浆果薹草Carex baccans
中文名(Chinese Name):浆果薹草
学名(Scientific Name):Carex baccans Nees
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):红稗子
异名(Synonym):Carex javanica Boeckeler Carex curvirostris Kunze Carex baccans f. aurantiaca Kuntze Carex baccans f. nigra Kuntze Carex baccans f. normalis Kuntze Carex baccans f. recurvirostris Kuntze Carex baccans var. siccifructus C.B.Clarke
科属(Family & Genus):莎草科(Cyperaceae)薹草属
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 23 Page 288
Carex baccans Nees in Wight, Contr. Bot. India. 122. 1834.
浆果薹草 jiang guo tai cao| Cyperaceae | Carex
Rhizome woody. Culms densely tufted, erect and robust, 80-150 × 0.5-0.6 cm, trigonous, glabrous, leafy below middle. Leaves longer than culms, flat, 8-12 mm wide, glabrous abaxially, scabrid adaxially; basal persistent leaf sheaths red-brown, reticulate. Involucral bracts leafy, longer than inflorescence, long sheathed. Panicle compound, 10-35 cm, 3-8-branched; inflorescence branches single, oblong, 5-6 × 3-4 cm; peduncles of inflorescence branches rigid, basal one 12-14 cm, upper ones gradually shorter, usually enclosed in sheaths; inflorescence axes bluntly triquetrous, subglabrous; bractlets glumelike, lanceolate, 3.5-4 mm, leathery, only basal one with short sheath, others sheathless, awned. Spikes numerous, bisexual and androgynous, arising from utriculiform cladoprophylls, cylindric, 3-6 cm; male part of spike tenuous, few flowered, 1/3-1/2 length of female part; female part with dense and numerous flowers; male glumes chestnut, broadly ovate, 2-2.5 mm, membranous, apex awned; female glumes purplish brown or chestnut, broadly ovate, 2-2.5 mm, papery, with 1 green midrib, margins hyaline, apex awned. Utricles red to purplish red at maturity, shining, obovate-globose or subglobose, inflated, 3.5-4.5 mm, subleathery, with many vertical veins, upper margins hairy, base shortly stipitate, apex shortly beaked, orifice minutely 2-toothed. Nutlet brown at maturity, elliptic, trigonous, 3-3.5 mm, base shortly stipitate, apex apiculate; style base not thickened; stigmas 3.
Margins of woods, riversides; 200-2700 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan [Cambodia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam].
![浆果薹草Carex baccans 浆果薹草Carex baccans](/uploads/allimg/130906/2-130Z6122442629.JPG)
![浆果薹草Carex baccans 浆果薹草Carex baccans](/uploads/allimg/130906/2-130Z612244T36.JPG)
![浆果薹草Carex baccans 浆果薹草Carex baccans](/uploads/allimg/130906/2-130Z6122455134.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Carex baccans Nees
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):红稗子
异名(Synonym):Carex javanica Boeckeler Carex curvirostris Kunze Carex baccans f. aurantiaca Kuntze Carex baccans f. nigra Kuntze Carex baccans f. normalis Kuntze Carex baccans f. recurvirostris Kuntze Carex baccans var. siccifructus C.B.Clarke
科属(Family & Genus):莎草科(Cyperaceae)薹草属
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 23 Page 288
Carex baccans Nees in Wight, Contr. Bot. India. 122. 1834.
浆果薹草 jiang guo tai cao| Cyperaceae | Carex
Rhizome woody. Culms densely tufted, erect and robust, 80-150 × 0.5-0.6 cm, trigonous, glabrous, leafy below middle. Leaves longer than culms, flat, 8-12 mm wide, glabrous abaxially, scabrid adaxially; basal persistent leaf sheaths red-brown, reticulate. Involucral bracts leafy, longer than inflorescence, long sheathed. Panicle compound, 10-35 cm, 3-8-branched; inflorescence branches single, oblong, 5-6 × 3-4 cm; peduncles of inflorescence branches rigid, basal one 12-14 cm, upper ones gradually shorter, usually enclosed in sheaths; inflorescence axes bluntly triquetrous, subglabrous; bractlets glumelike, lanceolate, 3.5-4 mm, leathery, only basal one with short sheath, others sheathless, awned. Spikes numerous, bisexual and androgynous, arising from utriculiform cladoprophylls, cylindric, 3-6 cm; male part of spike tenuous, few flowered, 1/3-1/2 length of female part; female part with dense and numerous flowers; male glumes chestnut, broadly ovate, 2-2.5 mm, membranous, apex awned; female glumes purplish brown or chestnut, broadly ovate, 2-2.5 mm, papery, with 1 green midrib, margins hyaline, apex awned. Utricles red to purplish red at maturity, shining, obovate-globose or subglobose, inflated, 3.5-4.5 mm, subleathery, with many vertical veins, upper margins hairy, base shortly stipitate, apex shortly beaked, orifice minutely 2-toothed. Nutlet brown at maturity, elliptic, trigonous, 3-3.5 mm, base shortly stipitate, apex apiculate; style base not thickened; stigmas 3.
Margins of woods, riversides; 200-2700 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan [Cambodia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam].
上一篇:黑穗薹草Carex atrata