狗骨柴Diplospora dubia
中文名(Chinese Name):狗骨柴
学名(Scientific Name):Diplospora dubia (Lindl.) Masam.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):三萼木
异名(Synonym):Canthium dubium Lindl. Diplospora buisanensis Hayata Diplospora tanakai Hayata Diplospora viridiflora DC. Tricalysia dubia (Lindl.) Ohwi Tricalysia lutea Hand.-Mazz. Tricalysia viridiflora var. buisanensis (Hayata) Yamam. Tricalysia viridiflora var. tanakai (Hayata) Yamam. Tricalysia viridiflora (DC.) Matsum. Hypobathrum viridiflorum (DC.) Baill. Gardenia daphnoides Hance Canthium viridiflorum D.Dietr. Discospermum dubium (Lindl.) Kuntze Diplospora viridiflora var. tanakai (Hayata) Yamam. Diplospora viridiflora var. tanakae (Hayata) Yamam. Diplospora tanakae Hayata Tricalysia viridiflora var. tanakae (Hayata) Yamam.
科属(Family & Genus):茜草科(Rubiaceae)狗骨柴属
分布(Distribution):产华东、华南、湖南、四川、云南,生于海拔 40-1500米处的山坡、山谷沟边、丘陵、旷野的林中或灌丛中。日本、越南也有。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 19 Page 99 | Rubiaceae | Diplospora
Diplospora dubia (Lindley) Masamune, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa. 29: 269. 1939.
狗骨柴 gou gu chai
Canthium dubium Lindley, Bot. Reg. 12: t. 1026. 1826; Diplospora buisanensis Hayata; D. tanakae Hayata; D. viridiflora Candolle; Tricalysia dubia (Lindley) Ohwi; T. lutea Handel-Mazzetti; T. viridiflora (Candolle) Masamune; T. viridiflora var. buisanensis (Hayata) Yamamoto; T. viridiflora var. tanakae (Hayata) Yamamoto.
Shrubs or trees, 1-12 m; branches terete to somewhat flattened, glabrous. Petiole 4-15 mm, glabrous; leaf blade drying leathery or rarely thickly papery, and yellowish green to brown, ovate-oblong, elliptic-oblong, elliptic, or lanceolate, 4-19.5 × 1.5-8 cm, both surfaces glabrous and rather shiny, base acute, cuneate, or obtuse, sometimes slightly oblique, margins often thinly revolute, apex acute to acuminate with tip often ultimately obtuse; secondary veins 5-11 pairs, without domatia; stipules persistent on distalmost 1 or 2(-4) nodes, ovate to triangular, 5-8 mm, glabrous, densely white sericeous inside, acute, keeled in upper part with keel often extending into an arista 1-4 mm. Inflorescences subcapitate to congested-fasciculate, 6-10 mm, puberulent to strigillose, tomentulose, or puberulent, sessile or subsessile; bracts triangular, ca. 1 mm, frequently fused in pairs, acute; pedicels 1-4 mm. Calyx strigillose to glabrescent; ovary portion obconic to obovoid, 0.5-1 mm; limb ca. 1 mm, 4-denticulate, sometimes also irregularly splitting. Corolla white or yellow, glabrous outside or sometimes strigose on tube; tube 2-3 mm; lobes elliptic-oblong to narrowly elliptic, 3-4 mm, obtuse. Fruiting pedicels to 8 mm. Berry red, subglobose, 4-9 mm in diam., sparsely strigillose to glabrous; seeds dark red, subovoid, 3-6 × 3-4 mm. Fl. Apr-Aug, fr. May-Feb of following year.
Thickets or forests on hillsides, ravines, fields; near sea level to 1500 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Japan, Vietnam].
This is one of the most commonly collected Rubiaceae species in China.

学名(Scientific Name):Diplospora dubia (Lindl.) Masam.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):三萼木
异名(Synonym):Canthium dubium Lindl. Diplospora buisanensis Hayata Diplospora tanakai Hayata Diplospora viridiflora DC. Tricalysia dubia (Lindl.) Ohwi Tricalysia lutea Hand.-Mazz. Tricalysia viridiflora var. buisanensis (Hayata) Yamam. Tricalysia viridiflora var. tanakai (Hayata) Yamam. Tricalysia viridiflora (DC.) Matsum. Hypobathrum viridiflorum (DC.) Baill. Gardenia daphnoides Hance Canthium viridiflorum D.Dietr. Discospermum dubium (Lindl.) Kuntze Diplospora viridiflora var. tanakai (Hayata) Yamam. Diplospora viridiflora var. tanakae (Hayata) Yamam. Diplospora tanakae Hayata Tricalysia viridiflora var. tanakae (Hayata) Yamam.
科属(Family & Genus):茜草科(Rubiaceae)狗骨柴属
分布(Distribution):产华东、华南、湖南、四川、云南,生于海拔 40-1500米处的山坡、山谷沟边、丘陵、旷野的林中或灌丛中。日本、越南也有。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 19 Page 99 | Rubiaceae | Diplospora
Diplospora dubia (Lindley) Masamune, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa. 29: 269. 1939.
狗骨柴 gou gu chai
Canthium dubium Lindley, Bot. Reg. 12: t. 1026. 1826; Diplospora buisanensis Hayata; D. tanakae Hayata; D. viridiflora Candolle; Tricalysia dubia (Lindley) Ohwi; T. lutea Handel-Mazzetti; T. viridiflora (Candolle) Masamune; T. viridiflora var. buisanensis (Hayata) Yamamoto; T. viridiflora var. tanakae (Hayata) Yamamoto.
Shrubs or trees, 1-12 m; branches terete to somewhat flattened, glabrous. Petiole 4-15 mm, glabrous; leaf blade drying leathery or rarely thickly papery, and yellowish green to brown, ovate-oblong, elliptic-oblong, elliptic, or lanceolate, 4-19.5 × 1.5-8 cm, both surfaces glabrous and rather shiny, base acute, cuneate, or obtuse, sometimes slightly oblique, margins often thinly revolute, apex acute to acuminate with tip often ultimately obtuse; secondary veins 5-11 pairs, without domatia; stipules persistent on distalmost 1 or 2(-4) nodes, ovate to triangular, 5-8 mm, glabrous, densely white sericeous inside, acute, keeled in upper part with keel often extending into an arista 1-4 mm. Inflorescences subcapitate to congested-fasciculate, 6-10 mm, puberulent to strigillose, tomentulose, or puberulent, sessile or subsessile; bracts triangular, ca. 1 mm, frequently fused in pairs, acute; pedicels 1-4 mm. Calyx strigillose to glabrescent; ovary portion obconic to obovoid, 0.5-1 mm; limb ca. 1 mm, 4-denticulate, sometimes also irregularly splitting. Corolla white or yellow, glabrous outside or sometimes strigose on tube; tube 2-3 mm; lobes elliptic-oblong to narrowly elliptic, 3-4 mm, obtuse. Fruiting pedicels to 8 mm. Berry red, subglobose, 4-9 mm in diam., sparsely strigillose to glabrous; seeds dark red, subovoid, 3-6 × 3-4 mm. Fl. Apr-Aug, fr. May-Feb of following year.
Thickets or forests on hillsides, ravines, fields; near sea level to 1500 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Japan, Vietnam].
This is one of the most commonly collected Rubiaceae species in China.