美国尖叶扁柏Chamaecyparis thyoides

美国尖叶扁柏Chamaecyparis thyoides

美国尖叶扁柏Chamaecyparis thyoides

中文名(Chinese Name):美国尖叶扁柏
学名(Scientific Name): Chamaecyparis thyoides (Linn.) Britton, Sterns et Poggenburg
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Cupressus thyoides L.  Chamaecyparis nana Parl.  Chamaecyparis pseudosquarrosa Parl.  Chamaecyparis pumila Carrière  Chamaecyparis sphaeroidea var. pendula J. Nelson  Chamaecyparis variegata Carrière  Chamaecyparis atrovirens Beissn.  Chamaecyparis kewensis Carrière  Cupressus pseudosquarrosa Lavallée  Retinispora andelyensis Carrière  Retinispora leptoclada Zucc. ex Gordon  Retinispora pseudosquarrosa Carrière  Widdringtonia ericoides Knight
科属(Family & Genus):柏科Cupressaceae扁柏属Chamaecyparis
形态特征(Description):乔木, 在原产地高25米, 胸径1米; 树皮厚, 红褐色, 窄长纵裂, 常扭曲。小枝红褐色; 生鳞叶的小枝排成平面, 扁平, 不规则排列。鳞叶排列紧密, 先端钝尖, 背部隆起有纵脊, 有明显的腺点, 小枝下面的鳞叶淡绿色, 无白粉。雄球花暗褐色。球果圆球形, 径约6毫米, 有白粉, 熟时红褐色, 种鳞3对, 顶部有尖头; 发育种鳞具1-2粒种子。
分布(Distribution):原产美国东部及东南部, 生于沼泽地。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 4 Page 68
Chamaecyparis thyoides (Linnaeus) Britton et al., Prelim. Cat. 71. 1888.
美国尖叶扁柏 mei guo jian ye bian bai | Cupressaceae  | Chamaecyparis
Cupressus thyoides Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 1003. 1753.
Trees to 20(-28) m tall; trunk to 0.8(-1.5) m d.b.h.; bark dark reddish brown, irregularly furrowed and ridged; leafy branchlets fan-shaped. Leaves to 2 mm, usually with circular abaxial gland, apex acute to acuminate; leaves on lower side of branchlets not or only slightly glaucous. Pollen cones dark brown, 2-4 mm; pollen sacs yellow. Seed cones bluish purple to reddish brown, glaucous, globose, 4-9 mm in diam.; cone scales 5-7, fertile scales each with 1 or 2 seeds. Seeds 2-3 mm; wing narrower than seed.
Cultivated for ornament. Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang [native to E United States]


