华南胡椒Piper austrosinense
中文名(Chinese Name):华南胡椒
学名(Scientific Name):Piper austrosinense Tseng
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
科属(Family & Genus):胡椒科(Piperaceae)胡椒属
形态特征(Description):木质攀援藤本,除苞片腹面中部、花序轴和柱头外无毛;枝有纵棱,节上生根。叶厚纸 质,无明显腺点,花枝下部叶阔卵形或卵形,长8.5-11厘米,宽6-7厘米,顶端短尖,基部通常心形,两侧相等,上部叶卵形、狭卵形或卵状披针形,长6-11厘米,宽1.5-4.5厘 米,顶端渐尖,基部钝或略狭,两侧常不等齐;叶脉5条,少有7条,全部基出,有时最上1对离基2-3毫米从中脉发出,对生,中脉上部发出的小脉近横向平行,网状脉明显;下部,叶柄长达2厘米,上部叶柄长4-10毫米;叶鞘长为叶柄之半或略短。花单性,雌雄异株,聚集成与叶对生的穗状花序。雄花序圆柱形,顶端钝,白色,长3-6.5厘米,直径约2毫米;总花梗长1-1.8厘米; 苞片圆形,直径约1毫米,无柄,盾状,腹面中央和花序轴同被白色密毛;雄蕊2枚,花丝与花药近等长。雌花序白色,长1-1.5厘米,直径约3毫米,总花梗与花序近等长;苞片与雄花序的相同;子房基部嵌生于花序轴中,柱头3-4,被绒毛。浆果球形,直径约3毫米,基部嵌生于花序轴中。花期4-6月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 4 Page 125
Piper austrosinense Y. C. Tseng, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 17(1): 36. 1979.
华南胡椒 hua nan hu jiao| Piperaceae | Piper
Climbers woody, glabrous except for rachis and bracts, dioecious. Stems ridged, rooting at nodes. Petiole 0.4-2 cm, shorter in leaves toward apex of stem, prophylls ca. 1/2 as long as petiole; leaf blades toward base of stem ovate, 8.5-11 × 6-7 cm, papery, without evident glands, base usually cordate, symmetric, apex acute; veins 5(-7), all ± basal; reticulate veins conspicuous, transversely oblong toward apex; leaf blades toward apex of stem narrowly ovate, 6-11 × 1.5-4.5 cm, base usually oblique, rounded or slightly tapered, apex acuminate. Spikes leaf-opposed. Male spikes white, 3-6.5 cm × ca. 2 mm; peduncle 1-1.8 cm; rachis and undersides of bracts densely white pubescent; bracts orbicular, ca. 1 mm wide, peltate, sessile. Stamens 2; filaments nearly as long as anthers. Female spikes white, 1-1.5 cm × ca. 3 mm; peduncle nearly as long as rachis; bracts as in male spikes. Ovary partly immersed in rachis; stigmas 3 or 4, tomentose. Drupe globose, ca. 2 mm in diam., partly immersed in rachis. Fl. Apr-Jun.
* Forests, on trees or rocks; 200-600 m. E and SW Guangdong, SE Guangxi, Hainan
Material of this species lacking fruit has often been confused with Piper hancei. However, P. austrosinense can be easily distinguished by its white flowers, whereas P. hancei has yellow flowers.

学名(Scientific Name):Piper austrosinense Tseng
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
科属(Family & Genus):胡椒科(Piperaceae)胡椒属
形态特征(Description):木质攀援藤本,除苞片腹面中部、花序轴和柱头外无毛;枝有纵棱,节上生根。叶厚纸 质,无明显腺点,花枝下部叶阔卵形或卵形,长8.5-11厘米,宽6-7厘米,顶端短尖,基部通常心形,两侧相等,上部叶卵形、狭卵形或卵状披针形,长6-11厘米,宽1.5-4.5厘 米,顶端渐尖,基部钝或略狭,两侧常不等齐;叶脉5条,少有7条,全部基出,有时最上1对离基2-3毫米从中脉发出,对生,中脉上部发出的小脉近横向平行,网状脉明显;下部,叶柄长达2厘米,上部叶柄长4-10毫米;叶鞘长为叶柄之半或略短。花单性,雌雄异株,聚集成与叶对生的穗状花序。雄花序圆柱形,顶端钝,白色,长3-6.5厘米,直径约2毫米;总花梗长1-1.8厘米; 苞片圆形,直径约1毫米,无柄,盾状,腹面中央和花序轴同被白色密毛;雄蕊2枚,花丝与花药近等长。雌花序白色,长1-1.5厘米,直径约3毫米,总花梗与花序近等长;苞片与雄花序的相同;子房基部嵌生于花序轴中,柱头3-4,被绒毛。浆果球形,直径约3毫米,基部嵌生于花序轴中。花期4-6月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 4 Page 125
Piper austrosinense Y. C. Tseng, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 17(1): 36. 1979.
华南胡椒 hua nan hu jiao| Piperaceae | Piper
Climbers woody, glabrous except for rachis and bracts, dioecious. Stems ridged, rooting at nodes. Petiole 0.4-2 cm, shorter in leaves toward apex of stem, prophylls ca. 1/2 as long as petiole; leaf blades toward base of stem ovate, 8.5-11 × 6-7 cm, papery, without evident glands, base usually cordate, symmetric, apex acute; veins 5(-7), all ± basal; reticulate veins conspicuous, transversely oblong toward apex; leaf blades toward apex of stem narrowly ovate, 6-11 × 1.5-4.5 cm, base usually oblique, rounded or slightly tapered, apex acuminate. Spikes leaf-opposed. Male spikes white, 3-6.5 cm × ca. 2 mm; peduncle 1-1.8 cm; rachis and undersides of bracts densely white pubescent; bracts orbicular, ca. 1 mm wide, peltate, sessile. Stamens 2; filaments nearly as long as anthers. Female spikes white, 1-1.5 cm × ca. 3 mm; peduncle nearly as long as rachis; bracts as in male spikes. Ovary partly immersed in rachis; stigmas 3 or 4, tomentose. Drupe globose, ca. 2 mm in diam., partly immersed in rachis. Fl. Apr-Jun.
* Forests, on trees or rocks; 200-600 m. E and SW Guangdong, SE Guangxi, Hainan
Material of this species lacking fruit has often been confused with Piper hancei. However, P. austrosinense can be easily distinguished by its white flowers, whereas P. hancei has yellow flowers.