六月雪Serissa foetida
中文名(Chinese Name):六月雪
学名(Scientific Name):Serissa foetida (L. f.) Lam.
英文名(English Common Name):snowrose
别名(Chinese Common Name):满天星
异名(Synonym):Lycium foetidum L. f. Lycium japonicum Thunb. Serissa foetida (L. f.) Poir. ex Lam. Dysoda foetida (L.f.) Salisb. Dysoda fasciculata Lour. Serissa kawakamii Hayata Buchozia coprosmoides L'Hér. ex DC. Leptodermis venosa Craib Serissa crassiramea (Maxim.) Nakai Serissa foetida f. plena Makino Serissa foetida f. pleniflora Makino Serissa foetida var. crassiramea Maxim. Serissa buxifolia Dum.Cours.
科属(Family & Genus):![六月雪Serissa foetida 六月雪Serissa foetida](/uploads/allimg/131108/2-13110Q23I4157.JPG)
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 19 Page 324
Serissa japonica (Thunberg) Thunberg, Nov. Gen. Pl. 132. 1798.
六月雪 liu yue xue| Rubiaceae | Serissa
Lycium japonicum Thunberg, Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. 3: 207. 1780; L. foetidum Linnaeus f.; Serissa foetida (Linnaeus f.) Lamarck.
Small shrubs, 60-90 cm tall, presumably evergreen; branches weakly flattened to terete, puberulent to villosulous or hirtellous in interpetiolar lines to sometimes uniformly puberulent throughout. Leaves subsessile or with petiole to 2 mm, glabrous or puberulent to villosulous; blade drying leathery to stiffly papery, ovate to oblanceolate, elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or lanceolate, 0.6-2.2 × 0.3-0.6 cm, both surfaces glabrous to hispidulous or villosulous on principal veins to throughout, often shiny adaxially, base obtuse to acute, apex acute to obtuse or acuminate; secondary veins 2-4 pairs; stipules 0.5-2 mm, puberulent to villosulous, truncate to triangular, with bristles 0.5-4 mm. Flowers solitary to several; bracts narrowly triangular to spatulate, 1-6 mm, glabrous to villosulous, acute, margins entire to ciliate or hispidulous. Calyx glabrous to puberulent or hirtellous; ovary portion obconic, 1-1.5 mm; limb lobed essentially to base; lobes narrowly triangular to lanceolate or linear, 1-5 mm, entire to ciliolate or hispid. Corolla outside glabrous to puberulent or villosulous; tube 4-8 mm; lobes narrowly triangular to ovate, 2-2.5 mm. Drupes 2-3 mm; pyrenes 2-2.5 mm. Fl. Apr-Oct, fr. Jun-Nov.
● Streamsides or broad-leaved forests on hills; 100-1600 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [widely cultivated elsewhere].
The Fl. Taiwan (ed. 2, 4: 324-325. 1998) treated one species of Serissa, which was called S. serissoides but which keys out to S. japonica in the classification of W. C. Ko (in FRPS 71(2): 160. 1999); that report is accordingly listed here based on this re-identification.
学名(Scientific Name):Serissa foetida (L. f.) Lam.
英文名(English Common Name):snowrose
别名(Chinese Common Name):满天星
异名(Synonym):Lycium foetidum L. f. Lycium japonicum Thunb. Serissa foetida (L. f.) Poir. ex Lam. Dysoda foetida (L.f.) Salisb. Dysoda fasciculata Lour. Serissa kawakamii Hayata Buchozia coprosmoides L'Hér. ex DC. Leptodermis venosa Craib Serissa crassiramea (Maxim.) Nakai Serissa foetida f. plena Makino Serissa foetida f. pleniflora Makino Serissa foetida var. crassiramea Maxim. Serissa buxifolia Dum.Cours.
科属(Family & Genus):
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 19 Page 324
Serissa japonica (Thunberg) Thunberg, Nov. Gen. Pl. 132. 1798.
六月雪 liu yue xue| Rubiaceae | Serissa
Lycium japonicum Thunberg, Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. 3: 207. 1780; L. foetidum Linnaeus f.; Serissa foetida (Linnaeus f.) Lamarck.
Small shrubs, 60-90 cm tall, presumably evergreen; branches weakly flattened to terete, puberulent to villosulous or hirtellous in interpetiolar lines to sometimes uniformly puberulent throughout. Leaves subsessile or with petiole to 2 mm, glabrous or puberulent to villosulous; blade drying leathery to stiffly papery, ovate to oblanceolate, elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or lanceolate, 0.6-2.2 × 0.3-0.6 cm, both surfaces glabrous to hispidulous or villosulous on principal veins to throughout, often shiny adaxially, base obtuse to acute, apex acute to obtuse or acuminate; secondary veins 2-4 pairs; stipules 0.5-2 mm, puberulent to villosulous, truncate to triangular, with bristles 0.5-4 mm. Flowers solitary to several; bracts narrowly triangular to spatulate, 1-6 mm, glabrous to villosulous, acute, margins entire to ciliate or hispidulous. Calyx glabrous to puberulent or hirtellous; ovary portion obconic, 1-1.5 mm; limb lobed essentially to base; lobes narrowly triangular to lanceolate or linear, 1-5 mm, entire to ciliolate or hispid. Corolla outside glabrous to puberulent or villosulous; tube 4-8 mm; lobes narrowly triangular to ovate, 2-2.5 mm. Drupes 2-3 mm; pyrenes 2-2.5 mm. Fl. Apr-Oct, fr. Jun-Nov.
● Streamsides or broad-leaved forests on hills; 100-1600 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [widely cultivated elsewhere].
The Fl. Taiwan (ed. 2, 4: 324-325. 1998) treated one species of Serissa, which was called S. serissoides but which keys out to S. japonica in the classification of W. C. Ko (in FRPS 71(2): 160. 1999); that report is accordingly listed here based on this re-identification.