棱果榕Ficus septica
中文名(Chinese Name):棱果榕
学名(Scientific Name):Ficus septica Burm. f.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Ficus kaukauensis Hayata Ficus leucantatoma Poir. Ficus hauilii Blanco Ficus oldhamii Hance Covellia leucantotoma (Poir.) Miq. Covellia leucopleura (Blume) Miq. Covellia radiata (Decne.) Miq. Covellia rapiformis (Roxb.) Miq. Covellia stictocarpa Miq. Covellia venosa (Aiton) Miq. Cystogyne leucosticta (Spreng.) Gasp. Ficus brunnea Merr. Ficus casearia F.Muell. ex Benth. Ficus didymophylla Warb. Ficus eburnea auct. Ficus geminifolia Miq. Ficus laxiramea Elmer Ficus leucopleura Blume Ficus leucotoma Roem. & Schult. Ficus linearis Merr. Ficus paludosa Perr. Ficus philippense Hérincq Ficus radiata Decne. Ficus rapiformis Roxb. Ficus septica var. cauliflora Corner Ficus septica var. salicifolia Corner Ficus stictocarpa (Miq.) Miq.
科属(Family & Genus):桑科Moraceae榕属Ficus
形态特征(Description):乔木或灌木状大树,树皮浅褐或黄褐色,有皱纹或疤痕,枝多粗壮,圆柱形,叶膜 质,长圆形或卵状椭圆形至倒卵形,长15-26厘米,宽10-14厘米,全缘,幼时被柔 毛,先端渐尖或短尖,有时为短尾尖,基部宽楔形,基出侧脉3-5条,短,侧脉6-12 对;叶柄长2-8厘米;托叶膜质,红色,卵状披针形,长2-3厘米。榕果无侧生苞片, 单生或成对腋生或茎花,扁球形,宽1.2-2.5厘米,绿色或浅褐色,表面散生白色球形 或椭圆形瘤体和白色细小斑点,有纵脊8-12条,成熟顶部开裂,基生苞片3枚,宽卵 圆形,边缘反卷,总梗长6-13毫米;雄花和瘿花同生于一榕果内壁,雄花少数,生于 近口部,花被片2-3,基部合生,雄蕊1,花丝短,花药椭圆形;瘿花,有长柄,花被 短,透明,顶部稍被毛,子房卵形至近球形,光滑,花柱很短,侧生或近顶生,柱头膨 大;雌花,具长柄,花被顶部有2-3齿牙。瘦果斜卵形或近球形,花柱侧生,长,顶部 有透明柔毛,柱头棒状。花果期4-5月。
分布(Distribution):产我国台湾(台北、屏东)。日本琉球、菲律宾、印度尼西亚(广布)、巴布亚新几 内亚至所罗门群岛及澳大利亚东北部(昆士兰)也有分布。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 5 Page 49
Ficus septica N. L. Burman, Fl. Indica. 226. 1768.
棱果榕 leng guo rong| Moraceae | Ficus
Ficus haulii Blanco; F. kaukauensis Hayata; F. leucantatoma Poiret; F. oldhamii Hance.
Trees or shrublike trees; dioecious. Bark pale brown to yellowish brown, furrowed and scarred. Branchlets thick, cylindric. Stipules red, ovate-lanceolate, 2-3 cm, membranous. Leaves alternate; petiole 2-8 cm; leaf blade oblong, ovate-elliptic, or obovate, 15-26 × 10-14 cm, membranous, base broadly cuneate, margin entire, pubescent when young, apex acuminate, mucronate, or sometimes caudate; basal lateral veins 2-4 and short, secondary veins 6-12 on each side of midvein. Figs axillary on normal leafy shoots, solitary or paired, green to pale brown, depressed globose, with 8-12 longitudinal ridges, 1.2-2.5 cm in diam., with scattered white globose to ellipsoid tubercles and white small spots, apical pore open when mature; peduncle 6-13 mm; involucral bracts broadly ovate, margin revolute; lateral bracts absent. Male flowers: few, near apical pore; calyx lobes 2 or 3, basally connate; stamen 1; filament short; anther ellipsoid. Gall flowers: long pedicellate; calyx lobes short, transparent, apically with a few hairs; ovary ovoid to ± globose, smooth; style lateral to subapical, short; stigma enlarged. Female flowers: long pedicellate; calyx lobes apically with 2 or 3 teeth; style persistent, long, apex with transparent pubescence; stigma clavate. Achenes obliquely ovoid to ± globose. Fl. and fr. Apr-May.
Low elevations. Taiwan [Indonesia, Japan (Ryukyu Islands), New Guinea; NE Australia, Pacific Islands].

学名(Scientific Name):Ficus septica Burm. f.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Ficus kaukauensis Hayata Ficus leucantatoma Poir. Ficus hauilii Blanco Ficus oldhamii Hance Covellia leucantotoma (Poir.) Miq. Covellia leucopleura (Blume) Miq. Covellia radiata (Decne.) Miq. Covellia rapiformis (Roxb.) Miq. Covellia stictocarpa Miq. Covellia venosa (Aiton) Miq. Cystogyne leucosticta (Spreng.) Gasp. Ficus brunnea Merr. Ficus casearia F.Muell. ex Benth. Ficus didymophylla Warb. Ficus eburnea auct. Ficus geminifolia Miq. Ficus laxiramea Elmer Ficus leucopleura Blume Ficus leucotoma Roem. & Schult. Ficus linearis Merr. Ficus paludosa Perr. Ficus philippense Hérincq Ficus radiata Decne. Ficus rapiformis Roxb. Ficus septica var. cauliflora Corner Ficus septica var. salicifolia Corner Ficus stictocarpa (Miq.) Miq.
科属(Family & Genus):桑科Moraceae榕属Ficus
形态特征(Description):乔木或灌木状大树,树皮浅褐或黄褐色,有皱纹或疤痕,枝多粗壮,圆柱形,叶膜 质,长圆形或卵状椭圆形至倒卵形,长15-26厘米,宽10-14厘米,全缘,幼时被柔 毛,先端渐尖或短尖,有时为短尾尖,基部宽楔形,基出侧脉3-5条,短,侧脉6-12 对;叶柄长2-8厘米;托叶膜质,红色,卵状披针形,长2-3厘米。榕果无侧生苞片, 单生或成对腋生或茎花,扁球形,宽1.2-2.5厘米,绿色或浅褐色,表面散生白色球形 或椭圆形瘤体和白色细小斑点,有纵脊8-12条,成熟顶部开裂,基生苞片3枚,宽卵 圆形,边缘反卷,总梗长6-13毫米;雄花和瘿花同生于一榕果内壁,雄花少数,生于 近口部,花被片2-3,基部合生,雄蕊1,花丝短,花药椭圆形;瘿花,有长柄,花被 短,透明,顶部稍被毛,子房卵形至近球形,光滑,花柱很短,侧生或近顶生,柱头膨 大;雌花,具长柄,花被顶部有2-3齿牙。瘦果斜卵形或近球形,花柱侧生,长,顶部 有透明柔毛,柱头棒状。花果期4-5月。
分布(Distribution):产我国台湾(台北、屏东)。日本琉球、菲律宾、印度尼西亚(广布)、巴布亚新几 内亚至所罗门群岛及澳大利亚东北部(昆士兰)也有分布。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 5 Page 49
Ficus septica N. L. Burman, Fl. Indica. 226. 1768.
棱果榕 leng guo rong| Moraceae | Ficus
Ficus haulii Blanco; F. kaukauensis Hayata; F. leucantatoma Poiret; F. oldhamii Hance.
Trees or shrublike trees; dioecious. Bark pale brown to yellowish brown, furrowed and scarred. Branchlets thick, cylindric. Stipules red, ovate-lanceolate, 2-3 cm, membranous. Leaves alternate; petiole 2-8 cm; leaf blade oblong, ovate-elliptic, or obovate, 15-26 × 10-14 cm, membranous, base broadly cuneate, margin entire, pubescent when young, apex acuminate, mucronate, or sometimes caudate; basal lateral veins 2-4 and short, secondary veins 6-12 on each side of midvein. Figs axillary on normal leafy shoots, solitary or paired, green to pale brown, depressed globose, with 8-12 longitudinal ridges, 1.2-2.5 cm in diam., with scattered white globose to ellipsoid tubercles and white small spots, apical pore open when mature; peduncle 6-13 mm; involucral bracts broadly ovate, margin revolute; lateral bracts absent. Male flowers: few, near apical pore; calyx lobes 2 or 3, basally connate; stamen 1; filament short; anther ellipsoid. Gall flowers: long pedicellate; calyx lobes short, transparent, apically with a few hairs; ovary ovoid to ± globose, smooth; style lateral to subapical, short; stigma enlarged. Female flowers: long pedicellate; calyx lobes apically with 2 or 3 teeth; style persistent, long, apex with transparent pubescence; stigma clavate. Achenes obliquely ovoid to ± globose. Fl. and fr. Apr-May.
Low elevations. Taiwan [Indonesia, Japan (Ryukyu Islands), New Guinea; NE Australia, Pacific Islands].