边荚鱼藤Derris marginata
中文名(Chinese Name):边荚鱼藤
学名(Scientific Name):Derris marginata (Roxb.) Benth.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):纤毛萼鱼藤
异名(Synonym):Dalbergia marginata Roxb. Pongamia marginata Graham Pterocarpus marginatus (Roxb.) Kuntze Aganope marginata Miq.
科属(Family & Genus):蝶形花科,Fabaceae鱼藤属
引自植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 10 Page 167, 170
Derris marginata (Roxburgh) Bentham in Miquel, Pl. Jungh. 252. 1852.
边荚鱼藤 bian jia yu teng| Fabaceae | Derris
Dalbergia marginata Roxburgh, Fl. Ind., ed. 1832, 3: 230. 1832.
Lianas, glabrous except for pilose calyces and ovaries. Leaves 5- or 7-foliolate; rachis 13-25 cm, including petiole (3.5-)5-10 cm; leaflet blades obovate-elliptic to obovate, 5-15 × 2.5-6 cm, subleathery, secondary veins 6-8(-10) on each side of midvein and slightly prominent, base rounded, apex shortly and obtusely acuminate. Pseudopanicles axillary, 6-20 cm, with few branches, glabrous; rachis nodes with 1-3 fascicled flowers. Pedicel 5-12 mm. Flowers 1-1.2 cm. Calyx shallowly cup-shaped, 2-3 mm. Corolla whitish to pale red, 8-10(-12) cm, glabrous; standard broadly ovate. Ovary sessile, glabrescent. Legume ligulate-oblong, 7-10(-15) × 2-4 cm, thin, glabrous, reticulate veined; abaxial suture with a 2-3 mm wide wing, adaxial suture with a 6-8 mm wide wing. Seeds 1(or 2) per legume. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Nov-Jan.
Open or dense forests, mountain slopes; 400-600 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan [Bangladesh, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam].
The place of publication of the basionym is often given incorrectly. Roxburgh used the epithet "marginata" in Flora Indica for distinct species in two genera. Both were treated by Bentham as species of Derris. In making the transfer of Dalbergia marginata, Bentham cited the wrong page number. See R. Geesink (Leiden Bot. Ser. 8: 110. 1984) for discussion.
学名(Scientific Name):Derris marginata (Roxb.) Benth.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):纤毛萼鱼藤
异名(Synonym):Dalbergia marginata Roxb. Pongamia marginata Graham Pterocarpus marginatus (Roxb.) Kuntze Aganope marginata Miq.
科属(Family & Genus):蝶形花科,Fabaceae鱼藤属
引自植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 10 Page 167, 170
Derris marginata (Roxburgh) Bentham in Miquel, Pl. Jungh. 252. 1852.
边荚鱼藤 bian jia yu teng| Fabaceae | Derris
Dalbergia marginata Roxburgh, Fl. Ind., ed. 1832, 3: 230. 1832.
Lianas, glabrous except for pilose calyces and ovaries. Leaves 5- or 7-foliolate; rachis 13-25 cm, including petiole (3.5-)5-10 cm; leaflet blades obovate-elliptic to obovate, 5-15 × 2.5-6 cm, subleathery, secondary veins 6-8(-10) on each side of midvein and slightly prominent, base rounded, apex shortly and obtusely acuminate. Pseudopanicles axillary, 6-20 cm, with few branches, glabrous; rachis nodes with 1-3 fascicled flowers. Pedicel 5-12 mm. Flowers 1-1.2 cm. Calyx shallowly cup-shaped, 2-3 mm. Corolla whitish to pale red, 8-10(-12) cm, glabrous; standard broadly ovate. Ovary sessile, glabrescent. Legume ligulate-oblong, 7-10(-15) × 2-4 cm, thin, glabrous, reticulate veined; abaxial suture with a 2-3 mm wide wing, adaxial suture with a 6-8 mm wide wing. Seeds 1(or 2) per legume. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Nov-Jan.
Open or dense forests, mountain slopes; 400-600 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan [Bangladesh, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam].
The place of publication of the basionym is often given incorrectly. Roxburgh used the epithet "marginata" in Flora Indica for distinct species in two genera. Both were treated by Bentham as species of Derris. In making the transfer of Dalbergia marginata, Bentham cited the wrong page number. See R. Geesink (Leiden Bot. Ser. 8: 110. 1984) for discussion.