石楠Photinia serratifolia
中文名(Chinese Name):石楠
学名(Scientific Name):Photinia serratifolia (Desf.) Kalkm.
英文名(English Common Name):Taiwanese photinia
别名(Chinese Common Name):千年红、石楠柴
异名(Synonym):Photinia serrulata Lindl. Crataegus serratifolia Desf. Photinia glabra var. chinensis Maxim. Photinia pustulata S. Moore Photinia serrulata var. aculeata Lawrence Photinia serratifolia var. serratifolia
科属(Family & Genus):蔷薇科(Rosaceae)石楠属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 9 Page 125
Photinia serratifolia (Desfontaines) Kalkman, Blumea. 21: 424. 1973.
石楠 shi nan| Rosaceae | Photinia
Shrubs or trees, evergreen, 4–6(–12) m tall. Branchlets brown or reddish brown when young, brownish gray when old, glabrous; buds ovoid, 4–7 mm, apex acute to shortly acuminate; scales several, brown. Petiole 2–4 cm, pubescent when young, glabrescent; leaf blade narrowly elliptic, narrowly obovate, or obovate-elliptic, (6–)9–22 × 3–6.5 cm, leathery, veins 20–30 pairs, midvein raised abaxially and impressed adaxially, abaxially long pubescent along veins when young, both surfaces glabrous when mature, adaxially lustrous, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin sparsely or inconspicuously toothed or entire, apex acuminate. Compound corymbs terminal, 8–12 × 10–16 cm; rachis and pedicels glabrous, villous, or tomentose. Pedicel 3–5 mm. Flowers 6–8 mm in diam. Hypanthium cupular, 1–1.5 mm, abaxially glabrous. Sepals broadly triangular, 1–1.5 mm, apex acute or obtuse. Petals white, suborbicular, 3–4 mm in diam., glabrous or villous. Stamens 20, outer ones longer than inner ones. Ovary pilose apically; styles 2, sometimes 3, connate at base, not exceeding stamens; stigma capitate. Fruit red when immature, brownish purple when mature, globose, 5–6 mm in diam., with 1 seed; seeds brownish, ovoid, 2–2.5 mm, smooth. Fl. Apr–May, fr. Sep–Oct.
Mixed forests, roadsides, slopes, fields, mountain areas, sea shores; sea level to 2500 m. Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [S India, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines].
![石楠Photinia serratifolia 石楠Photinia serratifolia](/uploads/allimg/131106/2-131106135916460.JPG)
![石楠Photinia serratifolia 石楠Photinia serratifolia](/uploads/allimg/131106/2-1311061359233I.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Photinia serratifolia (Desf.) Kalkm.
英文名(English Common Name):Taiwanese photinia
别名(Chinese Common Name):千年红、石楠柴
异名(Synonym):Photinia serrulata Lindl. Crataegus serratifolia Desf. Photinia glabra var. chinensis Maxim. Photinia pustulata S. Moore Photinia serrulata var. aculeata Lawrence Photinia serratifolia var. serratifolia
科属(Family & Genus):蔷薇科(Rosaceae)石楠属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 9 Page 125
Photinia serratifolia (Desfontaines) Kalkman, Blumea. 21: 424. 1973.
石楠 shi nan| Rosaceae | Photinia
Shrubs or trees, evergreen, 4–6(–12) m tall. Branchlets brown or reddish brown when young, brownish gray when old, glabrous; buds ovoid, 4–7 mm, apex acute to shortly acuminate; scales several, brown. Petiole 2–4 cm, pubescent when young, glabrescent; leaf blade narrowly elliptic, narrowly obovate, or obovate-elliptic, (6–)9–22 × 3–6.5 cm, leathery, veins 20–30 pairs, midvein raised abaxially and impressed adaxially, abaxially long pubescent along veins when young, both surfaces glabrous when mature, adaxially lustrous, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin sparsely or inconspicuously toothed or entire, apex acuminate. Compound corymbs terminal, 8–12 × 10–16 cm; rachis and pedicels glabrous, villous, or tomentose. Pedicel 3–5 mm. Flowers 6–8 mm in diam. Hypanthium cupular, 1–1.5 mm, abaxially glabrous. Sepals broadly triangular, 1–1.5 mm, apex acute or obtuse. Petals white, suborbicular, 3–4 mm in diam., glabrous or villous. Stamens 20, outer ones longer than inner ones. Ovary pilose apically; styles 2, sometimes 3, connate at base, not exceeding stamens; stigma capitate. Fruit red when immature, brownish purple when mature, globose, 5–6 mm in diam., with 1 seed; seeds brownish, ovoid, 2–2.5 mm, smooth. Fl. Apr–May, fr. Sep–Oct.
Mixed forests, roadsides, slopes, fields, mountain areas, sea shores; sea level to 2500 m. Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [S India, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines].