攀枝花苏铁Cycas panzhihuaensis
中文名(Chinese Name):攀枝花苏铁
学名(Scientific Name):Cycas panzhihuaensis L. Zhou et S. Y. Yang
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):鹅公包
异名(Synonym):Cycas baguanheensis L. K. Fu et S. Z. Cheng
科属(Family & Genus):苏铁科(Cycadaceae)苏铁属
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 4
Cycas panzhihuaensis L. Zhou & S. Y. Yang in L. Zhou et al., Acta Phytotax. Sin. 19: 335. 1981.
攀枝花苏铁 pan zhi hua su tie | Cycadaceae | Cycas
Cycas baguanheensis L. K. Fu & S. Z. Cheng.
Trunk cylindric, simple, to 2(-3) m × 25(-30) cm, apex densely tomentose; bark brown to dark gray, scaly. Leaves 30-60(-80), 1-pinnate, 0.7-1.3 m × 18-25 cm; petiole subrhombic in cross section, 7-20 cm, with 5-13 spines along each side of apical part, base densely brown tomentose; leaf blade oblong, flat to irregularly and slightly "V"-shaped in cross section, brown tomentose when young; leaflets in 70-120 pairs, longitudinally inserted at 50-60° to rachis, straight to slightly falcate, 12-20 cm × 6-7 mm, leathery, glabrous, midvein never sulcate adaxially, base decurrent, margin flat or slightly recurved, apex acuminate, pungent. Cataphylls triangular-lanceolate, 6-9 × 2-2.5 cm, densely brown tomentose. Pollen cones fusiform- or ovoid-cylindric, 25-45 × 8-12 cm; microsporophylls narrowly cuneate, 4-6 × 1.8-2 cm, apex broadly rounded, shortly cuspidate. Megasporophylls more than 30, tightly grouped, 15-20 cm, densely brown tomentose; stalk 8-12 cm; sterile blade rhombic or rhombic-ovate, 8-10 × 4-6 cm, margin glabrescent and pectinate, with 23-41 subulate lobes 1-3 cm, terminal lobe subulate, longer than lateral lobes; ovules 2 or 3 on each side of distal part of stalk, glabrous. Seeds 2-4, bright orange-red when mature, globose or obovoid-globose, slightly compressed, 2.5-3.5 × 2.2-3 cm, apex shortly mucronate; sclerotesta smooth, shortly mucronate. Pollination Apr-May, seed maturity Sep-Oct.
* Grassy places and thickets with sparse trees on limestone and sand shale along the arid Jinsha Jiang valley; 1100-2000 m. SW Sichuan, N Yunnan
An endangered species.