan hong zhu lan| Orchidaceae | Cymbidium
Plants epiphytic, autotrophic. Pseudobulbs ovoid, slightly bilaterally flattened, 3-6 × 1.5-3 cm, enclosed in leaf bases. Leaves distichous, 4-9, lorate, 45-98 × 1.3-2.1 cm, articulate 8-15 cm from base, apex subacuminate. Inflorescence arching or subpendulous, 28-39 cm; peduncle 5-13 cm, with 5 or 6 sheaths; rachis 3-12-flowered; floral bracts deep purple to yellowish, triangular or linear-lanceolate, 7-16 mm. Flowers fragrant, usually not opening very widely; pedicel and ovary 45-60 mm; sepals and petals white, usually slightly tinged pale purplish red on outer surfaces, petals occasionally with a few purple-red spots at base; lip white or yellowish with dark purple or purplish brown striations and spots, turning reddish brown, lamellae yellow; column purple-red at apex, white tinged pink toward base. Sepals similar, narrowly obovate-elliptic or broadly oblanceolate, slightly concave, 58-80 × 18-30 mm, apex obtuse to acute; lateral sepals pendulous or downcurved, oblique, outer surfaces carinate. Petals incurved and clasping column, subobovate, oblique, 57-65 × 21-33 mm, apex acute; lip broadly obovate, 56-65 × 58-78 mm, base fused to basal margins of column for 2-3 mm, 3-lobed or obscurely 5-lobed above middle, margin white ciliate, lateral lobes erect and embracing column; lateral lobes in plants with a 3-lobed lip obovate, to 20 mm wide; lateral lobes in plants with a 5-lobed lip composed of a small, ovate to linear basal pair of lobes to ca. 5 mm wide, and a larger, subsquare upper pair to 20 mm wide; mid-lobe deflexed, obovate to nearly oblate, 18-25 × 22-30 mm, apex rounded-obtuse and slightly erose to emarginate, ciliate; disk pubescent, with 2 longitudinal lamellae extending from base of lip to base of mid-lobe; lamellae conspicuously inflated and converging at apex. Column arcuate, 40-48 mm, narrowly winged, sparsely pubescent on ventral surface; pollinia 2, nearly pear-shaped. Fl. Feb-Mar.
Trees in forests; ca. 1500 m. SE Yunnan (Maguan) [Vietnam].