球尾花Lysimachia thyrsiflora
中文名(Chinese Name):球尾花
学名(Scientific Name):Lysimachia thyrsiflora Linn.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):腋花珍珠菜
异名(Synonym):Lysimachusa thyrsiflora (L.) Pohl Naumburgia guttata Moench Nummularia thyrsiflora (L.) Kuntze
科属(Family & Genus):报春花科Primulaceae珍珠菜属Lysimachia
形态特征(Description):多年生草本,具横走的根茎。茎直立,高30-80厘米,下部无毛,上部被褐色柔毛,散生黑色腺点,通常不分枝。叶对生,近茎基部的数对鳞片状,上部叶披针形至长圆状披针形,长5-16厘米,宽6-20毫米,先端锐尖或渐尖,基部耳状半抱茎或钝,无柄,极少具短柄,上面深绿色,无毛,下面淡绿色,沿中肋被稀疏柔毛,两面均有黑色粒状腺点,中肋在下面隆起,侧脉不明显。总状花序生于茎中部和上部叶腋,长1-3厘米,密花,成圆球状或短穗状;总梗长1.5-3厘米,与花序轴、花梗同被柔毛;苞片线状钻形,长3-5毫米,有黑色腺点;花梗长1-3毫米;花萼长2-3.5毫米,分裂近达基部,裂片通常6-7枚,线状披针形,宽约0.7毫米,有黑色腺点;花冠酪黄色,长5-6毫米,通常6深裂,裂片近分离,线形,宽0.5-1毫米,先端钝,有黑色腺点和短腺条;雄蕊伸出花冠外,花丝基部连合成极浅的环,贴生于花冠基部,分离部分长4-5毫米;花药长圆形,长约1毫米;花粉粒具3孔沟,近长球形[(20-23) × (16.5-18)微米],表面具网状纹饰;子房被柔毛,有黑色腺点,花柱长4.5-6毫米。蒴果近球形,直径约2.5毫米。花期5-6月;果期7-8月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 15 Page 78
Lysimachia thyrsiflora Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 147. 1753.
球尾花 qiu wei hua | Primulaceae | Lysimachia
Naumburgia thyrsiflora (Linnaeus) Reichenbach.
Herbs perennial, 30--80 cm tall, with horizontal rhizomes. Stems erect, usually simple, black glandular punctate, glabrous on lower part, puberulent on upper part. Lowest leaves scalelike, reduced. Leaves opposite, sessile, rarely indistinctly petiolate; leaf blade lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, 5--15 X 0.6--2 cm, lower part tapering toward obtuse or semi-clasping base, abaxially glabrous except for sparingly villous midvein, sparsely black glandular punctate, adaxially glabrous, apex acute to acuminate. Racemes dense, capitate or spikelike, pedunculate, 1--3 cm, confined in axils of medial and upper leaves; peduncle 1.5--3 cm, glabrous or sparingly villous. Pedicel 1--3 mm, glabrous or sparingly villous. Calyx 2--3.5 mm, parted nearly to base; lobes usually 6 or 7, linear-lanceolate, black glandular punctate. Corolla cream-yellow, parted nearly to base; lobes usually same number as calyx lobes, linear, 5--6 X 0.5--1 mm, black glandular punctate and striate. Stamens ca. as long as to longer than corolla; filaments 4--5 mm, nearly free, adnate to base of corolla; anthers oblong, dorsifixed, ca. 1 mm. Ovary sparingly puberulent; style 4.5--6 mm. Capsule subglobose, ca. 2.5 mm in diam. Fl. May-Jun. 2n = 20, 40, 42.
Bog margins, marshes, moist meadows. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Yunnan [Circumboreal].
学名(Scientific Name):Lysimachia thyrsiflora Linn.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):腋花珍珠菜
异名(Synonym):Lysimachusa thyrsiflora (L.) Pohl Naumburgia guttata Moench Nummularia thyrsiflora (L.) Kuntze
科属(Family & Genus):报春花科Primulaceae珍珠菜属Lysimachia
形态特征(Description):多年生草本,具横走的根茎。茎直立,高30-80厘米,下部无毛,上部被褐色柔毛,散生黑色腺点,通常不分枝。叶对生,近茎基部的数对鳞片状,上部叶披针形至长圆状披针形,长5-16厘米,宽6-20毫米,先端锐尖或渐尖,基部耳状半抱茎或钝,无柄,极少具短柄,上面深绿色,无毛,下面淡绿色,沿中肋被稀疏柔毛,两面均有黑色粒状腺点,中肋在下面隆起,侧脉不明显。总状花序生于茎中部和上部叶腋,长1-3厘米,密花,成圆球状或短穗状;总梗长1.5-3厘米,与花序轴、花梗同被柔毛;苞片线状钻形,长3-5毫米,有黑色腺点;花梗长1-3毫米;花萼长2-3.5毫米,分裂近达基部,裂片通常6-7枚,线状披针形,宽约0.7毫米,有黑色腺点;花冠酪黄色,长5-6毫米,通常6深裂,裂片近分离,线形,宽0.5-1毫米,先端钝,有黑色腺点和短腺条;雄蕊伸出花冠外,花丝基部连合成极浅的环,贴生于花冠基部,分离部分长4-5毫米;花药长圆形,长约1毫米;花粉粒具3孔沟,近长球形[(20-23) × (16.5-18)微米],表面具网状纹饰;子房被柔毛,有黑色腺点,花柱长4.5-6毫米。蒴果近球形,直径约2.5毫米。花期5-6月;果期7-8月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 15 Page 78
Lysimachia thyrsiflora Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 147. 1753.
球尾花 qiu wei hua | Primulaceae | Lysimachia
Naumburgia thyrsiflora (Linnaeus) Reichenbach.
Herbs perennial, 30--80 cm tall, with horizontal rhizomes. Stems erect, usually simple, black glandular punctate, glabrous on lower part, puberulent on upper part. Lowest leaves scalelike, reduced. Leaves opposite, sessile, rarely indistinctly petiolate; leaf blade lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, 5--15 X 0.6--2 cm, lower part tapering toward obtuse or semi-clasping base, abaxially glabrous except for sparingly villous midvein, sparsely black glandular punctate, adaxially glabrous, apex acute to acuminate. Racemes dense, capitate or spikelike, pedunculate, 1--3 cm, confined in axils of medial and upper leaves; peduncle 1.5--3 cm, glabrous or sparingly villous. Pedicel 1--3 mm, glabrous or sparingly villous. Calyx 2--3.5 mm, parted nearly to base; lobes usually 6 or 7, linear-lanceolate, black glandular punctate. Corolla cream-yellow, parted nearly to base; lobes usually same number as calyx lobes, linear, 5--6 X 0.5--1 mm, black glandular punctate and striate. Stamens ca. as long as to longer than corolla; filaments 4--5 mm, nearly free, adnate to base of corolla; anthers oblong, dorsifixed, ca. 1 mm. Ovary sparingly puberulent; style 4.5--6 mm. Capsule subglobose, ca. 2.5 mm in diam. Fl. May-Jun. 2n = 20, 40, 42.
Bog margins, marshes, moist meadows. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Yunnan [Circumboreal].