爪哇木棉Ceiba pentandra

爪哇木棉Ceiba pentandra

爪哇木棉Ceiba pentandra

爪哇木棉Ceiba pentandra

爪哇木棉Ceiba pentandra

Chinese Name):爪哇木棉
学名(Scientific Name):Ceiba pentandra (Linn.) Gaertn.
英文名(English Common Name):kapoktree
别名(Chinese Common Name):吉贝、美洲木棉
异名(Synonym):Eriodendron anfractuosum DC.;Ceiba caribaea (Dc.) A. Chev.;Bombax cumanense Kunth;Bombax guineense Schum. & Thonn.;Bombax guineensis Schumach.;Bombax inerme L.;Bombax mompoxense Kunth;Bombax occidentale Spreng.;Bombax orientale Spreng.;Ceiba anfractuosa (DC.) M.Gómez;Ceiba casearia Medik.;Ceiba guineensis var. ampla A. Chev.;Ceiba guineensis var. clausa A. Chev.;Ceiba guineensis (Thonn.) A.Chev.;Ceiba occidentalis (Spreng.) Burkill;Ceiba pendrandra f. grisea Ulbr.;Ceiba pentandra f. albolana Ulbr.;Ceiba pentandra f. grisea Ulbr.;Ceiba pentandra var. caribaea (DC.) Bakh.;Ceiba pentandra var. clausa Ulbr.;Ceiba pentandra var. dehiscens Ulbr.;Ceiba pentandra var. indica Bakhuisen;Ceiba thonnerii A. Chev.;Ceiba thonningii A.Chev.;Eriodendron anfractuosum var. guianense Sagot;Eriodendron anfractuosum var. indicum DC.;Eriodendron occidentale (Spreng.) G.Don;Eriodendron orientale Kostel.;Eriodendron pentandrum (L.) Kurz;Eriodendron anfractuosum var. africanum DC.;Eriodendron anfractuosum var. caribaeum DC.;Gossampinus alba Buch.-Ham.;Gossampinus rumphii Schott & Endl.;Xylon pentandrum Kuntze
科属(Family & Genus): 木棉科(Bombacaceae)吉贝属
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 12 Page 301
Ceiba pentandra (Linnaeus) Gaertner, Fruct. Sem. Pl. 2: 244. 1791.
吉贝 ji bei| Bombacaceae  | Ceiba
Bombax pentandrum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 511. 1753; Eriodendron anfractuosum Candolle.
Trees to 30 m tall; buttresses small or absent, trunk often sparsely spiny; main branches verticillate, spreading horizontally; young branches spiny. Petiole 7-14(-25) cm, longer than leaflet blade; leaflets 5-9, petiolules 3-4(-10) mm; blades oblong to lanceolate, 5-20 × 1.5-6.5 cm, thinly leathery, glabrous, base acuminate, margin entire or very sparsely and minutely toothed near apex, apex shortly acuminate. Flowers subterminal, solitary or in fascicles of up to 15, produced before or simultaneous with new leaves. Pedicel (1.8-)2.5-5 cm. Calyx (0.9-)1.2-2 cm, adaxially glabrous. Petals pink or white, obovate-oblong, 2.5-4 × 0.7-1.5 cm, abaxially densely white villous, adaxially glabrous. Filaments on staminal tube varying in length; anthers reniform. Ovary glabrous; style 2.5-3.5 cm; stigma rod-shaped, 5-lobed. Capsule oblong, tapering toward tip, 7.5-15(-26) × 3-5(-11) cm, fruiting pedicel 7-25 cm, endocarp leathery, smooth. Seeds globose, ca. 6 mm in diam. Fl. Mar-Apr.
Cultivated. Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan [native to tropical America and possibly West Africa; now pantropical, regarded as invasive on some Pacific islands].
This species is grown as a street tree and for the waterproof fibers surrounding the seeds (kapok).

