柬埔寨龙血树Dracaena cambodiana
中文名(Chinese Name):柬埔寨龙血树
学名(Scientific Name):Dracaena cambodiana Pierre ex Gagnep.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):海南龙血树、山海带、小花龙血树
异名(Synonym):Pleomele cambodiana (Pierre ex Gagnep.) Merr. et Chun
科属(Family & Genus):龙舌兰科(Agavaceae)龙血树属
形态特征(Description):乔木状,高在3-4米以上。茎不分枝或分枝,树皮带灰褐色,幼枝有密环状叶痕。叶聚生于茎、枝顶端,几乎互相套迭,剑形,薄革质,长达70厘米,宽1.5-3厘米,向基部略变窄而后扩大,抱茎,无柄。圆锥花序长在30厘米以上;花序轴无毛或近无毛;花每3-7朵簇生,绿白色或淡黄色;花梗长5-7毫米,关节位于上部1/3处;花被片长6-7毫米,下部约1/4-1/5合生成短筒;花丝扁平,宽约0.5毫米,无红棕色疣点;花药长约1.2 毫米;花柱稍短于子房。浆果直径约1厘米。花期7月。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 24 Page 216
Dracaena cambodiana Pierre ex Gagnepain, Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 81: 286. 1934.
柬埔寨龙血树 jian pu zhai long xue shu| Liliaceae | Dracaena
Pleomele cambodiana (Pierre ex Gagnepain) Merrill & Chun.
Plants treelike, 3--4(--10) m tall. Stems usually branched, not reddish apically; internodes much shorter than wide; bark grayish brown. Leaves crowded at apex of branches, sessile, sword-shaped, 60--70 × 1.5--3 cm, leathery, base not reddish, completely covering internode. Inflorescence terminal, branched, 30--40 cm; rachis glabrous or subglabrous. Flowers in clusters of 3--7; pedicel 5--7 mm, articulate distally. Perianth greenish white or pale yellow, 6--7 mm; tube 1.2--1.6 mm; lobes 4.5--5 mm. Filaments flat, ca. 0.5 mm wide, not tuberculate. Style slightly shorter than ovary. Berry ca. 1 cm in diam. Fl. Jul.
Forests, dry and sandy soils; near sea level to 300 m. S Hainan [Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam].
The dried resin can be used medicinally as a substitute for that of Dracaena cochinchinensis.