葱兰Zephyranthes candida

葱兰Zephyranthes candida

葱兰Zephyranthes candida

葱兰Zephyranthes candida

葱兰Zephyranthes candida
中文名(Chinese Name):葱兰
学名(Scientific Name):Zephyranthes candida (Lindl.) Herb.
英文名(English Common Name):autumn zephyrlily
别名(Chinese Common Name):玉帘、葱莲
异名(Synonym):Argyropsis candida (Lindl.) M. Roem.;Plectronema candida (Lindl.) Raf.;Zephyranthes nivea (Schult. & Schult.f.) D.Dietr.;Amaryllis nivea Schult. & Schult.f.  
科属(Family & Genus):石蒜科(Amaryllidaceae)葱莲属
形态特征(Description):多年生章本。鳞茎卵形,直径约2.5厘米,具有明显的颈部,颈长2.5-5厘米。叶狭线形,肥厚,亮绿色,长20-30厘米,宽 2-4毫米。花茎中空;花单生于花茎顶端,下有带褐红色的佛焰苞状总苞,总苞片顶端2裂;花梗长约1厘米;花白色,外面常带淡红色;几无花被管,花被片6,长3-5厘米,顶端钝或具短尖头,宽约1厘米,近喉部常有很小的鳞片;雄蕊6,长约为花被的1/2;花柱细长,柱头不明显3裂。蒴果近球形,直径约1.2厘米,3瓣开裂;种子黑色,扁平。花期秋季。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 24 Page 265      
Zephyranthes candida (Lindley) Herbert, Bot. Mag. 53: t. 2607. 1826.
葱莲 cong lian| Amaryllidaceae  | Zephyranthes
Amaryllis candida Lindley, Bot. Reg. 9: t. 724. 1823; Argyropsis candida (Lindley) M. Roemer.
Bulbs ovoid, ca. 2.5 cm in diam., neck 2.5--5 cm. Leaves bright green, terete-linear, 20--30 cm × 2--4 mm, fleshy. Involucres red-brown. Flowers solitary, terminal; pedicel ca. 1 cm. Perianth white, often tinged with rose abaxially; lobes ± free, 3--5 × ca. 1 cm, usually with tiny scales near throat, apex obtuse to shortly acute. Stamens ca. 1/2 as long as perianth. Style slender; stigma 3-notched. Capsule subglobose, ca. 1.2 cm in diam. Fl. autumn.
Widely cultivated as an ornamental. Becoming naturalized in S China [native to South America].


