地耳草Hypericum japonicum
中文名(Chinese Name):地耳草
学名(Scientific Name):Hypericum japonicum Thunb. ex Murray
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):小还魂、雀舌草
异名(Synonym):Brathys japonica (Thunb.) Wight Brathys laxa Blume Hypericum japonicum var. calyculatum R. Keller Hypericum japonicum var. cavaleriei (H. Lév.) Koidz. Hypericum cavaleriei H. Lév. Hypericum thunbergii Franch. et Sav. Hypericum laxum (Blume) Koidz. Hypericum nervatum Hance Hypericum japonicum var. maximowiczii R. Keller Hypericum japonicum var. thunbergii (Franch. et Sav.) R. Keller Sarothra laxa (Blume) Y. Kimura Sarothra japonica (Thunb.) Y. Kimura Reseda cochinchinensis Lour. Reseda chinensis Lour. Ascyrum humifusum Labill. Brathys caespitosa Blume Brathys debilis Blume Brathys humifusa Spach Brathys japonica var. accumbens Blume Brathys japonica var. acutisepala Miq. Brathys nepalensis Blume Brathys orysetum Blume Brathys radicans Blume Hypericum calycatum Jacquem. ex Dyer Hypericum japonicum var. gramineum (G.Forst.) Maiden & Betche Hypericum japonicum var. humifusum (Labill.) Hook.f. Hypericum japonicum var. typicum Hochr. Hypericum pusillum Choisy Hypericum scaturiginum Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Tridia frankenioides Korth.
科属(Family & Genus):藤黄科(Guttiferae)金丝桃属
形态特征(Description):一年生或多年生草本,高2-45厘米。茎单一或多少簇生,直立或外倾或匍地而在基部生根,在花序下部不分枝或各式分枝,具4纵线棱,散布淡色腺点。叶无柄,叶片通常卵形或卵状三角形至长圆形或椭圆形,长0.2-1.8厘米,宽0.1-1厘米,先端近锐尖至圆形,基部心形抱茎至截形,边缘全缘,坚纸质,上面绿色,下面淡绿但有时带苍白色,具1-条基生主脉和1-2对侧脉,但无明显脉网,无边缘生的腺点,全面散布透明腺点。花序具1-30花,两岐状或多少呈单岐状,有或无侧生的小花枝;苞片及小苞片线形、披针形至叶状,微小至与叶等长。花直径4-8毫米,多少平展;花蕾圆柱状椭圆形,先端多少钝形;花梗长2-5毫米。萼片狭长圆形或披针形至椭圆形,长2-5.5毫米,宽0.5-2毫米,先端锐尖至钝形,全缘,无边缘生的腺点,全面散生有透明腺点或腺条纹,果时直伸。花瓣白色、淡黄至橙黄色,椭圆形或长圆形,长2-5毫米,宽0.8-1.8毫米,先端钝形,无腺点,宿存。雄蕊5-30枚,不成束,长约2毫米,宿存,花药黄色,具松脂状腺体。子房1室,长1.5-2毫米;花柱(2-)3 ,长0.4-1毫米,自基部离生,开展。蒴果短圆柱形至圆球形,长2.5-6毫米,宽1.3-2.8毫米,无腺条纹。种子淡黄色,圆柱形,长约0.5毫米,两端锐尖,无龙骨状突起和顶端的附属.物,全面有细蜂窝纹。花期3-月,果期6-10月。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 13 Page 4, 34, 35
Hypericum japonicum Thunberg in Murray, Syst. Veg., ed. 14. 702. 1784.
地耳草 di er cao | Clusiaceae | Hypericum
Brathys japonica (Thunberg) Wight; B. laxa Blume; Hypericum cavaleriei H. Léveillé; H. chinense Osbeck (1757), nom. utique rej., not Linnaeus (1759), nor Retzius (1788); H. japonicum var. calyculatum R. Keller; H. japonicum var. cavaleriei (H. Léveillé) Koidzumi; H. japonicum var. maximowiczii R. Keller; H. japonicum var. thunbergii (Franchet & Savatier) R. Keller; H. laxum (Blume) Koidzumi; H. nervatum Hance; H. thunbergii Franchet & Savatier; Sarothra japonica (Thunberg) Y. Kimura; S. laxa (Blume) Y. Kimura.
Herbs, annual, 2-45 cm, tall or long, erect to decumbent or prostrate and rooting at base or along stem; stems solitary or ± cespitose, unbranched below inflorescence or variously branched. Stem 4-lined, with scattered gland dots. Leaves sessile; blade usually ovate or ovate-triangular to oblong or elliptic, 0.2-1.8 cm × 1-10 mm; thickly papery, abaxially paler and sometimes glaucous; laminar and intramarginal glands dense; main lateral veins 1-7, basal, tertiary reticulation not visible; base cordate-amplexicaul to cuneate, not decurrent, margin plane, apex obtuse to rounded. Inflorescence 1- to ca. 30-flowered, terminal, sometimes with flowering branches from up to 3 nodes below; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate-subulate to leaflike. Flowers 4-8 mm in diam., stellate; buds cylindric-ellipsoid, apex ± obtuse. Sepals free, erect, narrowly oblong or rarely lanceolate to elliptic, subequal to unequal, 2-5.5 × 0.5-2 mm; laminar glands lines, distally dots; marginal glands absent; apex acute or obtuse to rounded; veins 3-5. Petals pale to bright yellow or orange, obovate to oblong or elliptic, 1.7-5 × 0.8-1.8 mm, 0.4-0.8 × as long as sepals; laminar glands absent; margin entire, eglandular. Stamens 5-30, irregular or in 5 obscure groups when few, longest 1.5-2.8 mm, 0.4-0.8 × as long as petals. Ovary ± broadly ovoid to subglobose; styles (2 or)3, 0.4-0.8(-1) mm, 0.4-0.6 × as long as ovary, spreading. Capsule cylindric to globose, (2-)2.5-6 × 1.3-2.8 mm, usually slightly shorter than to slightly exceeding sepals. Seeds straw-yellow, ca. 0.5 mm; testa finely linear-scalariform. Fl. Mar-Oct, fr. Apr-Nov. 2n = 16.
Rice fields, ditches, marshes, grasslands, waste places; sea level to ca. 3000 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Shandong, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bhutan, Cambodia, N and S India, Indonesia (Sumatra to Irian Jaya), Japan, S Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; SE Australia, Pacific islands (New Zealand)].
Hypericum japonicum is very variable and, the variation being continuous, eight nodal variants have been recognized but not formally named. Five of these occur in China:
(i) Stems erect to decumbent; inflorescence from terminal node only; bracts linear to lanceolate; sepals narrow ("japonicum" in part). Lowland.
(ii) Stems erect to decumbent; inflorescence from more than one node, sometimes with other branches; bracts linear to lanceolate; sepals narrow ("japonicum" in part). Lowland.
(iii) Stems erect; inflorescence from terminal node; bracts leaflike; sepals narrowly oblong to narrowly elliptic ("maximowiczii"). ?Lowland.
(iv) Stems decumbent to procumbent; inflorescence from terminal node; bracts leaflike; sepals narrowly oblong to narrowly elliptic ("laxum"). Lowland to upland.
(v) Stems decumbent to prostrate; inflorescence from terminal node; bracts leaflike; sepals (at least outer) broadly elliptic to obovate ("calyculatum"). Upland to montane.
![地耳草Hypericum japonicum 地耳草Hypericum japonicum](/uploads/allimg/130923/2-1309231222244B.JPG)
![地耳草Hypericum japonicum 地耳草Hypericum japonicum](/uploads/allimg/130923/2-130923122231Z3.JPG)
![地耳草Hypericum japonicum 地耳草Hypericum japonicum](/uploads/allimg/130923/2-13092312223LE.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Hypericum japonicum Thunb. ex Murray
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):小还魂、雀舌草
异名(Synonym):Brathys japonica (Thunb.) Wight Brathys laxa Blume Hypericum japonicum var. calyculatum R. Keller Hypericum japonicum var. cavaleriei (H. Lév.) Koidz. Hypericum cavaleriei H. Lév. Hypericum thunbergii Franch. et Sav. Hypericum laxum (Blume) Koidz. Hypericum nervatum Hance Hypericum japonicum var. maximowiczii R. Keller Hypericum japonicum var. thunbergii (Franch. et Sav.) R. Keller Sarothra laxa (Blume) Y. Kimura Sarothra japonica (Thunb.) Y. Kimura Reseda cochinchinensis Lour. Reseda chinensis Lour. Ascyrum humifusum Labill. Brathys caespitosa Blume Brathys debilis Blume Brathys humifusa Spach Brathys japonica var. accumbens Blume Brathys japonica var. acutisepala Miq. Brathys nepalensis Blume Brathys orysetum Blume Brathys radicans Blume Hypericum calycatum Jacquem. ex Dyer Hypericum japonicum var. gramineum (G.Forst.) Maiden & Betche Hypericum japonicum var. humifusum (Labill.) Hook.f. Hypericum japonicum var. typicum Hochr. Hypericum pusillum Choisy Hypericum scaturiginum Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Tridia frankenioides Korth.
科属(Family & Genus):藤黄科(Guttiferae)金丝桃属
形态特征(Description):一年生或多年生草本,高2-45厘米。茎单一或多少簇生,直立或外倾或匍地而在基部生根,在花序下部不分枝或各式分枝,具4纵线棱,散布淡色腺点。叶无柄,叶片通常卵形或卵状三角形至长圆形或椭圆形,长0.2-1.8厘米,宽0.1-1厘米,先端近锐尖至圆形,基部心形抱茎至截形,边缘全缘,坚纸质,上面绿色,下面淡绿但有时带苍白色,具1-条基生主脉和1-2对侧脉,但无明显脉网,无边缘生的腺点,全面散布透明腺点。花序具1-30花,两岐状或多少呈单岐状,有或无侧生的小花枝;苞片及小苞片线形、披针形至叶状,微小至与叶等长。花直径4-8毫米,多少平展;花蕾圆柱状椭圆形,先端多少钝形;花梗长2-5毫米。萼片狭长圆形或披针形至椭圆形,长2-5.5毫米,宽0.5-2毫米,先端锐尖至钝形,全缘,无边缘生的腺点,全面散生有透明腺点或腺条纹,果时直伸。花瓣白色、淡黄至橙黄色,椭圆形或长圆形,长2-5毫米,宽0.8-1.8毫米,先端钝形,无腺点,宿存。雄蕊5-30枚,不成束,长约2毫米,宿存,花药黄色,具松脂状腺体。子房1室,长1.5-2毫米;花柱(2-)3 ,长0.4-1毫米,自基部离生,开展。蒴果短圆柱形至圆球形,长2.5-6毫米,宽1.3-2.8毫米,无腺条纹。种子淡黄色,圆柱形,长约0.5毫米,两端锐尖,无龙骨状突起和顶端的附属.物,全面有细蜂窝纹。花期3-月,果期6-10月。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 13 Page 4, 34, 35
Hypericum japonicum Thunberg in Murray, Syst. Veg., ed. 14. 702. 1784.
地耳草 di er cao | Clusiaceae | Hypericum
Brathys japonica (Thunberg) Wight; B. laxa Blume; Hypericum cavaleriei H. Léveillé; H. chinense Osbeck (1757), nom. utique rej., not Linnaeus (1759), nor Retzius (1788); H. japonicum var. calyculatum R. Keller; H. japonicum var. cavaleriei (H. Léveillé) Koidzumi; H. japonicum var. maximowiczii R. Keller; H. japonicum var. thunbergii (Franchet & Savatier) R. Keller; H. laxum (Blume) Koidzumi; H. nervatum Hance; H. thunbergii Franchet & Savatier; Sarothra japonica (Thunberg) Y. Kimura; S. laxa (Blume) Y. Kimura.
Herbs, annual, 2-45 cm, tall or long, erect to decumbent or prostrate and rooting at base or along stem; stems solitary or ± cespitose, unbranched below inflorescence or variously branched. Stem 4-lined, with scattered gland dots. Leaves sessile; blade usually ovate or ovate-triangular to oblong or elliptic, 0.2-1.8 cm × 1-10 mm; thickly papery, abaxially paler and sometimes glaucous; laminar and intramarginal glands dense; main lateral veins 1-7, basal, tertiary reticulation not visible; base cordate-amplexicaul to cuneate, not decurrent, margin plane, apex obtuse to rounded. Inflorescence 1- to ca. 30-flowered, terminal, sometimes with flowering branches from up to 3 nodes below; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate-subulate to leaflike. Flowers 4-8 mm in diam., stellate; buds cylindric-ellipsoid, apex ± obtuse. Sepals free, erect, narrowly oblong or rarely lanceolate to elliptic, subequal to unequal, 2-5.5 × 0.5-2 mm; laminar glands lines, distally dots; marginal glands absent; apex acute or obtuse to rounded; veins 3-5. Petals pale to bright yellow or orange, obovate to oblong or elliptic, 1.7-5 × 0.8-1.8 mm, 0.4-0.8 × as long as sepals; laminar glands absent; margin entire, eglandular. Stamens 5-30, irregular or in 5 obscure groups when few, longest 1.5-2.8 mm, 0.4-0.8 × as long as petals. Ovary ± broadly ovoid to subglobose; styles (2 or)3, 0.4-0.8(-1) mm, 0.4-0.6 × as long as ovary, spreading. Capsule cylindric to globose, (2-)2.5-6 × 1.3-2.8 mm, usually slightly shorter than to slightly exceeding sepals. Seeds straw-yellow, ca. 0.5 mm; testa finely linear-scalariform. Fl. Mar-Oct, fr. Apr-Nov. 2n = 16.
Rice fields, ditches, marshes, grasslands, waste places; sea level to ca. 3000 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Shandong, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bhutan, Cambodia, N and S India, Indonesia (Sumatra to Irian Jaya), Japan, S Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; SE Australia, Pacific islands (New Zealand)].
Hypericum japonicum is very variable and, the variation being continuous, eight nodal variants have been recognized but not formally named. Five of these occur in China:
(i) Stems erect to decumbent; inflorescence from terminal node only; bracts linear to lanceolate; sepals narrow ("japonicum" in part). Lowland.
(ii) Stems erect to decumbent; inflorescence from more than one node, sometimes with other branches; bracts linear to lanceolate; sepals narrow ("japonicum" in part). Lowland.
(iii) Stems erect; inflorescence from terminal node; bracts leaflike; sepals narrowly oblong to narrowly elliptic ("maximowiczii"). ?Lowland.
(iv) Stems decumbent to procumbent; inflorescence from terminal node; bracts leaflike; sepals narrowly oblong to narrowly elliptic ("laxum"). Lowland to upland.
(v) Stems decumbent to prostrate; inflorescence from terminal node; bracts leaflike; sepals (at least outer) broadly elliptic to obovate ("calyculatum"). Upland to montane.