波罗蜜Artocarpus heterophyllus
中文名(Chinese Name):波罗蜜
学名(Scientific Name):Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.
英文名(English Common Name):jackfruit
别名(Chinese Common Name):木波罗、树波罗
异名(Synonym):Artocarpus integer auct. Artocarpus integrifolius auct. Artocarpus brasiliensis Ortega Artocarpus maximus Blanco Artocarpus nanca Noronha Artocarpus philippensis Lam.
科属(Family & Genus):桑科(Moraceae)波罗蜜属
形态特征(Description):常绿乔木,高10-20米,胸径达30-50厘米;老树常有板状根;树皮厚,黑褐色; 小枝粗2-6毫米,具纵绉纹至平滑,无毛;托叶抱茎环状,遗痕明显。叶革质,螺旋状 排列,椭圆形或倒卵形,长7-15厘米或更长,宽3-7厘米,先端钝或渐尖,基部楔形, 成熟之叶全缘,或在幼树和萌发枝上的叶常分裂,表面墨绿色,干后浅绿或淡褐色,无 毛,有光泽,背面浅绿色,略粗糙,叶肉细胞具长臂,组织中有球形或椭圆形树脂细胞, 侧脉羽状,每边6-8条,中脉在背面显著凸起;叶柄长1-3厘米;托叶抱茎,卵形,长 1.5-8厘米,外面被贴伏柔毛或无毛,脱落。花雌雄同株,花序生老茎或短枝上,雄花 序有时着生于枝端叶腋或短枝叶腋,圆柱形或棒状椭圆形,长2-7厘米,花多数,其中 有些花不发育,总花梗长10-50毫米;雄花花被管状,长1-1.5毫米,上部2裂,被 微柔毛,雄蕊1枚,花丝在蕾中直立,花药椭圆形,无退化雌蕊;雌花花被管状,顶部 齿裂,基部陷于肉质球形花序轴内,子房1室。聚花果椭圆形至球形,或不规则形状,长 30-100厘米,直径25-50厘米,幼时浅黄色,成熟时黄褐色,表面有坚硬六角形瘤状 凸体和粗毛;核果长椭圆形,长约3厘米,直径1.5-2厘米。花期2-3月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 5 Page 31
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamarck, Encycl. 3: 209. 1789.
波罗蜜 bo luo mi Moraceae | Artocarpus
Trees 10-20 m tall, d.b.h. 30-50 cm, evergreen. Mature trees with tubular roots. Bark blackish brown, thick. Branchlets furrowed to smooth, 2-6 mm thick, glabrous. Stipules amplexicaul, ovate, 1.5-8 cm, with or without bent pubescence, caducous, scar annular and conspicuous. Leaves spirally arranged; petiole 1-3 cm; leaf blade elliptic to obovate, 7-15(or more) × 3-7 cm, lobed on new growth of young trees, leathery, abaxially pale green and with scattered globose to ellipsoid resin cells, adaxially dark green, glabrous, and shiny, base cuneate, margin of mature leaves entire, apex blunt to acuminate; midvein abaxially conspicuously prominent, secondary veins 6-8 on each side of midvein; leaves on mature trees entire. Inflorescences on old stems or brachyblasts. Male inflorescences axillary on apical branchlet, sometimes axillary on axillary brachyblasts, cylindric to conic-ellipsoid, 2-7 cm, many-flowered but some sterile; peduncle 1-5 cm. Female inflorescences with a globose fleshy rachis. Male flowers: calyx tubular, apically 2-lobed, 1-1.5 mm, pubescent; filament straight in bud; anther ellipsoid. Female flowers: calyx tubular, apically lobed; ovary 1-celled. Fruiting syncarp pale yellow when young, yellowish brown when mature, ellipsoid, globose, or irregularly shaped, 30-100 × 25-50 cm, with stiff hexagonal tubercles and thick hairs. Drupes narrowly elliptic, ca. 3 × 1.5-2 cm. Fl. Feb-Mar.
Cultivated;; Low elevations. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, S Yunnan [native to India; cultivated throughout the tropics].
学名(Scientific Name):Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.
英文名(English Common Name):jackfruit
别名(Chinese Common Name):木波罗、树波罗
异名(Synonym):Artocarpus integer auct. Artocarpus integrifolius auct. Artocarpus brasiliensis Ortega Artocarpus maximus Blanco Artocarpus nanca Noronha Artocarpus philippensis Lam.
科属(Family & Genus):桑科(Moraceae)波罗蜜属
形态特征(Description):常绿乔木,高10-20米,胸径达30-50厘米;老树常有板状根;树皮厚,黑褐色; 小枝粗2-6毫米,具纵绉纹至平滑,无毛;托叶抱茎环状,遗痕明显。叶革质,螺旋状 排列,椭圆形或倒卵形,长7-15厘米或更长,宽3-7厘米,先端钝或渐尖,基部楔形, 成熟之叶全缘,或在幼树和萌发枝上的叶常分裂,表面墨绿色,干后浅绿或淡褐色,无 毛,有光泽,背面浅绿色,略粗糙,叶肉细胞具长臂,组织中有球形或椭圆形树脂细胞, 侧脉羽状,每边6-8条,中脉在背面显著凸起;叶柄长1-3厘米;托叶抱茎,卵形,长 1.5-8厘米,外面被贴伏柔毛或无毛,脱落。花雌雄同株,花序生老茎或短枝上,雄花 序有时着生于枝端叶腋或短枝叶腋,圆柱形或棒状椭圆形,长2-7厘米,花多数,其中 有些花不发育,总花梗长10-50毫米;雄花花被管状,长1-1.5毫米,上部2裂,被 微柔毛,雄蕊1枚,花丝在蕾中直立,花药椭圆形,无退化雌蕊;雌花花被管状,顶部 齿裂,基部陷于肉质球形花序轴内,子房1室。聚花果椭圆形至球形,或不规则形状,长 30-100厘米,直径25-50厘米,幼时浅黄色,成熟时黄褐色,表面有坚硬六角形瘤状 凸体和粗毛;核果长椭圆形,长约3厘米,直径1.5-2厘米。花期2-3月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 5 Page 31
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamarck, Encycl. 3: 209. 1789.
波罗蜜 bo luo mi Moraceae | Artocarpus
Trees 10-20 m tall, d.b.h. 30-50 cm, evergreen. Mature trees with tubular roots. Bark blackish brown, thick. Branchlets furrowed to smooth, 2-6 mm thick, glabrous. Stipules amplexicaul, ovate, 1.5-8 cm, with or without bent pubescence, caducous, scar annular and conspicuous. Leaves spirally arranged; petiole 1-3 cm; leaf blade elliptic to obovate, 7-15(or more) × 3-7 cm, lobed on new growth of young trees, leathery, abaxially pale green and with scattered globose to ellipsoid resin cells, adaxially dark green, glabrous, and shiny, base cuneate, margin of mature leaves entire, apex blunt to acuminate; midvein abaxially conspicuously prominent, secondary veins 6-8 on each side of midvein; leaves on mature trees entire. Inflorescences on old stems or brachyblasts. Male inflorescences axillary on apical branchlet, sometimes axillary on axillary brachyblasts, cylindric to conic-ellipsoid, 2-7 cm, many-flowered but some sterile; peduncle 1-5 cm. Female inflorescences with a globose fleshy rachis. Male flowers: calyx tubular, apically 2-lobed, 1-1.5 mm, pubescent; filament straight in bud; anther ellipsoid. Female flowers: calyx tubular, apically lobed; ovary 1-celled. Fruiting syncarp pale yellow when young, yellowish brown when mature, ellipsoid, globose, or irregularly shaped, 30-100 × 25-50 cm, with stiff hexagonal tubercles and thick hairs. Drupes narrowly elliptic, ca. 3 × 1.5-2 cm. Fl. Feb-Mar.
Cultivated;; Low elevations. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, S Yunnan [native to India; cultivated throughout the tropics].