毛桂Cinnamomum appelianum
中文名(Chinese Name):毛桂
学名(Scientific Name):Cinnamomum appelianum Schewe
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):香桂子
异名(Synonym):Cinnamomum szechuanense Y. C. Yang Cinnamomum appelianum var. tripartitum Y. C. Yang Cinnamomum taimoshanicum Chun ex H. T. Chang Cinnamomum trinervatum Y. C. Yang Cinnamomum villosulum S. K. Lee et F. N. Wei
科属(Family & Genus):樟科(Lauraceae)樟属
引自植物志英文版FOC Vol. 7 Page 168, 185
Cinnamomum appelianum Schewe, Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 61: 20. 1925.
毛桂 mao gui | Lauraceae | Cinnamomum
Cinnamomum appelianum var. tripartitum Yen C. Yang; C. szechuanense Yen C. Yang; C. taimoshanicum Chun ex Hung T. Chang; C. trinervatum Yen C. Yang; C. villosulum S. K. Lee & F. N. Wei.
Small trees, 4-6 m tall, up to 8 cm d.b.h., several branched with branches opposite. Bark gray-brown or olive-green. Branchlets yellow-brown or chestnut-brown, terete, slightly robust, slightly scented, scattered with gray-brown and oblong lenticels; old branchlets glabrous; 1-year-old branchlets glabrate; current year branchlets densely covered with dirty yellow hirsute-tomentose hairs. Buds narrowly ovoid, acute; bud scales brown, imbricate, leathery, densely covered with dirty yellow hirsute-tomentose hairs. Leaves alternate or subopposite; petiole robust, 4-5(-9) mm, plano-convex, densely covered with dirty yellow hirsute-tomentose or villous hairs; leaf blade yellow-brown and opaque abaxially, green-brown and slightly shiny adaxially, elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate, or ovate-elliptic, 4.5-11.5 × 1.5-4 cm, leathery, densely covered with crisped dirty yellow pilose hairs along veins adaxially and densely so everywhere abaxially when young, glabrous adaxially and densely covered with crisped yellow hairs abaxially when mature, slightly wrinkled on both surfaces, triplinerved, midrib and basal lateral veins extending to leaf apex, basal lateral veins arising 1-3 mm above leaf base, arcuate-ascendant, with a few additional veins outside interconnected within leaf margin, transverse veins and veinlets numerous, ± conspicuous abaxially, base cuneate to subrounded, apex abruptly shortly acuminate. Panicle axillary on base of current year branchlet, generally much shorter than leaf, 4-6.5 cm, (3-)5-11-flowered, branched; branches ca. 0.5 mm; peduncle slender, elongate, 1-1.5(-3.5) cm, peduncle and rachis densely covered with yellowish brown hirtellous-villous or villous hairs; bracts linear or lanceolate, 2.5-3 × ca. 0.7 mm, caducous, villous on both surfaces. Pedicels 2-3 mm, very densely covered with yellow-brown hirtellous-pubescent or villous hairs. Flowers white, 3-5 mm. Perianth covered with yellowish brown sericeous-puberulent or villous hairs outside and inside but hairs longer inside; perianth tube obconical, 1-1.5 mm; perianth lobes broadly obovate to oblong-ovate, 3-3.5 × ca. 2 mm, acute. Fertile stamens 9, slightly shorter than perianth lobes, 2.5-3.5 mm; filaments pilose, those of 3rd whorl each with 2 sessile cordate-orbicular glands at middle part, others glandless; anthers oblong, 4-celled, those of 1st and 2nd whorls as long as filaments, cells introrse, those of 3rd whorl almost as long as filaments, cells extrorse. Staminodes 3, triangular-sagittate, 1.3-1.7 mm, shortly stalked; stalk villous. Ovary broadly ovoid, ca. 1.2 mm, glabrous; style robust; stigma peltate or capitate, entire or slightly 3-lobed. Immature fruit green, ellipsoid, ca. 6 × 4 mm; perianth cup in fruit dilated, funnelform, up to 1 cm, dentate and 7 mm wide at apex.
● Thickets or sparse forests on mountain slopes or in valleys; (300-)500-1400 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan.
The bark is used medicinally as an astringent.
![毛桂Cinnamomum appelianum 毛桂Cinnamomum appelianum](/uploads/allimg/130926/2-1309261145453I.JPG)
![毛桂Cinnamomum appelianum 毛桂Cinnamomum appelianum](/uploads/allimg/130926/2-130926114551296.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Cinnamomum appelianum Schewe
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):香桂子
异名(Synonym):Cinnamomum szechuanense Y. C. Yang Cinnamomum appelianum var. tripartitum Y. C. Yang Cinnamomum taimoshanicum Chun ex H. T. Chang Cinnamomum trinervatum Y. C. Yang Cinnamomum villosulum S. K. Lee et F. N. Wei
科属(Family & Genus):樟科(Lauraceae)樟属
引自植物志英文版FOC Vol. 7 Page 168, 185
Cinnamomum appelianum Schewe, Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 61: 20. 1925.
毛桂 mao gui | Lauraceae | Cinnamomum
Cinnamomum appelianum var. tripartitum Yen C. Yang; C. szechuanense Yen C. Yang; C. taimoshanicum Chun ex Hung T. Chang; C. trinervatum Yen C. Yang; C. villosulum S. K. Lee & F. N. Wei.
Small trees, 4-6 m tall, up to 8 cm d.b.h., several branched with branches opposite. Bark gray-brown or olive-green. Branchlets yellow-brown or chestnut-brown, terete, slightly robust, slightly scented, scattered with gray-brown and oblong lenticels; old branchlets glabrous; 1-year-old branchlets glabrate; current year branchlets densely covered with dirty yellow hirsute-tomentose hairs. Buds narrowly ovoid, acute; bud scales brown, imbricate, leathery, densely covered with dirty yellow hirsute-tomentose hairs. Leaves alternate or subopposite; petiole robust, 4-5(-9) mm, plano-convex, densely covered with dirty yellow hirsute-tomentose or villous hairs; leaf blade yellow-brown and opaque abaxially, green-brown and slightly shiny adaxially, elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate, or ovate-elliptic, 4.5-11.5 × 1.5-4 cm, leathery, densely covered with crisped dirty yellow pilose hairs along veins adaxially and densely so everywhere abaxially when young, glabrous adaxially and densely covered with crisped yellow hairs abaxially when mature, slightly wrinkled on both surfaces, triplinerved, midrib and basal lateral veins extending to leaf apex, basal lateral veins arising 1-3 mm above leaf base, arcuate-ascendant, with a few additional veins outside interconnected within leaf margin, transverse veins and veinlets numerous, ± conspicuous abaxially, base cuneate to subrounded, apex abruptly shortly acuminate. Panicle axillary on base of current year branchlet, generally much shorter than leaf, 4-6.5 cm, (3-)5-11-flowered, branched; branches ca. 0.5 mm; peduncle slender, elongate, 1-1.5(-3.5) cm, peduncle and rachis densely covered with yellowish brown hirtellous-villous or villous hairs; bracts linear or lanceolate, 2.5-3 × ca. 0.7 mm, caducous, villous on both surfaces. Pedicels 2-3 mm, very densely covered with yellow-brown hirtellous-pubescent or villous hairs. Flowers white, 3-5 mm. Perianth covered with yellowish brown sericeous-puberulent or villous hairs outside and inside but hairs longer inside; perianth tube obconical, 1-1.5 mm; perianth lobes broadly obovate to oblong-ovate, 3-3.5 × ca. 2 mm, acute. Fertile stamens 9, slightly shorter than perianth lobes, 2.5-3.5 mm; filaments pilose, those of 3rd whorl each with 2 sessile cordate-orbicular glands at middle part, others glandless; anthers oblong, 4-celled, those of 1st and 2nd whorls as long as filaments, cells introrse, those of 3rd whorl almost as long as filaments, cells extrorse. Staminodes 3, triangular-sagittate, 1.3-1.7 mm, shortly stalked; stalk villous. Ovary broadly ovoid, ca. 1.2 mm, glabrous; style robust; stigma peltate or capitate, entire or slightly 3-lobed. Immature fruit green, ellipsoid, ca. 6 × 4 mm; perianth cup in fruit dilated, funnelform, up to 1 cm, dentate and 7 mm wide at apex.
● Thickets or sparse forests on mountain slopes or in valleys; (300-)500-1400 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan.
The bark is used medicinally as an astringent.