大叶韭Allium hookeri
中文名(Chinese Name):大叶韭
学名(Scientific Name):Allium hookeri Thwaites
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):宽叶韭
异名(Synonym):Allium tsoongii F. T. Wang et Ts. Tang
科属(Family & Genus):百合科(Liliaceae)葱属
形态特征(Description):鳞茎圆柱状,具粗壮的根;鳞茎外皮白色,膜质,不破裂。叶条形至宽条形,稀为倒披针状条形,比花葶短或近等长,宽5-10 (-28) 毫米,具明显的中脉。花葶侧生,圆柱状,或略呈三棱柱状,高 (10-) 20-60厘米,下部被叶鞘;总苞2裂,常早落;伞形花序近球状,多花,花较密集;小花梗纤细,近等长,为花被片的2-3 (-4) 倍长,基部无小苞片;花白色,星芒状开展;花被片等长,披针形至条形,长4-7.5毫米,宽1-1.2毫米;先端渐尖或不等的2裂;花丝等长,比花被片短或近等长,在最基部合生并与花被片贴生;子房倒卵形,基部收狭成短柄,外壁平滑,每室1胚珠;花柱比子房长;柱头点状。花果期8-19月。
引自植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 24 Page 174
Allium hookeri Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 339. 1864.
宽叶韭 kuan ye jiu| Liliaceae | Allium
Roots elongate, thick, fleshy. Bulbs clustered, cylindric; tunic membranous, entire. Leaves linear to broadly so, shorter than to subequaling scape, 0.5--1 cm wide, midvein distinct. Scape lateral, usually arising from base of bulb, (10--)20--60 cm, usually without leaf sheaths, sometimes with 1. Spathe 2-valved, usually deciduous. Umbel hemispheric to globose, many flowered. Pedicels subequal, 2--3(--4) × as long as perianth, ebracteolate. Perianth white or greenish yellow to yellow; segments similar, lanceolate, 4--7.5 × 1--1.5 mm, apex acuminate, sometimes unequally 2-lobed. Filaments subulate, slightly shorter than to subequaling perianth segments, connate at base and adnate to perianth segments. Ovary obovoid, smooth, base constricted into a short stipe; ovules 1 per locule. Style longer than ovary; stigma punctiform. Fl. and fr. Jul--Oct. 2 n = 22*, 44*.
Forests, forest margins, moist places, meadows; 1400--4200 m. SW Sichuan, SE Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka].
学名(Scientific Name):Allium hookeri Thwaites
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):宽叶韭
异名(Synonym):Allium tsoongii F. T. Wang et Ts. Tang
科属(Family & Genus):百合科(Liliaceae)葱属
形态特征(Description):鳞茎圆柱状,具粗壮的根;鳞茎外皮白色,膜质,不破裂。叶条形至宽条形,稀为倒披针状条形,比花葶短或近等长,宽5-10 (-28) 毫米,具明显的中脉。花葶侧生,圆柱状,或略呈三棱柱状,高 (10-) 20-60厘米,下部被叶鞘;总苞2裂,常早落;伞形花序近球状,多花,花较密集;小花梗纤细,近等长,为花被片的2-3 (-4) 倍长,基部无小苞片;花白色,星芒状开展;花被片等长,披针形至条形,长4-7.5毫米,宽1-1.2毫米;先端渐尖或不等的2裂;花丝等长,比花被片短或近等长,在最基部合生并与花被片贴生;子房倒卵形,基部收狭成短柄,外壁平滑,每室1胚珠;花柱比子房长;柱头点状。花果期8-19月。
引自植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 24 Page 174
Allium hookeri Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 339. 1864.
宽叶韭 kuan ye jiu| Liliaceae | Allium
Roots elongate, thick, fleshy. Bulbs clustered, cylindric; tunic membranous, entire. Leaves linear to broadly so, shorter than to subequaling scape, 0.5--1 cm wide, midvein distinct. Scape lateral, usually arising from base of bulb, (10--)20--60 cm, usually without leaf sheaths, sometimes with 1. Spathe 2-valved, usually deciduous. Umbel hemispheric to globose, many flowered. Pedicels subequal, 2--3(--4) × as long as perianth, ebracteolate. Perianth white or greenish yellow to yellow; segments similar, lanceolate, 4--7.5 × 1--1.5 mm, apex acuminate, sometimes unequally 2-lobed. Filaments subulate, slightly shorter than to subequaling perianth segments, connate at base and adnate to perianth segments. Ovary obovoid, smooth, base constricted into a short stipe; ovules 1 per locule. Style longer than ovary; stigma punctiform. Fl. and fr. Jul--Oct. 2 n = 22*, 44*.
Forests, forest margins, moist places, meadows; 1400--4200 m. SW Sichuan, SE Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka].
下一篇:蒜Allium sativum