胡椒Piper nigrum

中文名(Chinese Name):胡椒
学名(Scientific Name):Piper nigrum L.
英文名(English Common Name):black pepper
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Muldera multinervis Miq.
科属(Family & Genus):胡椒科(Piperaceae)胡椒属
形态特征(Description):木质攀援藤本;茎、枝无毛,节显著膨大,常生小根。叶厚,近革质,阔卵形至卵状长圆形,稀有近圆形,长10-15厘米,宽5-9厘米,顶端短尖,基部圆,常稍偏斜,两面均无毛;叶脉5-7条,稀有9条,最上1对互生,离基1.5-3.5厘米从中脉发出,余者均自基出,最外1对极柔弱,网状脉明显; 叶柄长1-2厘米,无毛;叶鞘延长,长常为叶柄之半。花杂性,通常雌雄同株;花序与叶对生,短于叶或与叶等长;总花梗与叶柄近等长,无毛;苞片匙状长圆形,长3-3.5厘米,中部宽约0.8毫米,顶端阔而圆,与花序轴分离,呈浅杯状,狭长处与花序轴合生,仅边缘分离;雄蕊2枚,花药肾形,花丝粗短;子房球形,柱头3-4,稀有5。浆果球形,无柄,直径3-4毫米,成熟时红色,未成熟时干后变黑色。花期6-10月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 4 Page 115
Piper nigrum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 28. 1753.
胡椒 hu jiao | Piperaceae  | Piper
Climbers woody. Nodes clearly enlarged and rooting, glabrous. Petiole 1-2 cm, glabrous; leaf blade ovate to ovate-oblong, rarely suborbicular, 10-15 × 5-9 cm, thick, ± leathery, glabrous, base rounded, usually slightly oblique, apex acute; veins 5-7(-9), apical pair arising 1.5-3.5 cm above base, alternate, others basal; reticulate veins prominent. Flowers polygamous, usually monoecious. Spikes leaf-opposed, to as long as leaves; peduncle nearly as long as petioles, glabrous; bracts spatulate-oblong, 3-3.5 × ca. 0.8 mm, adaxially adnate to rachis, only margin and broad, rounded apex free, shallowly cupular. Stamens 2, 1 on each side of ovary; filaments thick, short; anthers reniform. Ovary globose; stigmas 3 or 4, rarely 5. Drupe red when ripe, drying black when unripe, globose, 3-4 mm in diam., sessile. Fl. Jun-Oct.
Widely cultivated, often in forest clearings. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan [native to SE Asia]
The source of black and white pepper.
胡椒Piper nigrum

胡椒Piper nigrum

胡椒Piper nigrum

