水东哥Saurauia tristyla

水东哥Saurauia tristyla

水东哥Saurauia tristyla

水东哥Saurauia tristyla

水东哥Saurauia tristyla

中文名(Chinese Name):水东哥
学名(Scientific Name):Saurauia tristyla DC.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):白饭树、米花树
异名(Synonym):Saurauia tristyla var. hekouensis C. F. Liang et Y. S. Wang;Saurauia tristyla var. oldhamii Finet et Gagnep.;Saurauia oldhamii Hemsl.
科属(Family & Genus):猕猴桃科(Actinidiaceae)水东哥属
形态特征(Description):灌木或小乔木,高3-6米,稀达12米;小枝无毛或被绒毛,被爪甲状鳞片或钻状刺毛。叶纸质或薄革质,倒卵状椭圆形、倒卵形、长卵形、稀阔椭圆形,长10-28厘米,宽4-11厘米,顶端短渐尖至尾状渐尖,基部楔形,稀钝,叶缘具刺状锯齿,稀为细锯齿,侧脉8-20对,两面中、侧脉具钻状刺毛或爪甲状鳞片,腹面侧脉内具1-3行偃伏刺毛或无;叶柄具钻状刺毛,有绒毛或否。花序聚伞式,1-4枚簇生于叶腋或老枝落叶叶腋,被毛和鳞片,长1-5厘米,分枝处具苞片2-3枚,苞片卵形,花柄基部具2枚近对生小苞片;小苞片披针形或卵形,长1-5毫米; 花粉红色或白色,小,直径7-16毫米;萼片阔卵形或椭圆形,长3-4毫米;花瓣卵形,长8毫米,顶部反卷;雄蕊25-34枚;子房卵形或球形,无毛,花柱3-4,稀5,中部以下合生。果球形,白色,绿色或淡黄色,直径6-10毫米。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 12 Page 356, 359      
Saurauia tristyla Candolle, Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève. 1: 423. 1822.
水东哥 shui dong ge| Actinidiaceae  | Saurauia
Saurauia oldhamii Hemsley; S. tristyla var. hekouensis C. F. Liang & Y. S. Wang; S. tristyla var. oldhamii (Hemsley) Finet & Gagnepain.
Small trees or shrubs, 3-6(-12) m tall. Branchlets tomentose to glabrescent, with unguiculate hairs or subulate scales. Petiole tomentose or not, with unguiculate hairs or subulate scales; leaf blade obovate to broadly elliptic-obovate, 10-28 × 4-11 cm, papery, both surfaces sparsely pubescent with appressed setose to unguiculate hairs on midvein and lateral veins, with sparse and appressed setose hairs especially on veins adaxially, lateral veins 8-20 pairs, base cuneate to broadly so, margin setose-serrate, apex shortly acuminate to caudate. Inflorescences 1-4-fascicled, axillary, 1-5 cm, hairy and scaly, 1-3-flowered; bracts 2 or 3 at base of branches, ovate; bracteoles 2, nearly opposite at base of pedicel, 1-5 mm. Flowers pink to white, 0.7-1.6 cm in diam. Sepals broadly ovate to elliptic, 3-4 mm. Petals ovate, ca. 8 mm, recurved at apex. Stamens 25-34. Ovary ovoid to globose; styles 3 or 4(or 5), connate below middle. Fruit green to white to pale yellow, globose, 6-10 mm in diam. Fl. Mar-Jul, fr. Aug-Dec.
Broad-leaved forests, sparse mountain forests, thickets, valleys; 100-1700 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Sichuan, Taiwan, S Yunnan [India, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand].


