野蕉Musa balbisiana
中文名(Chinese Name):野蕉
学名(Scientific Name):Musa balbisiana Colla
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):伦阿蕉;山芭蕉
异名(Synonym):Musa lushanensis J. L. Liu Musa luteola J. L. Liu Musa dechangensis J. L. Liu et M. G. Liu Musa seminifera Lour.
科属(Family & Genus):芭蕉科(Musaceae)芭蕉属
形态特征(Description):假茎丛生,高约6米,黄绿色,有大块黑斑,具匍匐茎。叶片卵状长圆形,长约2.9米, 宽约90厘米,基部耳形,两侧不对称,叶面绿色,微被蜡粉;叶柄长约75厘米,叶翼张开约2厘米,但幼时常闭合。花序长2.5米,雌花的苞片脱落,中性花及雄花的苞片宿存,苞片卵形至披针形,外面暗紫红色,被白粉,内面紫红色,开放后反卷;合生花被片具条纹,外面淡紫白色,内面淡紫色;离生花被片乳白色,透明,倒卵形,基部圆形,先端内凹,在凹陷处有一小尖头。果丛共8段,每段有果2列,约15-16个。浆果倒卵形,长约13厘米,直径4厘米,灰绿色,棱角明显,先端收缩成一具棱角、长约2厘米的柱状体,基部渐狭成长2.5厘米的柄,果内具多数种子;种子扁球形,褐色,具疣。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 24 Page 317
Musa balbisiana Colla, Mem. Gen. Musa. 56. 1820.
野蕉 ye jiao | Musaceae | Musa
Musa dechangensis J. L. Liu & M. G. Liu; M. lushanensis J. L. Liu; M. luteola J. L. Liu; M. ( paradisiaca Linnaeus subsp. seminifera (Loureiro) Baker; M. seminifera Loureiro.
Pseudostems clumped, yellow-green, often with large, black markings, ca. 6 m. Petiole 60--75 cm, margin open, ca. 2 cm wide, often closed when young; leaf blade adaxially green and slightly pruinose or not, ovate-oblong, ca. 2.9 m × 90 cm, base auriculate, asymmetric. Inflorescence pendulous, ca. 2.5 m; peduncle and rachis glabrous. Bracts of bisexual and male flowers adaxially purple-red, abaxially brownish purple to yellow-green and pruinose, ovate to lanceolate, persistent, apex obtuse, reflexed after flowering; bracts of female flowers deciduous. Male flowers up to 20 per bract, in 2 rows. Compound tepal adaxially pale purple, abaxially pale purple-white, 4--5 cm, striate, teeth yellow to orange; free tepal milky white, translucent, obovate, ca. 1/2 as long as compound tepal, apex emarginate, shortly mucronate-apiculate. Infructescence pendulous, with ca. 8 clusters (“hands”) each of 15 or 16 berries in 2 rows. Berries gray-green, obovoid, ca. 13 × 4 cm, distinctly angled at maturity, base narrowed into a stalk ca. 2.5 cm, apex contracted or not into a short, angled column ca. 2 cm. Seeds numerous, brown, oblate, 5--10 mm in diam., minutely warty. 2 n = 22.
Ravines in evergreen forests; ca. 1100 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Xizang, W Yunnan [India, Indonesia (Java), Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Guinea, Philippines, Sikkim, Sri Lanka, Thailand].
The species is used to feed pigs.
![野蕉Musa balbisiana 野蕉Musa balbisiana](/uploads/allimg/131018/2-13101Q30224a1.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Musa balbisiana Colla
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):伦阿蕉;山芭蕉
异名(Synonym):Musa lushanensis J. L. Liu Musa luteola J. L. Liu Musa dechangensis J. L. Liu et M. G. Liu Musa seminifera Lour.
科属(Family & Genus):芭蕉科(Musaceae)芭蕉属
形态特征(Description):假茎丛生,高约6米,黄绿色,有大块黑斑,具匍匐茎。叶片卵状长圆形,长约2.9米, 宽约90厘米,基部耳形,两侧不对称,叶面绿色,微被蜡粉;叶柄长约75厘米,叶翼张开约2厘米,但幼时常闭合。花序长2.5米,雌花的苞片脱落,中性花及雄花的苞片宿存,苞片卵形至披针形,外面暗紫红色,被白粉,内面紫红色,开放后反卷;合生花被片具条纹,外面淡紫白色,内面淡紫色;离生花被片乳白色,透明,倒卵形,基部圆形,先端内凹,在凹陷处有一小尖头。果丛共8段,每段有果2列,约15-16个。浆果倒卵形,长约13厘米,直径4厘米,灰绿色,棱角明显,先端收缩成一具棱角、长约2厘米的柱状体,基部渐狭成长2.5厘米的柄,果内具多数种子;种子扁球形,褐色,具疣。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 24 Page 317
Musa balbisiana Colla, Mem. Gen. Musa. 56. 1820.
野蕉 ye jiao | Musaceae | Musa
Musa dechangensis J. L. Liu & M. G. Liu; M. lushanensis J. L. Liu; M. luteola J. L. Liu; M. ( paradisiaca Linnaeus subsp. seminifera (Loureiro) Baker; M. seminifera Loureiro.
Pseudostems clumped, yellow-green, often with large, black markings, ca. 6 m. Petiole 60--75 cm, margin open, ca. 2 cm wide, often closed when young; leaf blade adaxially green and slightly pruinose or not, ovate-oblong, ca. 2.9 m × 90 cm, base auriculate, asymmetric. Inflorescence pendulous, ca. 2.5 m; peduncle and rachis glabrous. Bracts of bisexual and male flowers adaxially purple-red, abaxially brownish purple to yellow-green and pruinose, ovate to lanceolate, persistent, apex obtuse, reflexed after flowering; bracts of female flowers deciduous. Male flowers up to 20 per bract, in 2 rows. Compound tepal adaxially pale purple, abaxially pale purple-white, 4--5 cm, striate, teeth yellow to orange; free tepal milky white, translucent, obovate, ca. 1/2 as long as compound tepal, apex emarginate, shortly mucronate-apiculate. Infructescence pendulous, with ca. 8 clusters (“hands”) each of 15 or 16 berries in 2 rows. Berries gray-green, obovoid, ca. 13 × 4 cm, distinctly angled at maturity, base narrowed into a stalk ca. 2.5 cm, apex contracted or not into a short, angled column ca. 2 cm. Seeds numerous, brown, oblate, 5--10 mm in diam., minutely warty. 2 n = 22.
Ravines in evergreen forests; ca. 1100 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Xizang, W Yunnan [India, Indonesia (Java), Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Guinea, Philippines, Sikkim, Sri Lanka, Thailand].
The species is used to feed pigs.
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