蜂斗草Sonerila cantonensis
中文名(Chinese Name):蜂斗草
学名(Scientific Name):Sonerila cantonensis Stapf
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):桑叶草、仰天盅
科属(Family & Genus):野牡丹科(Melastomataceae)蜂斗草属
形态特征(Description):草本或亚灌木,高(10-)20-50厘米;茎钝四棱形,幼时被平展的长粗毛及微柔毛, 以后无毛而常具皮孔,具分枝,有时具匍匐茎。叶片纸质或近膜质,卵形或椭圆状卵形,顶 端短渐尖或急尖,基部楔形或钝,有时微偏斜,长3-5.5(-9)厘米,宽1.3-2.2(3.8) 厘米,边缘具细锯齿,齿尖具刺毛,叶面无毛或被星散的紧贴短刺毛,中脉微凹,背面有时紫红色,仅脉上被粗毛,叶脉隆起,侧脉通常两对,其中1对基出;叶柄长5-18毫米,密被长粗毛及柔毛。蝎尾状聚伞花序或二歧聚伞花序,顶生,有花3-7朵;总梗长1.5-3厘米,被微柔毛及疏腺毛;苞片极小,早落;花梗长1-3毫米,略三棱形;花萼钟状管形,长约7毫米,被微柔毛及疏腺毛,略具三棱,具6脉,裂片短,广三角形,长不到1毫米,顶端急尖;花瓣粉红色或浅玫瑰红色,长圆形,长约7毫米,顶端急尖,外面中脉具星散的腺毛;雄蕊3,等长,常偏向1侧,花丝长约7毫米,花药长约8毫米,基部略尖,微叉开,药隔不延长;子房瓶形,顶端具膜质冠,具3个缺刻。蒴果倒圆锥形,略具三棱,长5-7毫米,直径4-5毫米,3纵裂,与宿存萼贴生;宿存萼无毛,具6脉。花期(7-) 9-10月,果期12月至翌年2月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 13 Page 390, 391
Sonerila cantonensis Stapf, Ann. Bot. (Oxford). 6: 302. 1892.
蜂斗草 feng dou cao | Melastomataceae | Sonerila
Sonerila cantonensis var. strigosa C. Chen; S. yunnanensis Jeffrey.
Herbs or shrublets, (15-)20-50 cm tall, sometimes stoloniferous. Stems obtusely 4-sided, spreading-hirsute and puberulous, glabrescent, usually lenticellate. Petiole 0.5-3(-6) cm, densely hirsute or villous; leaf blade ovate, elliptic-ovate, narrowly lanceolate-oblong, or subelliptic, 3-5.5(-13) × 1.8-6 cm, papery to submembranous, abaxially hispid on veins and sometimes trichomes brownish purplish, adaxially sparsely appressed setose or strigose, secondary veins 1 or 2(or 3) on each side of midvein, base cuneate to obtuse and sometimes slightly oblique, margin serrulate with each tooth having a terminal seta, apex shortly acuminate to acute. Inflorescences terminal, scorpioid cymes or dichasial cymes, 3-7-flowered, densely puberulous and with sparse glandular trichomes or densely villous; peduncle. 1.5-3 cm, puberulous and with sparse trichomes; bracts caducous. Pedicel 1-3 mm, slightly 3-sided. Hypanthium tubular-campanulate, 5-7 mm, 3-sided, 6-ribbed, puberulous or with sparse glandular trichomes. Calyx lobes broadly triangular, ca. 1 mm, pilose, apex acute. Petals pink to pale rose-colored, oblong, 5-10 mm, with sparse glandular trichomes or pilose on ridge, apex acute. Stamens 3, equal; filament ca. 7 mm; anthers ca. 8 mm, base slightly forked. Ovary flask-shaped, apex with a membranous crown. Capsule campanulate, 5-7 × 4-5 mm, 3-sided; hypanthium 6-ribbed, glabrous. Fl. Jun-Oct, fr. Dec-Feb.
● Dense forests, hillsides, valleys, shaded damp places, dry or damp places, grassy areas; 500-1500 m. Guangdong, Yunnan [?Vietnam].
This species has also been treated as a synonym of Sonerila maculata (Renner et al., Fl. Thailand 7(3): 488. 2001), but study of Chinese material shows that it is probably a distinct species.
![蜂斗草Sonerila cantonensis 蜂斗草Sonerila cantonensis](/uploads/allimg/131016/2-131016201K0452.JPG)
![蜂斗草Sonerila cantonensis 蜂斗草Sonerila cantonensis](/uploads/allimg/131016/2-131016201KL11.JPG)
![蜂斗草Sonerila cantonensis 蜂斗草Sonerila cantonensis](/uploads/allimg/131016/2-131016201P3922.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Sonerila cantonensis Stapf
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):桑叶草、仰天盅
科属(Family & Genus):野牡丹科(Melastomataceae)蜂斗草属
形态特征(Description):草本或亚灌木,高(10-)20-50厘米;茎钝四棱形,幼时被平展的长粗毛及微柔毛, 以后无毛而常具皮孔,具分枝,有时具匍匐茎。叶片纸质或近膜质,卵形或椭圆状卵形,顶 端短渐尖或急尖,基部楔形或钝,有时微偏斜,长3-5.5(-9)厘米,宽1.3-2.2(3.8) 厘米,边缘具细锯齿,齿尖具刺毛,叶面无毛或被星散的紧贴短刺毛,中脉微凹,背面有时紫红色,仅脉上被粗毛,叶脉隆起,侧脉通常两对,其中1对基出;叶柄长5-18毫米,密被长粗毛及柔毛。蝎尾状聚伞花序或二歧聚伞花序,顶生,有花3-7朵;总梗长1.5-3厘米,被微柔毛及疏腺毛;苞片极小,早落;花梗长1-3毫米,略三棱形;花萼钟状管形,长约7毫米,被微柔毛及疏腺毛,略具三棱,具6脉,裂片短,广三角形,长不到1毫米,顶端急尖;花瓣粉红色或浅玫瑰红色,长圆形,长约7毫米,顶端急尖,外面中脉具星散的腺毛;雄蕊3,等长,常偏向1侧,花丝长约7毫米,花药长约8毫米,基部略尖,微叉开,药隔不延长;子房瓶形,顶端具膜质冠,具3个缺刻。蒴果倒圆锥形,略具三棱,长5-7毫米,直径4-5毫米,3纵裂,与宿存萼贴生;宿存萼无毛,具6脉。花期(7-) 9-10月,果期12月至翌年2月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 13 Page 390, 391
Sonerila cantonensis Stapf, Ann. Bot. (Oxford). 6: 302. 1892.
蜂斗草 feng dou cao | Melastomataceae | Sonerila
Sonerila cantonensis var. strigosa C. Chen; S. yunnanensis Jeffrey.
Herbs or shrublets, (15-)20-50 cm tall, sometimes stoloniferous. Stems obtusely 4-sided, spreading-hirsute and puberulous, glabrescent, usually lenticellate. Petiole 0.5-3(-6) cm, densely hirsute or villous; leaf blade ovate, elliptic-ovate, narrowly lanceolate-oblong, or subelliptic, 3-5.5(-13) × 1.8-6 cm, papery to submembranous, abaxially hispid on veins and sometimes trichomes brownish purplish, adaxially sparsely appressed setose or strigose, secondary veins 1 or 2(or 3) on each side of midvein, base cuneate to obtuse and sometimes slightly oblique, margin serrulate with each tooth having a terminal seta, apex shortly acuminate to acute. Inflorescences terminal, scorpioid cymes or dichasial cymes, 3-7-flowered, densely puberulous and with sparse glandular trichomes or densely villous; peduncle. 1.5-3 cm, puberulous and with sparse trichomes; bracts caducous. Pedicel 1-3 mm, slightly 3-sided. Hypanthium tubular-campanulate, 5-7 mm, 3-sided, 6-ribbed, puberulous or with sparse glandular trichomes. Calyx lobes broadly triangular, ca. 1 mm, pilose, apex acute. Petals pink to pale rose-colored, oblong, 5-10 mm, with sparse glandular trichomes or pilose on ridge, apex acute. Stamens 3, equal; filament ca. 7 mm; anthers ca. 8 mm, base slightly forked. Ovary flask-shaped, apex with a membranous crown. Capsule campanulate, 5-7 × 4-5 mm, 3-sided; hypanthium 6-ribbed, glabrous. Fl. Jun-Oct, fr. Dec-Feb.
● Dense forests, hillsides, valleys, shaded damp places, dry or damp places, grassy areas; 500-1500 m. Guangdong, Yunnan [?Vietnam].
This species has also been treated as a synonym of Sonerila maculata (Renner et al., Fl. Thailand 7(3): 488. 2001), but study of Chinese material shows that it is probably a distinct species.