洼瓣花Lloydia serotina
中文名(Chinese Name):洼瓣花
学名(Scientific Name):Lloydia serotina (Linn.) Rchb.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Bulbocodium serotinum L. Lloydia himalensis Royle Lloydia serotina var. unifolia Franch. Lloydia alpina Salisb. Cronyxium serotinum (L.) Raf. Ornithogalum serotinum (L.) Rchb. Rhabdocrinum serotinum (L.) Rchb. Gagea serotina (L.) Ker Gawl.
科属(Family & Genus):百合科(Liliaceae)洼瓣花属
引自植物志英文版: FOC Vol. 24 Page 122
Lloydia serotina (Linnaeus) Reichenbach, Fl. Germ. Excurs. 102. 1830.
洼瓣花 wa ban hua | Liliaceae | Lloydia
Plants 3--20 cm tall. Bulb 1.5--2.5 cm × 6--7 mm. Basal leaves (1 or)2, filiform, slightly shorter or longer than stem, ca. 1 mm wide; cauline leaves 2--4, linear or narrowly so, 1--3 cm × 1--3 mm. Inflorescence 1- or 2-flowered. Tepals white, violet veined, basally mottled with purple, obovate-oblong, 0.5--1.5 cm × 2--5 mm, usually with a small, nectariferous groove near base adaxially, apex obtuse-rounded. Stamens 1/2--3/5 as long as tepals; filaments glabrous. Ovary suboblong or narrowly ellipsoid, 3--4 × 1--1.5 mm. Style 3--4 mm; stigma indistinctly 3-lobed. Capsule subobovoid or subovoid, 3--7 mm, apex with persistent style. Seeds subdeltoid or crescent-shaped-deltoid, flat. Fl. Jun--Aug, fr. Aug--Oct.
Thickets, grassy slopes, alpine grasslands; 2400--5000 m. Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Sikkim; Europe, North America].

学名(Scientific Name):Lloydia serotina (Linn.) Rchb.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Bulbocodium serotinum L. Lloydia himalensis Royle Lloydia serotina var. unifolia Franch. Lloydia alpina Salisb. Cronyxium serotinum (L.) Raf. Ornithogalum serotinum (L.) Rchb. Rhabdocrinum serotinum (L.) Rchb. Gagea serotina (L.) Ker Gawl.
科属(Family & Genus):百合科(Liliaceae)洼瓣花属
引自植物志英文版: FOC Vol. 24 Page 122
Lloydia serotina (Linnaeus) Reichenbach, Fl. Germ. Excurs. 102. 1830.
洼瓣花 wa ban hua | Liliaceae | Lloydia
Plants 3--20 cm tall. Bulb 1.5--2.5 cm × 6--7 mm. Basal leaves (1 or)2, filiform, slightly shorter or longer than stem, ca. 1 mm wide; cauline leaves 2--4, linear or narrowly so, 1--3 cm × 1--3 mm. Inflorescence 1- or 2-flowered. Tepals white, violet veined, basally mottled with purple, obovate-oblong, 0.5--1.5 cm × 2--5 mm, usually with a small, nectariferous groove near base adaxially, apex obtuse-rounded. Stamens 1/2--3/5 as long as tepals; filaments glabrous. Ovary suboblong or narrowly ellipsoid, 3--4 × 1--1.5 mm. Style 3--4 mm; stigma indistinctly 3-lobed. Capsule subobovoid or subovoid, 3--7 mm, apex with persistent style. Seeds subdeltoid or crescent-shaped-deltoid, flat. Fl. Jun--Aug, fr. Aug--Oct.
Thickets, grassy slopes, alpine grasslands; 2400--5000 m. Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Sikkim; Europe, North America].