西南风铃草Campanula pallida
中文名(Chinese Name):西南风铃草
学名(Scientific Name):Campanula pallida Wall.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):岩兰花,土桔梗,土沙参
异名(Synonym):Campanula colorata Wall. Campanula colorata var. anomala Hook.f. & Thomson Campanula colorata var. moorcroftiana A.DC. Campanula colorata var. ramulosa (Wall.) Hook.f. & Thomson Campanula himalayensis Klotzsch Campanula hoffmeisteri Klotzsch Campanula moorcroftiana Wall. Campanula nepetifolia H.Lév. & Vaniot Campanula nervosa Royle Campanula pallida var. tibetica (Hook.f. & Thomson) H.Hara Campanula ramulosa Wall. Campanula wightii Gamble
科属(Family & Genus):桔梗科Campanulaceae风铃草属Campanula
FOC Vol. 19 Page 531, 533
Campanula pallida Wallich, Asiat. Res. 13: 375. 1820.
西南风铃草 xi nan feng ling cao | Campanulaceae | Campanula
Campanula colorata Wallich; C. colorata var. tibetica J. D. Hooker & Thomson; C. microcarpa C. Y. Wu; C. pallida var. tibetica (J. D. Hooker & Thomson) H. Hara.
Plants perennial. Roots carrot-shaped, sometimes slightly thicker than stems. Stems single, sometimes 2 or rarely several from a single caudex, ascending or erect, up to 60 cm tall, hirsute. Lower leaves winged-petiolate, upper leaves sessile; blade elliptic, rhombic-elliptic, or oblong, 1-4 × 0.3-1.5 cm, abaxially densely hirsute or hispid only along veins, adaxially appressed hispid, margin denticulate or almost entire, apex acuminate, acute, or obtuse. Flowers pendent, terminal, sometimes in cymes. Hypanthium obconic or campanulate, hispid; calyx lobes deltoid, narrowly triangular, or subulate, 2-8 mm, abaxially hispid (sometimes only along veins), margin entire or rarely serrulate. Corolla purple, blue-purple, or blue, tubular-campanulate, 4-15 mm; lobes ca. 1/2 as long to ± as long as tube. Style less than 2/3 as long as corolla, included. Capsule obconic, obovoid, or globose. Seeds golden brown, oblong or elliptic, compressed. Fl. May-Sep. 2n = 24, 28.
Grassy slopes, open woods; 1000-1400 m. W Guizhou, W Sichuan, S Xizang, Yunnan [Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand].
Both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers are found in this species. In the latter, development of the corolla is arrested at an early stage; as a result, the calyx lobes are deltoid (vs. narrowly triangular or subulate) and much shorter than in the former. The capsules produced by cleistogamous flowers are globose (vs. obconic or obovoid) and much smaller than those from chasmogamous flowers. Individual plants may bear both types of flowers or, less commonly, only cleistogamous flowers; the type of C. microcarpa is a specimen of the latter.