萌芽松Pinus echinata
中文名(Chinese Name):萌芽松
学名(Scientific Name):Pinus echinata Mill.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Pinus variabilis (Aiton) Lamb. Pinus squarrosa Walter Pinus royleana Jamieson ex Lindl. Pinus mitis Michx. Pinus taeda var. echinata (Mill.) Castigl. Pinus virginiana var. echinata (Mill.) Du Roi Pinus taeda var. variabilis Aiton Pinus mitis var. paupera Alph.Wood
科属(Family & Genus):松科Pinaceae松属
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 4 Page 19
Pinus echinata Miller, Gard. Dict., ed. 8. Pinus no. 12. 1768.
萌芽松 meng ya song | Pinaceae | Pinus
Trees to 40 m tall; trunk to 1.2 m d.b.h. in native range, usually with adventitious sprouts; bark red-brown, plates scaly with evident resin pockets; crown rounded-conical; 2nd-year branchlets greenish brown or red-brown, aging red-brown or gray, slender, to 5 mm in diam., roughened and cracking below leafy portion; winter buds red-brown, ovoid or cylindric, resinous. Needles 2 (or 3) per bundle, gray- or yellow-green, straight, slightly twisted, (5-)7-11(-13) cm × ca. 1 mm, stomatal lines present on all surfaces, base with persistent sheath 0.5-1(-1.5) cm. Seed cones solitary or clustered, subsessile or shortly pedunculate (peduncle to 1 cm), red-brown, aging gray, ovoid-conical when open, 4-7 cm, maturing in 2 years. Seed scales lacking contrasting dark border adaxially distally; umbo with an elongated or stout and short, sharp prickle. Seeds gray or nearly black, ellipsoid, ca. 6 mm; wing 1.2-1.6 cm.
Cultivated. Fujian (Minhou Xian), Jiangsu (Nanjing Shi), Zhejiang (Fuyang Xian) [native to SE United States]
This tree is very fast growing and is highly valued as a source of timber and wood pulp. It is also a promising species for afforestation.
上一篇:高山松Pinus densata