毛果木莲Manglietia ventii
中文名(Chinese Name):毛果木莲
学名(Scientific Name):Manglietia ventii Tiep
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Manglietia hebecarpa C. Y. Wu et Law Magnolia ventii (N. V. Tiep) V. S. Kumar Magnolia hebecarpa (C. Y. Wu et Y. W. Law) V. S. Kumar
科属(Family & Genus):木兰科(Magnoliaceae)木莲属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 7 Page 51, 53, 55
Manglietia ventii N. V. Tiep, Feddes Repert. 91: 560. 1980.
毛果木莲 mao guo mu lian| Magnoliaceae | Manglietia
Magnolia hebecarpa (C. Y. Wu & Y. W. Law) V. S. Kumar; M. ventii (N. V. Tiep) V. S. Kumar; Manglietia hebecarpa C. Y. Wu & Y. W. Law.
Trees, to 30 m tall. Young twigs blackish gray, 2-3.5 mm in diam., densely appressed tomentulose with short straight glistening yellowish trichomes, old ones ± gray pubescent to glabrescent. Stipular scar 1-2 cm. Leaves usually crowded at apex of twigs; petiole slender, 2.6-3 cm, tomentulose, with same trichomes as on young twigs, glabrescent; leaf blade elliptic, broadly elliptic, obovate-elliptic, or obovate, 9-18 × 2.2-6.5 cm, papery to thinly leathery, abaxially appressed tomentose with short straight glistening yellowish to silver trichomes, adaxially glabrous, midvein abaxially elevated and densely pubescent to glabrescent and adaxially impressed, secondary veins 12-16 on each side of midvein, fine, abaxially visible, and adaxially inconspicuous, reticulate veins lax and faint on both surfaces, base cuneate to obtuse, apex shortly acuminate to acuminate, acumen 0.3-1.7 cm and sometimes asymmetric. Flower not seen. Fruiting brachyblasts 10-15 × 4-6 mm, yellowish appressed tomentose, with a bract scar. Pedicel absent. Fruit ovoid to long globose, 3.5-7 × 2.5-4.5 cm; torus with 6-9 × ca. 7 mm scar of perianth and stamens; scar of fallen tepals ca. 10 mm; mature carpels ca. 64, long ovoid, 2-2.2 cm, erect or recurved, dehiscing along dorsal suture, beak rather long, 5-7 mm; basalmost carpels ± yellowish pubescent especially toward base, basally decurrent along torus. Seeds 1-3 per carpel, subcordate to ovoid, 7-7.5 × 5-6 mm, ± impressed. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Aug-Sep.
Forests; 800-1200 m. SE Yunnan (Pingbian) [Vietnam].
![毛果木莲Manglietia ventii 毛果木莲Manglietia ventii](/uploads/allimg/131015/2-13101513325O02.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Manglietia ventii Tiep
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Manglietia hebecarpa C. Y. Wu et Law Magnolia ventii (N. V. Tiep) V. S. Kumar Magnolia hebecarpa (C. Y. Wu et Y. W. Law) V. S. Kumar
科属(Family & Genus):木兰科(Magnoliaceae)木莲属
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 7 Page 51, 53, 55
Manglietia ventii N. V. Tiep, Feddes Repert. 91: 560. 1980.
毛果木莲 mao guo mu lian| Magnoliaceae | Manglietia
Magnolia hebecarpa (C. Y. Wu & Y. W. Law) V. S. Kumar; M. ventii (N. V. Tiep) V. S. Kumar; Manglietia hebecarpa C. Y. Wu & Y. W. Law.
Trees, to 30 m tall. Young twigs blackish gray, 2-3.5 mm in diam., densely appressed tomentulose with short straight glistening yellowish trichomes, old ones ± gray pubescent to glabrescent. Stipular scar 1-2 cm. Leaves usually crowded at apex of twigs; petiole slender, 2.6-3 cm, tomentulose, with same trichomes as on young twigs, glabrescent; leaf blade elliptic, broadly elliptic, obovate-elliptic, or obovate, 9-18 × 2.2-6.5 cm, papery to thinly leathery, abaxially appressed tomentose with short straight glistening yellowish to silver trichomes, adaxially glabrous, midvein abaxially elevated and densely pubescent to glabrescent and adaxially impressed, secondary veins 12-16 on each side of midvein, fine, abaxially visible, and adaxially inconspicuous, reticulate veins lax and faint on both surfaces, base cuneate to obtuse, apex shortly acuminate to acuminate, acumen 0.3-1.7 cm and sometimes asymmetric. Flower not seen. Fruiting brachyblasts 10-15 × 4-6 mm, yellowish appressed tomentose, with a bract scar. Pedicel absent. Fruit ovoid to long globose, 3.5-7 × 2.5-4.5 cm; torus with 6-9 × ca. 7 mm scar of perianth and stamens; scar of fallen tepals ca. 10 mm; mature carpels ca. 64, long ovoid, 2-2.2 cm, erect or recurved, dehiscing along dorsal suture, beak rather long, 5-7 mm; basalmost carpels ± yellowish pubescent especially toward base, basally decurrent along torus. Seeds 1-3 per carpel, subcordate to ovoid, 7-7.5 × 5-6 mm, ± impressed. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Aug-Sep.
Forests; 800-1200 m. SE Yunnan (Pingbian) [Vietnam].