三角叶西番莲Passiflora suberosa
中文名(Chinese Name):三角叶西番莲
学名(Scientific Name):Passiflora suberosa L.
英文名(English Common Name):corkystem passionflower
别名(Chinese Common Name):细柱西番莲
异名(Synonym):Passiflora gracilis Jacq. ex Link Anthactinia walkeri M.Roem. Cieca angustifolia M.Roem. Cieca flexuosa M.Roem. Cieca globosa M.Roem. Cieca hederacea M.Roem. Cieca littoralis M.Roem. Cieca nigra Medik. Cieca oliviformis M.Roem. Cieca pallida M.Roem. Cieca peltata M.Roem. Cieca pseudosuberosa M.Roem. Cieca suberosa (L.) Moench Granadilla suberosa (L.) Gaertn. Meioperis angustifolia (Sw.) Raf. Meioperis hederacea (Cav.) Raf. Meioperis minima (L.) Raf. Meioperis pallida (L.) Raf. Meioperis peltata (Cav.) Raf. Meioperis suberosa (L.) Raf. Monactineirma angustifolia (Sw.) Bory Monactineirma hederacea (Cav.) Bory Monactineirma minima (L.) Bory Monactineirma peltata (Cav.) Bory Monactineirma suberosa (L.) Bory Passiflora angustifolia Sw. Passiflora glabra Mill. Passiflora calliaquatica E.H.L. Krause Passiflora flexuosa Gardner Passiflora globosa Vell. Passiflora pseudosuberosa Fisch. Passiflora puberula Hook. f. Passiflora hederacea Cav. Passiflora hederifolia var. beta Lam. Passiflora hederifolia var. gamma Lam. Passiflora hederifolia Lam. Passiflora heterophylla Aiton Passiflora hirsuta var. parviflora (Sw.) M. Roem. Passiflora kohautiana C. Presl Passiflora limbata Ten. Passiflora lineariloba Hook. f. Passiflora litoralis Kunth Passiflora longifolia Lam. Passiflora nigra Jacq. Passiflora peltata Cav. Passiflora suberosa var. angustifolia (Sw.) Mast. Passiflora suberosa var. divaricata Griseb. Passiflora suberosa var. hederacea (Cav.) Mast. Passiflora suberosa var. hirsuta (L.) Mast. Passiflora suberosa var. lineariloba (Hook. f.) Mast. Passiflora suberosa var. longiloba Triana & Planch. Passiflora suberosa var. longipes S. Watson Passiflora suberosa var. minima (L.) Mast. Passiflora suberosa var. pallida (L.) Mast. Passiflora tridactylites Hook. f. Passiflora walkeri Wight Passiflora warei Nutt.
科属(Family & Genus):西番莲科(Passifloraceae)西番莲属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 13 Page 142, 145, 146
Passiflora suberosa Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 958. 1753.
细柱西番莲 xi zhu xi fan lian| Passifloraceae | Passiflora
Herbaceous vines, 1-4(-10) m long. Stem white or whitish gray, triangular, slender, striate. Petiole 2-4 cm, white strigose, with 2 glands at middle or slightly above; leaf blade 5-5.5(-8) × 5-6(-11) cm, abaxially gray-green, sparsely villous, base cordate, 3-lobed, lobes ovate, apex acute, mucronate. Flowers axillary, solitary or in pairs, light green or white, 1.5-2.5 cm in diam. Sepals 5-8 mm, oblong or lanceolate, outside hispidulous. Petals absent. Corona in 2 series, filamentous, outer series 3-7 mm, inner series ca. 1 mm; operculum plicate, 1-2 mm high; disk 0.5-1 mm; androgynophore 2-4 mm tall. Filaments flat, 1.5-4 mm, free; anthers oblong, 2-3 mm. Ovary subglobose, glabrous; styles 3, almost threadlike, 7-8 mm; stigma capitate. Berry turning bluish black at maturity, subglobose, 1-1.2 cm in diam. Fl. Aug-Sep, fr. Sep-Nov. 2n = 24.
Escaped weed. Taiwan, S Yunnan (Xishuangbanna) [native to the West Indies and Central and South America].
This species was treated as Passiflora gracilis J. Jacquin ex Link by Bao (in FRPS 52(1): 110. 1999). The two species are distinguished by their leaf lobes in that they are obtuse or rounded in P. gracilis vs. acute in P. suberosa; the petiolar glands are placed below the middle in P. gracilis (occasionally with one additional gland above middle) vs. at or above the middle in P. suberosa; the fruit are bluish black and ovoid or spheroid in P. suberosa vs. orange or red and ovoid and at least twice as large in P. gracilis; the largest leaves of P. gracilis have two small teeth less than 1 cm from the petiole vs. no such teeth in P. suberosa.

学名(Scientific Name):Passiflora suberosa L.
英文名(English Common Name):corkystem passionflower
别名(Chinese Common Name):细柱西番莲
异名(Synonym):Passiflora gracilis Jacq. ex Link Anthactinia walkeri M.Roem. Cieca angustifolia M.Roem. Cieca flexuosa M.Roem. Cieca globosa M.Roem. Cieca hederacea M.Roem. Cieca littoralis M.Roem. Cieca nigra Medik. Cieca oliviformis M.Roem. Cieca pallida M.Roem. Cieca peltata M.Roem. Cieca pseudosuberosa M.Roem. Cieca suberosa (L.) Moench Granadilla suberosa (L.) Gaertn. Meioperis angustifolia (Sw.) Raf. Meioperis hederacea (Cav.) Raf. Meioperis minima (L.) Raf. Meioperis pallida (L.) Raf. Meioperis peltata (Cav.) Raf. Meioperis suberosa (L.) Raf. Monactineirma angustifolia (Sw.) Bory Monactineirma hederacea (Cav.) Bory Monactineirma minima (L.) Bory Monactineirma peltata (Cav.) Bory Monactineirma suberosa (L.) Bory Passiflora angustifolia Sw. Passiflora glabra Mill. Passiflora calliaquatica E.H.L. Krause Passiflora flexuosa Gardner Passiflora globosa Vell. Passiflora pseudosuberosa Fisch. Passiflora puberula Hook. f. Passiflora hederacea Cav. Passiflora hederifolia var. beta Lam. Passiflora hederifolia var. gamma Lam. Passiflora hederifolia Lam. Passiflora heterophylla Aiton Passiflora hirsuta var. parviflora (Sw.) M. Roem. Passiflora kohautiana C. Presl Passiflora limbata Ten. Passiflora lineariloba Hook. f. Passiflora litoralis Kunth Passiflora longifolia Lam. Passiflora nigra Jacq. Passiflora peltata Cav. Passiflora suberosa var. angustifolia (Sw.) Mast. Passiflora suberosa var. divaricata Griseb. Passiflora suberosa var. hederacea (Cav.) Mast. Passiflora suberosa var. hirsuta (L.) Mast. Passiflora suberosa var. lineariloba (Hook. f.) Mast. Passiflora suberosa var. longiloba Triana & Planch. Passiflora suberosa var. longipes S. Watson Passiflora suberosa var. minima (L.) Mast. Passiflora suberosa var. pallida (L.) Mast. Passiflora tridactylites Hook. f. Passiflora walkeri Wight Passiflora warei Nutt.
科属(Family & Genus):西番莲科(Passifloraceae)西番莲属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 13 Page 142, 145, 146
Passiflora suberosa Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 958. 1753.
细柱西番莲 xi zhu xi fan lian| Passifloraceae | Passiflora
Herbaceous vines, 1-4(-10) m long. Stem white or whitish gray, triangular, slender, striate. Petiole 2-4 cm, white strigose, with 2 glands at middle or slightly above; leaf blade 5-5.5(-8) × 5-6(-11) cm, abaxially gray-green, sparsely villous, base cordate, 3-lobed, lobes ovate, apex acute, mucronate. Flowers axillary, solitary or in pairs, light green or white, 1.5-2.5 cm in diam. Sepals 5-8 mm, oblong or lanceolate, outside hispidulous. Petals absent. Corona in 2 series, filamentous, outer series 3-7 mm, inner series ca. 1 mm; operculum plicate, 1-2 mm high; disk 0.5-1 mm; androgynophore 2-4 mm tall. Filaments flat, 1.5-4 mm, free; anthers oblong, 2-3 mm. Ovary subglobose, glabrous; styles 3, almost threadlike, 7-8 mm; stigma capitate. Berry turning bluish black at maturity, subglobose, 1-1.2 cm in diam. Fl. Aug-Sep, fr. Sep-Nov. 2n = 24.
Escaped weed. Taiwan, S Yunnan (Xishuangbanna) [native to the West Indies and Central and South America].
This species was treated as Passiflora gracilis J. Jacquin ex Link by Bao (in FRPS 52(1): 110. 1999). The two species are distinguished by their leaf lobes in that they are obtuse or rounded in P. gracilis vs. acute in P. suberosa; the petiolar glands are placed below the middle in P. gracilis (occasionally with one additional gland above middle) vs. at or above the middle in P. suberosa; the fruit are bluish black and ovoid or spheroid in P. suberosa vs. orange or red and ovoid and at least twice as large in P. gracilis; the largest leaves of P. gracilis have two small teeth less than 1 cm from the petiole vs. no such teeth in P. suberosa.