黄牛木Cratoxylum cochinchinense
中文名(Chinese Name):黄牛木
学名(Scientific Name):Cratoxylum cochinchinense (Lour.) Bl.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):黄牛茶、芽木
异名(Synonym):Ancistrolobus ligustrinus Spach Cratoxylum chinense Merr. Cratoxylum ligustrinum Blume Cratoxylum polyanthum Korth. Cratoxylum polyanthum var. ligustrinum Dyer Hypericum cochinchinense Lour. Cratoxylum biflorum (Lam.) Turcz. Cratoxylum petiolatum Blume Oxycarpus cochinchinensis Lour. Elodea chinensis (Retzius) Hance Stalagmites erosipetala Miq. Cratoxylum hypoleuca Elmer Cratoxylum lanceolatum Miq. Cratoxylum myrtifolium Blume Cratoxylum wightii Blume Elodes chinensis (Retz.) Hance
科属(Family & Genus):藤黄科(Guttiferae)黄牛木属
形态特征(Description):落叶灌木或乔木,高1.5-18 (-25)米,全体无毛,树干下部有簇生的长枝刺;树皮灰黄色或灰褐色,平滑或有细条纹。枝条对生,幼枝略扁,无毛,淡红色,节上叶柄间线痕连续或间有中断。叶片椭圆形至长椭圆形或披针形,长3-10.5厘米,宽1-4厘米,先端骤然锐尖或渐尖,基部钝形至楔形,坚纸质,两面无毛,上面绿色,下面粉绿色,有透明腺点及黑点,中脉在上面凹陷,下面凸起,侧脉每边8-12条,两面凸起,斜展,末端不呈弧形闭合,小脉网状,两面凸起;叶柄长2-3毫米,无毛。聚伞花序腋生或腋外生及顶生,有花(1-)2-3朵,具梗;总梗长3-10毫米或以上。花直径1-1.5厘米;花梗长2-3毫米。萼片椭圆形,长5-7毫米,宽2-5毫米,先端圆形,全面有黑色纵腺条,果时增大。花瓣粉红、深红至红黄色,倒卵形,长5-10毫米,宽2.5-5毫米,先端圆形,基部楔形,脉间有黑腺纹,无鳞片。雄蕊束3,长4-8毫米,柄宽扁至细长。下位肉质腺体长圆形至倒卵形,盔状,长达3毫米,宽1-1.5毫米,顶端增厚反曲。子房圆锥形,长3毫米,无毛,3室;花柱3,线形,自基部叉开,长2毫米。蒴果椭圆形,长8-12毫米,宽4-5毫米,棕色,无毛,被宿存的花萼包被达2/3以上。种子每室(5-)6-8颗,倒卵形,长6-8毫米,宽2-3毫米,基部具爪,不对称,一侧具翅。花期4-5月,果期6月以后。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 13 Page 37
Cratoxylum cochinchinense (Loureiro) Blume, Mus. Bot. 2: 17. 1856.
黄牛木 huang niu mu | Clusiaceae | Cratoxylum
Hypericum cochinchinense Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 2: 472. 1790; Ancistrolobus ligustrinus Spach; Cratoxylum biflorum (Lamarck) Turczaninow; C. chinense Merrill; C. ligustrinum (Spach) Blume; C. petiolatum Blume; C. polyanthum Korthals; C. polyanthum var. ligustrinum (Spach) Dyer; Elodes chinensis (Retzius) Hance; H. biflorum Lamarck (1797), not Choisy (1821); H. chinense Retzius (1788), not Osbeck (1757), nor Linnaeus (1759); Oxycarpus cochinchinensis Loureiro; Stalagmites erosipetala Miquel.
Shrubs or trees, deciduous, 1.5-18(-25) m tall, glabrous. Trunk with clusters of long thorns on lower part. Bark gray-yellow or gray-brown, smooth or finely striate. Twigs somewhat compressed, glabrous and pink when young, interpetiolar scars not always continuous. Petiole 2-3 mm, glabrous; leaf blade abaxially gray-green, adaxially green, elliptic to oblong or lanceolate, 3-10.5 × 1-4 cm, papery, both surfaces glabrous, abaxially with pellucid or dark glands, midvein abaxially raised, adaxially impressed; secondary veins 8-12 pairs, oblique, not or irregularly joining at the margins; veins and veinlets reticulate, raised on both surfaces, base obtuse to cuneate, apex abruptly acute or acuminate. Cymes axillary or extra-axillary and terminal, (1 or)2 or 3-flowered, pedunculate; peduncles 3-10 mm or longer. Pedicel 2-3 mm. Flowers 1-1.5 cm in diam. Sepals accrescent, oblong, 5-7 × 2-5 mm, with dark linear glands on entire surface, apex rounded. Petals deep crimson to pink or pinkish yellow, obovate, 5-10 × 2.5-5 mm, with dark linear glands between veins, base cuneate, apex rounded; petal-scale absent. Stamen fascicles 4-8 mm, stalk broad to slender, with 40-55 stamens. Fasciclodes oblong to obovate, cucullate, to 3 × 1-1.5 mm, apex thickened and recurved; connective with gland or not. Ovary conic, ca. 3 mm, glabrous; styles ca. 2 mm. Capsule brown, ellipsoid, 0.8-1.2 cm × 4-5 mm, to 2/3 covered by persistent calyx. Seeds (5 or)6-8 per locule, 6-8 × 2-3 mm. Fl. Apr-May, fr. after Jun.
Secondary forests, thickets, dry sunny mountain slopes, hills; below 1200 m. S Guangdong, S Guangxi, S Yunnan [Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam].
This plant is xerophilous. The wood is hard and valuable for woodcuts. The young fruit is used as a spice for cooking. The roots, bark, and twigs are used as a medicine for colds and diarrhea. The young leaves are used a substitute for tea.
![黄牛木Cratoxylum cochinchinense 黄牛木Cratoxylum cochinchinense](/uploads/allimg/130923/2-1309231205412W.JPG)
![黄牛木Cratoxylum cochinchinense 黄牛木Cratoxylum cochinchinense](/uploads/allimg/130923/2-13092312054K17.JPG)
![黄牛木Cratoxylum cochinchinense 黄牛木Cratoxylum cochinchinense](/uploads/allimg/130923/2-130923120554U3.JPG)
![黄牛木Cratoxylum cochinchinense 黄牛木Cratoxylum cochinchinense](/uploads/allimg/130923/2-130923120600T8.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Cratoxylum cochinchinense (Lour.) Bl.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):黄牛茶、芽木
异名(Synonym):Ancistrolobus ligustrinus Spach Cratoxylum chinense Merr. Cratoxylum ligustrinum Blume Cratoxylum polyanthum Korth. Cratoxylum polyanthum var. ligustrinum Dyer Hypericum cochinchinense Lour. Cratoxylum biflorum (Lam.) Turcz. Cratoxylum petiolatum Blume Oxycarpus cochinchinensis Lour. Elodea chinensis (Retzius) Hance Stalagmites erosipetala Miq. Cratoxylum hypoleuca Elmer Cratoxylum lanceolatum Miq. Cratoxylum myrtifolium Blume Cratoxylum wightii Blume Elodes chinensis (Retz.) Hance
科属(Family & Genus):藤黄科(Guttiferae)黄牛木属
形态特征(Description):落叶灌木或乔木,高1.5-18 (-25)米,全体无毛,树干下部有簇生的长枝刺;树皮灰黄色或灰褐色,平滑或有细条纹。枝条对生,幼枝略扁,无毛,淡红色,节上叶柄间线痕连续或间有中断。叶片椭圆形至长椭圆形或披针形,长3-10.5厘米,宽1-4厘米,先端骤然锐尖或渐尖,基部钝形至楔形,坚纸质,两面无毛,上面绿色,下面粉绿色,有透明腺点及黑点,中脉在上面凹陷,下面凸起,侧脉每边8-12条,两面凸起,斜展,末端不呈弧形闭合,小脉网状,两面凸起;叶柄长2-3毫米,无毛。聚伞花序腋生或腋外生及顶生,有花(1-)2-3朵,具梗;总梗长3-10毫米或以上。花直径1-1.5厘米;花梗长2-3毫米。萼片椭圆形,长5-7毫米,宽2-5毫米,先端圆形,全面有黑色纵腺条,果时增大。花瓣粉红、深红至红黄色,倒卵形,长5-10毫米,宽2.5-5毫米,先端圆形,基部楔形,脉间有黑腺纹,无鳞片。雄蕊束3,长4-8毫米,柄宽扁至细长。下位肉质腺体长圆形至倒卵形,盔状,长达3毫米,宽1-1.5毫米,顶端增厚反曲。子房圆锥形,长3毫米,无毛,3室;花柱3,线形,自基部叉开,长2毫米。蒴果椭圆形,长8-12毫米,宽4-5毫米,棕色,无毛,被宿存的花萼包被达2/3以上。种子每室(5-)6-8颗,倒卵形,长6-8毫米,宽2-3毫米,基部具爪,不对称,一侧具翅。花期4-5月,果期6月以后。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 13 Page 37
Cratoxylum cochinchinense (Loureiro) Blume, Mus. Bot. 2: 17. 1856.
黄牛木 huang niu mu | Clusiaceae | Cratoxylum
Hypericum cochinchinense Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 2: 472. 1790; Ancistrolobus ligustrinus Spach; Cratoxylum biflorum (Lamarck) Turczaninow; C. chinense Merrill; C. ligustrinum (Spach) Blume; C. petiolatum Blume; C. polyanthum Korthals; C. polyanthum var. ligustrinum (Spach) Dyer; Elodes chinensis (Retzius) Hance; H. biflorum Lamarck (1797), not Choisy (1821); H. chinense Retzius (1788), not Osbeck (1757), nor Linnaeus (1759); Oxycarpus cochinchinensis Loureiro; Stalagmites erosipetala Miquel.
Shrubs or trees, deciduous, 1.5-18(-25) m tall, glabrous. Trunk with clusters of long thorns on lower part. Bark gray-yellow or gray-brown, smooth or finely striate. Twigs somewhat compressed, glabrous and pink when young, interpetiolar scars not always continuous. Petiole 2-3 mm, glabrous; leaf blade abaxially gray-green, adaxially green, elliptic to oblong or lanceolate, 3-10.5 × 1-4 cm, papery, both surfaces glabrous, abaxially with pellucid or dark glands, midvein abaxially raised, adaxially impressed; secondary veins 8-12 pairs, oblique, not or irregularly joining at the margins; veins and veinlets reticulate, raised on both surfaces, base obtuse to cuneate, apex abruptly acute or acuminate. Cymes axillary or extra-axillary and terminal, (1 or)2 or 3-flowered, pedunculate; peduncles 3-10 mm or longer. Pedicel 2-3 mm. Flowers 1-1.5 cm in diam. Sepals accrescent, oblong, 5-7 × 2-5 mm, with dark linear glands on entire surface, apex rounded. Petals deep crimson to pink or pinkish yellow, obovate, 5-10 × 2.5-5 mm, with dark linear glands between veins, base cuneate, apex rounded; petal-scale absent. Stamen fascicles 4-8 mm, stalk broad to slender, with 40-55 stamens. Fasciclodes oblong to obovate, cucullate, to 3 × 1-1.5 mm, apex thickened and recurved; connective with gland or not. Ovary conic, ca. 3 mm, glabrous; styles ca. 2 mm. Capsule brown, ellipsoid, 0.8-1.2 cm × 4-5 mm, to 2/3 covered by persistent calyx. Seeds (5 or)6-8 per locule, 6-8 × 2-3 mm. Fl. Apr-May, fr. after Jun.
Secondary forests, thickets, dry sunny mountain slopes, hills; below 1200 m. S Guangdong, S Guangxi, S Yunnan [Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam].
This plant is xerophilous. The wood is hard and valuable for woodcuts. The young fruit is used as a spice for cooking. The roots, bark, and twigs are used as a medicine for colds and diarrhea. The young leaves are used a substitute for tea.