空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides
中文名(Chinese Name):空心莲子草
学名(Scientific Name):Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.
英文名(English Common Name):alligatorweed
别名(Chinese Common Name):喜旱莲子草
科属(Family & Genus):苋科(Amaranthaceae)莲子草属
形态特征(Description):多年生草本;茎基部匍匐,上部上升,管状,不明显4棱,长55-120厘米,具分枝,幼茎及叶腋有白色或锈色柔毛,茎老时无毛,仅在两侧纵沟内保留。叶片矩圆形、矩圆状倒卵形或倒卵状披针形,长2.5-5厘米,宽7-20毫米,顶端急尖或圆钝,具短尖,基部渐狭,全缘,两面无毛或上面有贴生毛及缘毛,下面有颗粒状突起;叶柄长3-10毫米,无毛或微有柔毛。花密生,成具总花梗的头状花序,单生在叶腋,球形,直径8-15毫米;苞片及小苞片白色,顶端渐尖,具1脉; 苞片卵形,长2-2.5毫米,小苞片披针形,长2毫米;花被片矩圆形,长5-6毫米,白色,光亮,无毛,顶端急尖,背部侧扁;雄蕊花丝长2.5-3毫米,基部连合成杯状; 退化雄蕊矩圆状条形,和雄蕊约等长,顶端裂成窄条;子房倒卵形,具短柄,背面侧扁,顶端圆形。果实未见。花期5-10月。
用途(Use):全草入药,有清热利水、凉血解毒作用; 可作饲料。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 5 Page 427
Alternanthera philoxeroides (C. Martius) Grisebach, Abh. Königl. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen. 24: 36. 1879.
喜旱莲子草 xi han lian zi cao | Amaranthaceae | Alternanthera
Bucholzia philoxeroides C. Martius, Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 13(1): 107. 1825; Achyranthes philoxeroides (C. Martius) Standley; Telanthera philoxeroides (C. Martius) Moquin-Tandon.
Herbs perennial. Stem ascending from a creeping base, 55-120 cm, branched; young stem and leaf axil white hairy; old ones glabrous. Petiole 3-10 mm, glabrous or slightly hairy; leaf blade oblong, oblong-obovate, or ovate-lanceolate, 2.5-5 × 0.7-2 cm, glabrous or ciliate, adaxially muricate, base attenuate, margin entire, apex acute or obtuse, with a mucro. Heads with a peduncle, solitary at leaf axil, globose, 0.8-1.5 cm in diam. Bracts and bracteoles white, 1-veined, apex acuminate; bracts ovate, 2-2.5 mm; bracteoles lanceolate, ca. 2 mm. Tepals white, shiny, oblong, 5-6 mm, glabrous, apex acute. Filaments 2.5-3 mm, connate into a cup at base; pseudostaminodes oblong-linear, ca. as long as stamens. Ovary obovoid, compressed, with short stalk. Fruit not known. Fl. May-Oct. 2n = 100*.
Cultivated, waste places. Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi, Hebei, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Zhejiang [native to South America (Brazil)].