小茴茴蒜Ranunculus cantoniensis

中文名(Chinese Name):小茴茴蒜
学名(Scientific Name):Ranunculus cantoniensis DC.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):禺毛茛、自扣草
异名(Synonym):Hecatonia pilosa Lour.  Ranunculus brachyrhynchus S. S. Chien
科属(Family & Genus):毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)毛茛属
形态特征(Description):多年生草本。须根伸长簇生。茎直立,高25-80厘米,上部有分枝,与叶柄均密生开展的黄白色糙毛。叶为3出复叶,基生叶和下部叶有长达15厘米的叶柄;叶片宽卵形至肾圆形,长3-6厘米,宽3-9厘米; 小叶卵形至宽卵形,宽2-4厘米,2-3中裂,边缘密生锯齿或齿牙,顶端稍尖,两面贴生糙毛;小叶柄长1-2厘米,侧生小叶柄较短,生开展糙毛,基部有膜质耳状宽鞘。上部叶渐小,3全裂,有短柄至无柄。花序有较多花,疏生;花梗长2-5厘米,与萼片均生糙毛;花直径1-1.2厘米,生茎顶和分枝顶端;萼片卵形,长3毫米,开展;花瓣5,椭圆形,长5-6毫米,约为宽的2倍,基部狭窄成爪,蜜槽上有倒卵形小鳞片;花药长约1毫米;花托长圆形,生白色短毛。聚合果近球形,直径约1厘米;瘦果扁平,长约3毫米,宽约2毫米,为厚的5倍以上,无毛,边缘有宽约0.3毫米的棱翼,喙基部宽扁,顶端弯钩状,长约1毫米。花果期4月至7月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 6 Page 428
Ranunculus cantoniensis de Candolle, Prodr. 1: 43. 1824.
禺毛茛 yu mao gen| Ranunculaceae  | Ranunculus
Hecatonia pilosa Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 1: 303. 1790, not Ranunculus pilosus Humboldt (1821); R. brachyrhynchus S. S. Chien.
Herbs perennial. Roots fibrous, subequally thick. Stems 20--65 cm, hirsute, branched. Basal and lower stem leaves with petiole 4.5--20 cm, hirsute; blade ternate, broadly ovate in outline, 3--14 × 3.8--17 cm, thinly papery, sparsely strigose; leaflets petiolulate; central leaflet rhombic-ovate or broadly ovate, broadly cuneate or rounded-base truncate, margin 3-partite, denticulate; lateral leaflets obliquely broadly ovate, unequally 2-sect or 2-partite. Upper stem leaves smaller, shortly petiolate. Compound monochasium terminal, corymbose, 4--10-flowered; bracts leaflike. Flowers 0.9--1.3 cm in diam. Pedicel 1--4 cm, strigose. Receptacle hirtellous. Sepals 5, reflexed, narrowly ovate, 3--4 mm, strigose. Petals 5, narrowly elliptic or obovate, 4--7.5 × 2--3.8 mm, nectary pit covered by a scale, apex rounded. Stamens numerous; anthers oblong. Aggregate fruit subglobose, 7--9 mm in diam.; carpels numerous. Achene flat, obliquely obovate, 2.5--3 × 2.2--3 mm, glabrous, narrowly marginate; style persistent, triangular, ca. 1 mm, straight or uncinate at apex. Fl. Mar--Sep, fr. Apr--Nov.
By streams, grassy slopes, forest margins; 100--1700 m. S and W Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, W Hubei, Hunan, S Jiangsu, Jiangxi, S Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, SE Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bhutan, Japan, S Korea, Nepal].
Material of this species has been incorrectly named as Ranunculus fibrosus Wallich. There has also been confusion with R. chinensis, which was treated as a synonym of R. cantoniensis in Fl. Pakistan.
 小茴茴蒜Ranunculus cantoniensis

小茴茴蒜Ranunculus cantoniensis

小茴茴蒜Ranunculus cantoniensis

