薜荔Ficus pumila
中文名(Chinese Name):薜荔
学名(Scientific Name):Ficus pumila L.
英文名(English Common Name):climbingfig
别名(Chinese Common Name):凉粉果、鬼馒头
异名(Synonym):Ficus hanceana Maxim. Ficus longipedicellata H.Perrier Ficus repens var. lutchuensis Koidz. Ficus vestita Desf. Plagiostigma pumila Zucc. Plagiostigma stipulata Zucc. Tenorea heterophylla Gasp. Urostigma scandens (Lam.) Liebm. Varinga repens Raf.
科属(Family & Genus):桑科(Moraceae)榕属
形态特征(Description):攀援或匍匐灌木,叶两型,不结果枝节上生不定根,叶卵状心形,长约2. 5厘米,薄革质,基部稍不对称,尖端渐尖,叶柄很短;结果枝上无不定根,革质,卵状椭圆形,长5-10厘米,宽2-3.5厘米,先端急尖至钝形,基部圆形至浅心形,全缘,上面无毛,背面被黄褐色柔毛,基生叶脉延长,网脉3-4对,在表面下陷,背面凸起,网脉甚明显,呈蜂窝状;叶柄长5-10毫米;托叶2,披针形,被黄褐色丝状毛。榕果单生叶腋,瘿花果梨形,雌花果近球形,长4-8厘米,直径3-5厘米,顶部截平,略具短钝头或为脐状凸起,基部收窄成一短柄,基生苞片宿存,三角状卵形,密被长柔毛,榕果幼时被黄色短柔毛,成熟黄绿色或微红;总便粗短;雄花,生榕果内壁口部,多数,排为几行,有柄,花被片2-3,线形,雄蕊2枚,花丝短;瘿花具柄,花被片3-4,线形,花柱侧生,短;雌花生另一植株榕一果内壁,花柄长,花被片4-5。瘦果近球形,有粘液。花果期5-8月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 5 Page 69
Ficus pumila Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 1060. 1753.
薜荔 bi li| Moraceae | Ficus
Shrubs, climbers or scandent. Rooting branchlets sterile. Stipules lanceolate, with yellow brown silklike hairs. Leaves distichous, leaf blade on fertile branchlets different in shape than ones on sterile branches, ovate-cordate, ovate-elliptic, or oblong-ovate, 5-12 × 2-5 cm, abaxially pubescent, base rounded to slightly cordate, margin entire, apex obtuse, acute, or acuminate; veins conspicuous, honeycomblike; basal lateral veins elongated, secondary veins 3 or 4 on each side of midvein, abaxially prominent, and adaxially impressed. Figs axillary on normal leafy branches, solitary, yellowish green to pale red when mature, pear-shaped to ± globose or cylindric, 4-8 × 3-5 cm, shortly yellow pubescent when young, basally attenuate into a short stalk, apical pore truncate, navel-like, or acuminate; peduncle to ca. 1 cm, thick; involucral bracts triangular-ovate, densely covered with long pubescence, persistent. Male flowers: many, in several rows near apical pore, pedicellate; calyx lobes 2 or 3, linear; stamens 2; filaments short. Gall flowers: pedicellate; calyx lobes 3 or 4, linear; style lateral, short. Female flowers: pedicel long; calyx lobes 4 or 5; achenes ± globose, with adherent liquid. Fl. and fr. May-Aug.
Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, S Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Japan, Vietnam].
The position of Ficus pumila var. lutchuensis Koidzumi (Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 39: 14. 1925) is uncertain as no material has been seen by the authors. It most likely belongs to var. pumila.
![薜荔Ficus pumila 薜荔Ficus pumila](/uploads/allimg/131017/2-13101GA525326.JPG)
![薜荔Ficus pumila 薜荔Ficus pumila](/uploads/allimg/131017/2-13101GA531195.JPG)
![薜荔Ficus pumila 薜荔Ficus pumila](/uploads/allimg/131017/2-13101GA53S52.JPG)
![薜荔Ficus pumila 薜荔Ficus pumila](/uploads/allimg/131017/2-13101GA544Y5.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Ficus pumila L.
英文名(English Common Name):climbingfig
别名(Chinese Common Name):凉粉果、鬼馒头
异名(Synonym):Ficus hanceana Maxim. Ficus longipedicellata H.Perrier Ficus repens var. lutchuensis Koidz. Ficus vestita Desf. Plagiostigma pumila Zucc. Plagiostigma stipulata Zucc. Tenorea heterophylla Gasp. Urostigma scandens (Lam.) Liebm. Varinga repens Raf.
科属(Family & Genus):桑科(Moraceae)榕属
形态特征(Description):攀援或匍匐灌木,叶两型,不结果枝节上生不定根,叶卵状心形,长约2. 5厘米,薄革质,基部稍不对称,尖端渐尖,叶柄很短;结果枝上无不定根,革质,卵状椭圆形,长5-10厘米,宽2-3.5厘米,先端急尖至钝形,基部圆形至浅心形,全缘,上面无毛,背面被黄褐色柔毛,基生叶脉延长,网脉3-4对,在表面下陷,背面凸起,网脉甚明显,呈蜂窝状;叶柄长5-10毫米;托叶2,披针形,被黄褐色丝状毛。榕果单生叶腋,瘿花果梨形,雌花果近球形,长4-8厘米,直径3-5厘米,顶部截平,略具短钝头或为脐状凸起,基部收窄成一短柄,基生苞片宿存,三角状卵形,密被长柔毛,榕果幼时被黄色短柔毛,成熟黄绿色或微红;总便粗短;雄花,生榕果内壁口部,多数,排为几行,有柄,花被片2-3,线形,雄蕊2枚,花丝短;瘿花具柄,花被片3-4,线形,花柱侧生,短;雌花生另一植株榕一果内壁,花柄长,花被片4-5。瘦果近球形,有粘液。花果期5-8月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 5 Page 69
Ficus pumila Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 1060. 1753.
薜荔 bi li| Moraceae | Ficus
Shrubs, climbers or scandent. Rooting branchlets sterile. Stipules lanceolate, with yellow brown silklike hairs. Leaves distichous, leaf blade on fertile branchlets different in shape than ones on sterile branches, ovate-cordate, ovate-elliptic, or oblong-ovate, 5-12 × 2-5 cm, abaxially pubescent, base rounded to slightly cordate, margin entire, apex obtuse, acute, or acuminate; veins conspicuous, honeycomblike; basal lateral veins elongated, secondary veins 3 or 4 on each side of midvein, abaxially prominent, and adaxially impressed. Figs axillary on normal leafy branches, solitary, yellowish green to pale red when mature, pear-shaped to ± globose or cylindric, 4-8 × 3-5 cm, shortly yellow pubescent when young, basally attenuate into a short stalk, apical pore truncate, navel-like, or acuminate; peduncle to ca. 1 cm, thick; involucral bracts triangular-ovate, densely covered with long pubescence, persistent. Male flowers: many, in several rows near apical pore, pedicellate; calyx lobes 2 or 3, linear; stamens 2; filaments short. Gall flowers: pedicellate; calyx lobes 3 or 4, linear; style lateral, short. Female flowers: pedicel long; calyx lobes 4 or 5; achenes ± globose, with adherent liquid. Fl. and fr. May-Aug.
Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, S Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Japan, Vietnam].
The position of Ficus pumila var. lutchuensis Koidzumi (Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 39: 14. 1925) is uncertain as no material has been seen by the authors. It most likely belongs to var. pumila.