兰屿肉桂Cinnamomum kotoense
中文名(Chinese Name):兰屿肉桂
学名(Scientific Name):Cinnamomum kotoense Kanehira et Sasaki
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):平安树
科属(Family & Genus):樟科(Lauraceae)樟属
引自植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 7 Page 170, 181
Cinnamomum kotoense Kanehira & Sasaki, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa. 20: 380. 1930.
兰屿肉桂 lan yu rou gui| Lauraceae | Cinnamomum
Evergreen trees, ca. 15 m tall. Dry bark, branches, and leaves almost unscented. Branchlets brown, terete, glabrous. Leaves opposite or subopposite; petiole red-brown or brown, ca. 1.5 cm, concave-convex; leaf blade green when fresh but gray-green when dry, opaque abaxially and shiny adaxially, ovate to oblong-ovate, 8-11(-14) × 4-5.5(-9) cm, leathery, glabrous on both surfaces, triplinerved, basal lateral veins arising ca. 1 cm above leaf base, evanescent at 3/4 of leaf blade or inconspicuously anastomosing, sometimes each with an additional vein outside, veinlets conspicuous on both surfaces, foveolate, base rounded, apex acute. Flowers unknown. Infructescence 3-5 cm. Fruit ovoid, ca. 1.4 × 1 cm; perianth cup in fruit cupuliform, glabrous, shortly crenate on margin; fruit stalk ca. 1 cm, glabrous. Fr. Aug-Sep.
● Forests. S Taiwan (Lan Yu).
Cinnamomum kotoense is very closely related to C. myrianthum Merrill, from the Philippines. The latter species differs in the shape of its leaf blade (oblong or elliptic-oblong) and in its longer infructescence (up to 15 cm), so it is reasonable to regard these as distinct species.
![兰屿肉桂Cinnamomum kotoense 兰屿肉桂Cinnamomum kotoense](/uploads/allimg/130926/2-13092611524WR.JPG)
![兰屿肉桂Cinnamomum kotoense 兰屿肉桂Cinnamomum kotoense](/uploads/allimg/130926/2-130926115255B6.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Cinnamomum kotoense Kanehira et Sasaki
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):平安树
科属(Family & Genus):樟科(Lauraceae)樟属
引自植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 7 Page 170, 181
Cinnamomum kotoense Kanehira & Sasaki, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa. 20: 380. 1930.
兰屿肉桂 lan yu rou gui| Lauraceae | Cinnamomum
Evergreen trees, ca. 15 m tall. Dry bark, branches, and leaves almost unscented. Branchlets brown, terete, glabrous. Leaves opposite or subopposite; petiole red-brown or brown, ca. 1.5 cm, concave-convex; leaf blade green when fresh but gray-green when dry, opaque abaxially and shiny adaxially, ovate to oblong-ovate, 8-11(-14) × 4-5.5(-9) cm, leathery, glabrous on both surfaces, triplinerved, basal lateral veins arising ca. 1 cm above leaf base, evanescent at 3/4 of leaf blade or inconspicuously anastomosing, sometimes each with an additional vein outside, veinlets conspicuous on both surfaces, foveolate, base rounded, apex acute. Flowers unknown. Infructescence 3-5 cm. Fruit ovoid, ca. 1.4 × 1 cm; perianth cup in fruit cupuliform, glabrous, shortly crenate on margin; fruit stalk ca. 1 cm, glabrous. Fr. Aug-Sep.
● Forests. S Taiwan (Lan Yu).
Cinnamomum kotoense is very closely related to C. myrianthum Merrill, from the Philippines. The latter species differs in the shape of its leaf blade (oblong or elliptic-oblong) and in its longer infructescence (up to 15 cm), so it is reasonable to regard these as distinct species.