五指毛桃 Ficus hirta
中文名(Chinese Name):五指毛桃
学名(Scientific Name):Ficus hirta Vahl
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):粗叶榕
异名(Synonym):Ficus hirta var. brevipila Corner Ficus hirta var. imberbis Gagnep. Ficus hirta var. roxburghii (Miq.) King Ficus simplicissima var. hirta (Vahl) Migo Ficus katsumadai Hayata Ficus laus-esquirolii H. Lév. Ficus hirta var. palmatiloba Merr. Ficus palmatiloba Merr. Ficus porteri H. Lév. et Vaniot Ficus quangtriensis Gagnep. Ficus hibiscifolia Champion ex Bentham Ficus tridactylites Gagnep. Ficus hirta var. appressa Corner Ficus hirta var. hibiscifolia (Champ. ex Benth.) Chun Ficus hirta var. integrifolia Miq. Ficus hirta var. setosa (Blume) Miq. Ficus katsumadae Hayata Ficus setifera Steud. Necalistis aspera Raf.
科属(Family & Genus):桑科(Moraceae)榕属
形态特征(Description):灌木或小乔木,嫩枝中空,小枝,叶和榕果均被金黄色开展的长硬毛。叶互生,纸 质,多型,长椭圆状披针形或广卵形,长10-25厘米,边缘具细锯齿,有时全缘或3- 5深裂,先端急尖或渐尖,基部圆形,浅心形或宽楔形,表面疏生贴伏粗硬毛,背面密或 疏生开展的白色或黄褐色绵毛和糙毛,基生脉3-5条,侧脉每边4-7条;叶柄长2-8 厘米;托叶卵状披针形,长10-30毫米,膜质,红色,被柔毛。榕果成对腋生或生于已 落叶枝上,球形或椭圆球形,无梗或近无梗,直径10-15毫米,幼时顶部苞片形成脐状 凸起,基生苞片卵状披针形,长10-30毫米,膜质,红色,被柔毛;雌花果球形,雄花 及瘿花果卵球形,无柄或近无柄,直径10-15毫米,幼嫩时顶部苞片形成脐状凸起,基 生苞片早落,卵状披针形,先端急尖,外面被贴伏柔毛;雄花生于榕果内壁近口部,有 柄,花被片4,披针形,红色,雄蕊2-3枚,花药椭圆形,长于花丝;瘿花花被片与雌 花同数,子房球形,光滑,花柱侧生,短,柱头漏斗形;雌花生雌株榕果内,有梗或无 梗,花被片4。瘦果椭圆球形,表面光滑,花柱贴生于一侧微凹处,细长,柱头棒状。
用途(Use):药用治风气,去红肿(植物名实图考)。《浙江植物志》称根、果祛风湿,益气固表。 茎皮纤维制麻绳、麻袋。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 5 Page 60
Ficus hirta Vahl, Enum. 2: 201. 1805.
粗叶榕 cu ye rong| Moraceae | Ficus
Ficus hibiscifolia Champion ex Bentham; F. hirsuta Roxburgh (1832), not Vellozo (1829); F. hirta var. brevipila Corner; F. hirta var. hibiscifolia (Champion ex Bentham) Chun; F. hirta var. imberbis Gagnepain; F. hirta var. palmatiloba (Merrill) Chun; F. hirta var. roxburghii (Miquel) King; F. katsumadae Hayata; F. palmatiloba Merrill; F. porteri H. Léveillé & Vaniot; F. quangtriensis Gagnepain; F. roxburghii Miquel; F. simplicissima Loureiro var. hirta (Vahl) Migo; F. tridactylites Gagnepain; F. triloba Buchanan-Hamilton ex J. O. Voigt.
Shrubs or small trees. Branchlets leafless in middle, golden yellow or brown hirsute. Stipules red, ovate-lanceolate, 1-3 cm, membranous, pubescent. Leaves alternate; petiole 1-8 cm, brown hirsute; leaf blade simple or palmately 3-5-lobed, 8-25 cm, glabrous or golden yellow hirsute, base cuneate, rounded, or shallowly cordate, margin entire or with small serrations, apex acute to acuminate; basal lateral veins 2-4, secondary veins 4-7 on each side of midvein. Figs axillary on normal leafy shoots, paired, globose to ± globose, 1-3(-3.5) cm in diam., with long stiff spreading golden yellow or brown hairs and also pubescent, sometimes subglabrous, apical pore navel-like when young, sessile; involucral bracts caducous or persistent, ovate-lanceolate, 1.5-3 mm, with bent hairs, apex acute. Male and gall flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate. Male flowers: pedicellate or sessile; calyx lobes 4, red, lanceolate; stamens 2 or 3; anthers ellipsoid, longer than filaments. Gall flowers: calyx lobes 4; ovary globose or ovoid-globose, smooth; style lateral, short; stigma funnelform. Female flowers: sessile or pedicellate; calyx lobes 4; style persistent, long, thin, attached on one side, slightly concave; stigma clavate. Achenes ellipsoid-globose, smooth.
Forests, forest margins.Low elevations. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, S Guizhou, Hainan, S Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim, Thailand, Vietnam].
![五指毛桃 Ficus hirta 五指毛桃 Ficus hirta](/uploads/allimg/131017/2-13101GF4014O.JPG)
![五指毛桃 Ficus hirta 五指毛桃 Ficus hirta](/uploads/allimg/131017/2-13101GF411b8.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Ficus hirta Vahl
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):粗叶榕
异名(Synonym):Ficus hirta var. brevipila Corner Ficus hirta var. imberbis Gagnep. Ficus hirta var. roxburghii (Miq.) King Ficus simplicissima var. hirta (Vahl) Migo Ficus katsumadai Hayata Ficus laus-esquirolii H. Lév. Ficus hirta var. palmatiloba Merr. Ficus palmatiloba Merr. Ficus porteri H. Lév. et Vaniot Ficus quangtriensis Gagnep. Ficus hibiscifolia Champion ex Bentham Ficus tridactylites Gagnep. Ficus hirta var. appressa Corner Ficus hirta var. hibiscifolia (Champ. ex Benth.) Chun Ficus hirta var. integrifolia Miq. Ficus hirta var. setosa (Blume) Miq. Ficus katsumadae Hayata Ficus setifera Steud. Necalistis aspera Raf.
科属(Family & Genus):桑科(Moraceae)榕属
形态特征(Description):灌木或小乔木,嫩枝中空,小枝,叶和榕果均被金黄色开展的长硬毛。叶互生,纸 质,多型,长椭圆状披针形或广卵形,长10-25厘米,边缘具细锯齿,有时全缘或3- 5深裂,先端急尖或渐尖,基部圆形,浅心形或宽楔形,表面疏生贴伏粗硬毛,背面密或 疏生开展的白色或黄褐色绵毛和糙毛,基生脉3-5条,侧脉每边4-7条;叶柄长2-8 厘米;托叶卵状披针形,长10-30毫米,膜质,红色,被柔毛。榕果成对腋生或生于已 落叶枝上,球形或椭圆球形,无梗或近无梗,直径10-15毫米,幼时顶部苞片形成脐状 凸起,基生苞片卵状披针形,长10-30毫米,膜质,红色,被柔毛;雌花果球形,雄花 及瘿花果卵球形,无柄或近无柄,直径10-15毫米,幼嫩时顶部苞片形成脐状凸起,基 生苞片早落,卵状披针形,先端急尖,外面被贴伏柔毛;雄花生于榕果内壁近口部,有 柄,花被片4,披针形,红色,雄蕊2-3枚,花药椭圆形,长于花丝;瘿花花被片与雌 花同数,子房球形,光滑,花柱侧生,短,柱头漏斗形;雌花生雌株榕果内,有梗或无 梗,花被片4。瘦果椭圆球形,表面光滑,花柱贴生于一侧微凹处,细长,柱头棒状。
用途(Use):药用治风气,去红肿(植物名实图考)。《浙江植物志》称根、果祛风湿,益气固表。 茎皮纤维制麻绳、麻袋。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 5 Page 60
Ficus hirta Vahl, Enum. 2: 201. 1805.
粗叶榕 cu ye rong| Moraceae | Ficus
Ficus hibiscifolia Champion ex Bentham; F. hirsuta Roxburgh (1832), not Vellozo (1829); F. hirta var. brevipila Corner; F. hirta var. hibiscifolia (Champion ex Bentham) Chun; F. hirta var. imberbis Gagnepain; F. hirta var. palmatiloba (Merrill) Chun; F. hirta var. roxburghii (Miquel) King; F. katsumadae Hayata; F. palmatiloba Merrill; F. porteri H. Léveillé & Vaniot; F. quangtriensis Gagnepain; F. roxburghii Miquel; F. simplicissima Loureiro var. hirta (Vahl) Migo; F. tridactylites Gagnepain; F. triloba Buchanan-Hamilton ex J. O. Voigt.
Shrubs or small trees. Branchlets leafless in middle, golden yellow or brown hirsute. Stipules red, ovate-lanceolate, 1-3 cm, membranous, pubescent. Leaves alternate; petiole 1-8 cm, brown hirsute; leaf blade simple or palmately 3-5-lobed, 8-25 cm, glabrous or golden yellow hirsute, base cuneate, rounded, or shallowly cordate, margin entire or with small serrations, apex acute to acuminate; basal lateral veins 2-4, secondary veins 4-7 on each side of midvein. Figs axillary on normal leafy shoots, paired, globose to ± globose, 1-3(-3.5) cm in diam., with long stiff spreading golden yellow or brown hairs and also pubescent, sometimes subglabrous, apical pore navel-like when young, sessile; involucral bracts caducous or persistent, ovate-lanceolate, 1.5-3 mm, with bent hairs, apex acute. Male and gall flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate. Male flowers: pedicellate or sessile; calyx lobes 4, red, lanceolate; stamens 2 or 3; anthers ellipsoid, longer than filaments. Gall flowers: calyx lobes 4; ovary globose or ovoid-globose, smooth; style lateral, short; stigma funnelform. Female flowers: sessile or pedicellate; calyx lobes 4; style persistent, long, thin, attached on one side, slightly concave; stigma clavate. Achenes ellipsoid-globose, smooth.
Forests, forest margins.Low elevations. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, S Guizhou, Hainan, S Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim, Thailand, Vietnam].
上一篇:天仙果Ficus erecta