尖舌苣苔Rhynchoglossum obliquum
中文名(Chinese Name):尖舌苣苔
学名(Scientific Name):Rhynchoglossum obliquum Blume
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Rhynchoglossum obliquum var. hologlossum (Hayata) W. T. Wang Loxotis obliqua (Wall.) Benth. Rhynchoglossum hologlossum Hayata Rhynchoglossum zeylanicum Hook. Rhynchoglossum obliquum var. parviflorum C. B. Clarke Wulfenia obliqua Wall. Rhynchoglossum obliquum f. albiflorum Kuntze Rhynchoglossum obliquum f. coeruleum Kuntze Antonia obliqua (Blume) R.Br. Loxotis intermedia Benth.
科属(Family & Genus):苦苣苔科Gesneriaceae尖舌苣苔属Rhynchoglossum
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 18 Page 399
Rhynchoglossum obliquum Blume, Bijdr. 741. 1826.
尖舌苣苔 jian she ju tai| Gesneriaceae | Rhynchoglossum
Loxotis obliqua (Wallich) Bentham; Rhynchoglossum hologlossum Hayata; R. obliquum f. albiflorum Kuntze; R. obliquum f. coeruleum Kuntze; R. obliquum var. hologlossum (Hayata) W. T. Wang; R. obliquum var. parviflorum C. B. Clarke; R. zeylanicum W. J. Hooker; Wulfenia obliqua Wallich.
Annuals, not rhizomatous. Stems 18-100 cm, glabrous to sparsely puberulent. Petiole 0.5-1.5(-3.5) cm; leaf blade oblique, 1 side elliptic, other side ovate, 4-12 X 2-6 cm, adaxially glabrous, sometimes minutely sparsely puberulent, abaxially glabrous, base strongly oblique, cuneate to narrowly cordate on smaller side, cordate on other, margin entire to undulate, apex acuminate. Cymes 3-24 cm, 10-30-flowered, appressed puberulent, glabrescent; peduncle 2-5.5(-8) cm, glabrous. Calyx often tinged blue, 3-8 mm; lobes 1-3 mm. Corolla pale to dark purple or blue, 8-11 mm, inside puberulent near mouth; tube 5-6 X 1.5-2 mm; adaxial lip 1.5-2.5 mm; abaxial lip 3.5-5 mm, 3-lobed to undivided. Stamens 2; anthers 0.7-1 mm, thecae nearly parallel; staminodes 2, ca. 0.8 mm. Disc ca. 1 mm. Pistil ca. 6.5 mm, glabrous. Style 4-6 mm. Capsule 3-4.5 mm. Fl. Jul-Nov, fr. Aug-Nov.
Forest margins, forests, caves, shaded cliffs; 100-2800 m. W Guangxi, SW Guizhou, SW Sichuan, Taiwan, E Xizang, Yunnan [Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam].
In recent treatments of Rhynchoglossum in China two varieties were recognized. However, the only character that separates them is lobing of the abaxial corolla lip, which varies from entire to deeply 3-lobed even on the same specimen. The entire-lipped variety was described from and previously reported only from Taiwan. Entire abaxial corolla lips have been observed in W Guangxi, SW Guizhou, SW Sichuan, S & W Yunnan, India, Philippines, and Thailand.

学名(Scientific Name):Rhynchoglossum obliquum Blume
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Rhynchoglossum obliquum var. hologlossum (Hayata) W. T. Wang Loxotis obliqua (Wall.) Benth. Rhynchoglossum hologlossum Hayata Rhynchoglossum zeylanicum Hook. Rhynchoglossum obliquum var. parviflorum C. B. Clarke Wulfenia obliqua Wall. Rhynchoglossum obliquum f. albiflorum Kuntze Rhynchoglossum obliquum f. coeruleum Kuntze Antonia obliqua (Blume) R.Br. Loxotis intermedia Benth.
科属(Family & Genus):苦苣苔科Gesneriaceae尖舌苣苔属Rhynchoglossum
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 18 Page 399
Rhynchoglossum obliquum Blume, Bijdr. 741. 1826.
尖舌苣苔 jian she ju tai| Gesneriaceae | Rhynchoglossum
Loxotis obliqua (Wallich) Bentham; Rhynchoglossum hologlossum Hayata; R. obliquum f. albiflorum Kuntze; R. obliquum f. coeruleum Kuntze; R. obliquum var. hologlossum (Hayata) W. T. Wang; R. obliquum var. parviflorum C. B. Clarke; R. zeylanicum W. J. Hooker; Wulfenia obliqua Wallich.
Annuals, not rhizomatous. Stems 18-100 cm, glabrous to sparsely puberulent. Petiole 0.5-1.5(-3.5) cm; leaf blade oblique, 1 side elliptic, other side ovate, 4-12 X 2-6 cm, adaxially glabrous, sometimes minutely sparsely puberulent, abaxially glabrous, base strongly oblique, cuneate to narrowly cordate on smaller side, cordate on other, margin entire to undulate, apex acuminate. Cymes 3-24 cm, 10-30-flowered, appressed puberulent, glabrescent; peduncle 2-5.5(-8) cm, glabrous. Calyx often tinged blue, 3-8 mm; lobes 1-3 mm. Corolla pale to dark purple or blue, 8-11 mm, inside puberulent near mouth; tube 5-6 X 1.5-2 mm; adaxial lip 1.5-2.5 mm; abaxial lip 3.5-5 mm, 3-lobed to undivided. Stamens 2; anthers 0.7-1 mm, thecae nearly parallel; staminodes 2, ca. 0.8 mm. Disc ca. 1 mm. Pistil ca. 6.5 mm, glabrous. Style 4-6 mm. Capsule 3-4.5 mm. Fl. Jul-Nov, fr. Aug-Nov.
Forest margins, forests, caves, shaded cliffs; 100-2800 m. W Guangxi, SW Guizhou, SW Sichuan, Taiwan, E Xizang, Yunnan [Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam].
In recent treatments of Rhynchoglossum in China two varieties were recognized. However, the only character that separates them is lobing of the abaxial corolla lip, which varies from entire to deeply 3-lobed even on the same specimen. The entire-lipped variety was described from and previously reported only from Taiwan. Entire abaxial corolla lips have been observed in W Guangxi, SW Guizhou, SW Sichuan, S & W Yunnan, India, Philippines, and Thailand.