油桐Vernicia fordii
中文名(Chinese Name):油桐
学名(Scientific Name):Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy Shaw
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):桐油树、荏桐
异名(Synonym):Aleurites fordii Hemsl.
科属(Family & Genus):大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)油桐属
形态特征(Description):落叶乔木,高达10米;树皮灰色,近光滑;枝条粗壮,无毛,具明显皮孔。叶卵圆、形,长8-18厘米,宽6-15厘米,顶端短尖,基部截平至浅心形,全缘,稀1-3浅裂,嫩叶上面被很快脱落微柔毛,下面被渐脱落棕褐色微柔毛,成长叶上面深绿色,无毛,下面灰绿色,被贴伏微柔毛;掌状脉5 (-7)条;叶柄与叶片近等长,几无毛,顶端有2枚扁平、无柄腺体。花雌雄同株,先叶或与叶同时开放;花萼长约1厘米,2(-3)裂,外面密被棕褐色微柔毛;花瓣白色,有淡红色脉纹,倒卵形,长2-3厘米,宽1-1.5厘米,顶端圆形,基部爪状;雄花:雄蕊8-12枚,2轮;外轮离生,内轮花丝中部以下合生;雌花:子房密被柔毛,3-5 (-8)室,每室有1颗胚珠,花柱与子房室同数,2裂。核果近球状,直径4-6 (-8)厘米,果皮光滑;种子3-4(-8) 颗,种皮木质。花期3-4月,果期8-9月。
引自中国植物志英文版 FOC Vol. 11 Page 266
Vernicia fordii (Hemsley) Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 20: 394. 1966.
油桐 you tong | Euphorbiaceae | Vernicia
Aleurites fordii Hemsley, Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 29: t. 2801, 2802. 1906.
Trees deciduous, up to 10 m tall, monoecious; bark gray, nearly smooth; branches verticillate, stout, glabrous, prominently lenticellate. Petiole as long as leaf blade, glabrescent, with 2 compressed and sessile glands; leaf blade ovate, 5-18 × 3-15 cm, puberulent when young, dark green and glabrous adaxially, gray-green and pubescent abaxially at maturity, base truncate to shallowly cordate, margin entire, rarely shallowly 1-3-fid, apex acute; palmate veins 5(-7). Inflorescences flat-topped panicles of cymes, appearing generally before new leaves, usually bisexual; calyx ca. 10 mm, 2(or 3)-fid, densely brown puberulent outside; petals obovate, 2-3 × 1-1.5 cm, yellow at base, pink to purplish, pink-veined, base clawed, apex rounded; stamens 8-12; outer filaments free, inner filaments connate to below middle; ovary 3-5(-8)-locular, pubescent; styles 3-5(-8), bifid. Drupe subglobose, 4-6(-8) cm in diam.; exocarp smooth, not grooved, 3- or 4(-8)-seeded. Seed coat woody. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. Aug-Nov.
Open forests; 200-1500(-2000) m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Vietnam; cultivated in the Old and New Worlds].
This species is usually cultivated on slopes below 800 m.
![油桐Vernicia fordii 油桐Vernicia fordii](/uploads/allimg/130911/2-130911100J1H4.JPG)
![油桐Vernicia fordii 油桐Vernicia fordii](/uploads/allimg/130911/2-130911100JM41.JPG)
![油桐Vernicia fordii 油桐Vernicia fordii](/uploads/allimg/130911/2-130911100K31X.JPG)
![油桐Vernicia fordii 油桐Vernicia fordii](/uploads/allimg/130911/2-130911100K9424.JPG)
学名(Scientific Name):Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy Shaw
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):桐油树、荏桐
异名(Synonym):Aleurites fordii Hemsl.
科属(Family & Genus):大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)油桐属
形态特征(Description):落叶乔木,高达10米;树皮灰色,近光滑;枝条粗壮,无毛,具明显皮孔。叶卵圆、形,长8-18厘米,宽6-15厘米,顶端短尖,基部截平至浅心形,全缘,稀1-3浅裂,嫩叶上面被很快脱落微柔毛,下面被渐脱落棕褐色微柔毛,成长叶上面深绿色,无毛,下面灰绿色,被贴伏微柔毛;掌状脉5 (-7)条;叶柄与叶片近等长,几无毛,顶端有2枚扁平、无柄腺体。花雌雄同株,先叶或与叶同时开放;花萼长约1厘米,2(-3)裂,外面密被棕褐色微柔毛;花瓣白色,有淡红色脉纹,倒卵形,长2-3厘米,宽1-1.5厘米,顶端圆形,基部爪状;雄花:雄蕊8-12枚,2轮;外轮离生,内轮花丝中部以下合生;雌花:子房密被柔毛,3-5 (-8)室,每室有1颗胚珠,花柱与子房室同数,2裂。核果近球状,直径4-6 (-8)厘米,果皮光滑;种子3-4(-8) 颗,种皮木质。花期3-4月,果期8-9月。
引自中国植物志英文版 FOC Vol. 11 Page 266
Vernicia fordii (Hemsley) Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 20: 394. 1966.
油桐 you tong | Euphorbiaceae | Vernicia
Aleurites fordii Hemsley, Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 29: t. 2801, 2802. 1906.
Trees deciduous, up to 10 m tall, monoecious; bark gray, nearly smooth; branches verticillate, stout, glabrous, prominently lenticellate. Petiole as long as leaf blade, glabrescent, with 2 compressed and sessile glands; leaf blade ovate, 5-18 × 3-15 cm, puberulent when young, dark green and glabrous adaxially, gray-green and pubescent abaxially at maturity, base truncate to shallowly cordate, margin entire, rarely shallowly 1-3-fid, apex acute; palmate veins 5(-7). Inflorescences flat-topped panicles of cymes, appearing generally before new leaves, usually bisexual; calyx ca. 10 mm, 2(or 3)-fid, densely brown puberulent outside; petals obovate, 2-3 × 1-1.5 cm, yellow at base, pink to purplish, pink-veined, base clawed, apex rounded; stamens 8-12; outer filaments free, inner filaments connate to below middle; ovary 3-5(-8)-locular, pubescent; styles 3-5(-8), bifid. Drupe subglobose, 4-6(-8) cm in diam.; exocarp smooth, not grooved, 3- or 4(-8)-seeded. Seed coat woody. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. Aug-Nov.
Open forests; 200-1500(-2000) m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Vietnam; cultivated in the Old and New Worlds].
This species is usually cultivated on slopes below 800 m.