北京延胡索Corydalis gamosepala
中文名(Chinese Name):北京延胡索
学名(Scientific Name):Corydalis gamosepala Maxim.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Corydalis remota f. non-apiculata (Ohwi) C. Y. Wu et Z. Y. Su Corydalis remota var. heteroclita K. T. Fu Corydalis remota f. haitaoensis (Y. H. Chou et C. Q. Xu) C. Y. Wu et Z. Y. Su Corydalis turtschaninovii f. haitaoensis Y. H. Chou et C. Q. Xu Corydalis remota f. heteroclita (K. T. Fu) C. Y. Wu et Z. Y. Su Corydalis turtschaninovii var. non-apiculata Ohwi
科属(Family & Genus):罂粟科(Papaveraceae)紫堇属
形态特征(Description):多年生草本,高(7-) 10-22厘米,通常近直立,有时近匍匐。块茎圆球形或近长圆形,直径1-1.5厘米。茎基部以上具1-2鳞片,常具3茎生叶;下部叶具叶鞘并常具腋生的分枝。叶二回三出,小叶的变异极大,通常具圆齿或圆齿状深状深裂,有时侧生的小叶全缘,有时部分小叶分裂成披针形或线形的裂片而形成二型叶。总状花序具7-13花。下部苞片具蓖齿或粗齿,上部的全缘或具1-2齿。花梗纤细,花期长5-13毫米,等长或稍长于苞片,果期长10-20毫米。花桃红色或紫色,稀蓝色。萼片小,早落。外花瓣宽展,全缘,顶端微凹,通常无短尖。上花瓣长1.6-2厘米;距长1-1.3厘米,常稍上弯,末端稍下弯;蜜腺体约贯穿距长的1/2至2/3,末端圆钝。下花瓣略向前伸出。内花瓣长(8-)9-10毫米。柱头扁四方形,前端具4乳突,两侧基部下延。蒴果线形,长1-2厘米,具1列种子。种子直径约1.5毫米,具带状种阜。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 7 Page 315, 318
Corydalis gamosepala Maximowicz, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg Divers Savans. 9 [Prim. Fl. Amur.]: 38. 1859.
北京延胡索 bei jing yan hu suo | Papaveraceae | Corydalis
Corydalis remota Fischer ex Maximowicz f. haitaoensis (Y. H. Chou & C. Q. Xu) C. Y. Wu & Z. Y. Su; C. remota f. heteroclita (K. T. Fu) C. Y. Wu & Z. Y. Su; C. remota var. heteroclita K. T. Fu; C. turtschaninovii Besser f. haitaoensis Y. H. Chou & C. Q. Xu.
Herbs, perennial. Tuber 1-1.5 cm. Stems suberect to ascending, rarely decumbent, (7-)10-22 cm, with 1 or 2 scale leaves and often with 3 cauline leaves; lower leaf with broad vaginate base. Axillary branches from prophyll and often from lower cauline leaf; axillary tubers absent. Leaves biternate to triternate; leaflets entire to deeply cleft into obovate-obtuse to sharply acute lobes; sometimes upper and lower leaves clearly different (upper with rounded lobes, lower with narrow acute lobes). Raceme 7-13-flowered; lower bracts with coarse teeth, upper bracts entire or with 1 or 2 teeth. Pedicels slender, 5-13 mm at flowering, equal to or slightly longer than bracts, at fruiting 10-20 mm. Flowers pink, purple, or white, rarely blue. Sepals caducous, small. Outer petals broad, margin even or almost so, apex emarginate, usually with a mucro in sinus; spur slightly upcurved, 10-13 mm; nectary extended through 1/2-2/3 of spur, obtuse; inner petals (8-)9-10 mm, with angular dorsal crests not or very slightly overtopping apex. Capsule linear, 1-2 cm. Seeds in 1 row, ca. 1.5 mm in diam., with narrow caruncle. Fl. and fr. May-Jun.
● Mountain slopes, shrubs, shaded wet zones; (500-)1500-2500 m. E Gansu, Hebei, ?Hubei, SW Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi.
学名(Scientific Name):Corydalis gamosepala Maxim.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Corydalis remota f. non-apiculata (Ohwi) C. Y. Wu et Z. Y. Su Corydalis remota var. heteroclita K. T. Fu Corydalis remota f. haitaoensis (Y. H. Chou et C. Q. Xu) C. Y. Wu et Z. Y. Su Corydalis turtschaninovii f. haitaoensis Y. H. Chou et C. Q. Xu Corydalis remota f. heteroclita (K. T. Fu) C. Y. Wu et Z. Y. Su Corydalis turtschaninovii var. non-apiculata Ohwi
科属(Family & Genus):罂粟科(Papaveraceae)紫堇属
形态特征(Description):多年生草本,高(7-) 10-22厘米,通常近直立,有时近匍匐。块茎圆球形或近长圆形,直径1-1.5厘米。茎基部以上具1-2鳞片,常具3茎生叶;下部叶具叶鞘并常具腋生的分枝。叶二回三出,小叶的变异极大,通常具圆齿或圆齿状深状深裂,有时侧生的小叶全缘,有时部分小叶分裂成披针形或线形的裂片而形成二型叶。总状花序具7-13花。下部苞片具蓖齿或粗齿,上部的全缘或具1-2齿。花梗纤细,花期长5-13毫米,等长或稍长于苞片,果期长10-20毫米。花桃红色或紫色,稀蓝色。萼片小,早落。外花瓣宽展,全缘,顶端微凹,通常无短尖。上花瓣长1.6-2厘米;距长1-1.3厘米,常稍上弯,末端稍下弯;蜜腺体约贯穿距长的1/2至2/3,末端圆钝。下花瓣略向前伸出。内花瓣长(8-)9-10毫米。柱头扁四方形,前端具4乳突,两侧基部下延。蒴果线形,长1-2厘米,具1列种子。种子直径约1.5毫米,具带状种阜。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 7 Page 315, 318
Corydalis gamosepala Maximowicz, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg Divers Savans. 9 [Prim. Fl. Amur.]: 38. 1859.
北京延胡索 bei jing yan hu suo | Papaveraceae | Corydalis
Corydalis remota Fischer ex Maximowicz f. haitaoensis (Y. H. Chou & C. Q. Xu) C. Y. Wu & Z. Y. Su; C. remota f. heteroclita (K. T. Fu) C. Y. Wu & Z. Y. Su; C. remota var. heteroclita K. T. Fu; C. turtschaninovii Besser f. haitaoensis Y. H. Chou & C. Q. Xu.
Herbs, perennial. Tuber 1-1.5 cm. Stems suberect to ascending, rarely decumbent, (7-)10-22 cm, with 1 or 2 scale leaves and often with 3 cauline leaves; lower leaf with broad vaginate base. Axillary branches from prophyll and often from lower cauline leaf; axillary tubers absent. Leaves biternate to triternate; leaflets entire to deeply cleft into obovate-obtuse to sharply acute lobes; sometimes upper and lower leaves clearly different (upper with rounded lobes, lower with narrow acute lobes). Raceme 7-13-flowered; lower bracts with coarse teeth, upper bracts entire or with 1 or 2 teeth. Pedicels slender, 5-13 mm at flowering, equal to or slightly longer than bracts, at fruiting 10-20 mm. Flowers pink, purple, or white, rarely blue. Sepals caducous, small. Outer petals broad, margin even or almost so, apex emarginate, usually with a mucro in sinus; spur slightly upcurved, 10-13 mm; nectary extended through 1/2-2/3 of spur, obtuse; inner petals (8-)9-10 mm, with angular dorsal crests not or very slightly overtopping apex. Capsule linear, 1-2 cm. Seeds in 1 row, ca. 1.5 mm in diam., with narrow caruncle. Fl. and fr. May-Jun.
● Mountain slopes, shrubs, shaded wet zones; (500-)1500-2500 m. E Gansu, Hebei, ?Hubei, SW Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi.