白子菜Gynura divaricata
中文名(Chinese Name):白子菜
学名(Scientific Name): Gynura divaricata (Linn.) DC.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):大肥牛、叉花土三七
异名(Synonym):Cacalia ovalis Ker Gawl. Gynura ovalis var. pinnatifida Hemsl. Gynura hemsleyana H. Lév. Gynura incana (L.) Druce Gynura glabrata Hook.f.
科属(Family & Genus):菊科,Compositae,菊三七属,Gynura
形态特征(Description):多年生草本,高30-60厘米,茎直立,或基部多少斜升,木质,干时具条棱,不分枝或有时上部有花序枝,无毛或被短柔毛,稍带紫色。叶质厚,通常集中于下部,具柄或近无柄;叶片卵形,椭圆形或倒披针形,长2-15厘米,宽1.5-5厘米,顶端钝或急尖,基部楔状狭或下延成叶柄,近截形或微心形,边缘具粗齿,有时提琴状裂,稀全缘,上面绿色,下面带紫色,侧脉3-5对,细脉常连结成近平行的长圆形细网,干时呈清晰的黑线,两面被短柔毛;叶柄长0.5-4厘米,有短柔毛,基部有卵形或半月形具齿的耳。上部叶渐小,苞叶状,狭披针形或线形,羽状浅裂,无柄,略抱茎。头状花序直径1.5-2厘米,通常(2) 3-5个在茎或枝端排成疏伞房状圆锥花序,常呈叉状分枝;花序梗长1-15厘米,被密短柔毛,具1-3线形苞片。总苞钟状,长8-10毫米,宽6-8毫米,基部有数个线状或丝状小苞片;总苞片1层,11-14个,狭披针形,长8-10毫米,宽1-2毫米,顶端渐尖,呈长三角形,边缘干膜质,背面具3脉,被疏短毛或近无毛。小花橙黄色,有香气,略伸出总苞;花冠长11-15毫米,管部细,长9-11毫米,上部扩大,裂片长圆状卵形,顶端红色,尖。花药基部钝或徽箭形;花 柱分枝细,有锥形附器,被乳头状毛。瘦果圆柱形,长约5毫米,褐色,具10条肋,被微毛;冠毛白色,绢毛状,长10-12毫米。花果期8-10月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 20-21 Page 538, 540
Gynura divaricata (Linnaeus) Candolle, Prodr. 6: 301. 1838.
白子菜 bai zi cai | Asteraceae | Gynura
Senecio divaricatus Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 866. 1753; Cacalia incana Linnaeus; C. ovalis Ker Gawler; Gynura auriculata Cassini; G. hemsleyana H. Léveillé; G. ovalis (Ker Gawler) Candolle; G. ovalis var. pinnatifida Hemsley; G. panershenia Z. Y. Zhu.
Herbs, perennial. Stems erect, or ± ascending from base, 30-60 cm tall, woody, striate when dry, simple or with synflorescence branched in upper part, glabrous or shortly pubescent, purplish. Leaves thick, usually crowded in lower part, petiolate or subsessile; petiole 0.5-4 cm, shortly pubescent, with ovate or half-moon-shaped, dentate auricle at base; blade abaxially purplish, adaxially green, ovate, elliptic, or oblanceolate, 2-15 × 1.5-5 cm, both surfaces shortly pubescent, with conspicuous black lines when dry, lateral veins 6-10-paired, veinlets often coalescent into subparallel oblong reticulate veins, base cuneate-attenuate or decurrent into petiole, subtruncate or slightly cordate, margin coarsely dentate, sometimes lyrately lobed, rarely entire, apex obtuse or acute. Upper leaves smaller, bractlike, narrowly lanceolate or linear, pinnatifid, sessile, semiamplexicaul. Capitula 1.5-2 cm in diam., usually (2 or)3-5 terminal laxly corymbose-paniculate, often divaricately branched; peduncles 1-15 cm, densely shortly pubescent; bracts 1-3, linear. Involucres campanulate, 8-10 × 6-8 mm; bracts of calyculus several, linear or filiform; phyllaries 11-14, narrowly lanceolate, 8-10 × 1-2 mm, sparsely shortly pubescent or subglabrous, 3-veined, margin scarious, apically acuminate, narrowly triangular. Florets orange-yellow, fragrant, slightly exceeding involucres; corolla 11-15 mm, with 9-10 mm tube and narrowly campanulate limb; lobes oblong-ovate, apically reddish, acute. Anthers obtuse or rather hastate at base. Style branches slender; appendages conical, papillose. Achenes brown, cylindric, ca. 5 mm, puberulent, 10-ribbed. Pappus white, silky, 10-12 mm. Fl. Aug-Oct.
Grassy and weedy slopes, wet places by fields, seaside rocks; sea level to 2800 m. Guangdong, Hainan, Sichuan, Yunnan [N Vietnam].

学名(Scientific Name): Gynura divaricata (Linn.) DC.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):大肥牛、叉花土三七
异名(Synonym):Cacalia ovalis Ker Gawl. Gynura ovalis var. pinnatifida Hemsl. Gynura hemsleyana H. Lév. Gynura incana (L.) Druce Gynura glabrata Hook.f.
科属(Family & Genus):菊科,Compositae,菊三七属,Gynura
形态特征(Description):多年生草本,高30-60厘米,茎直立,或基部多少斜升,木质,干时具条棱,不分枝或有时上部有花序枝,无毛或被短柔毛,稍带紫色。叶质厚,通常集中于下部,具柄或近无柄;叶片卵形,椭圆形或倒披针形,长2-15厘米,宽1.5-5厘米,顶端钝或急尖,基部楔状狭或下延成叶柄,近截形或微心形,边缘具粗齿,有时提琴状裂,稀全缘,上面绿色,下面带紫色,侧脉3-5对,细脉常连结成近平行的长圆形细网,干时呈清晰的黑线,两面被短柔毛;叶柄长0.5-4厘米,有短柔毛,基部有卵形或半月形具齿的耳。上部叶渐小,苞叶状,狭披针形或线形,羽状浅裂,无柄,略抱茎。头状花序直径1.5-2厘米,通常(2) 3-5个在茎或枝端排成疏伞房状圆锥花序,常呈叉状分枝;花序梗长1-15厘米,被密短柔毛,具1-3线形苞片。总苞钟状,长8-10毫米,宽6-8毫米,基部有数个线状或丝状小苞片;总苞片1层,11-14个,狭披针形,长8-10毫米,宽1-2毫米,顶端渐尖,呈长三角形,边缘干膜质,背面具3脉,被疏短毛或近无毛。小花橙黄色,有香气,略伸出总苞;花冠长11-15毫米,管部细,长9-11毫米,上部扩大,裂片长圆状卵形,顶端红色,尖。花药基部钝或徽箭形;花 柱分枝细,有锥形附器,被乳头状毛。瘦果圆柱形,长约5毫米,褐色,具10条肋,被微毛;冠毛白色,绢毛状,长10-12毫米。花果期8-10月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 20-21 Page 538, 540
Gynura divaricata (Linnaeus) Candolle, Prodr. 6: 301. 1838.
白子菜 bai zi cai | Asteraceae | Gynura
Senecio divaricatus Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 866. 1753; Cacalia incana Linnaeus; C. ovalis Ker Gawler; Gynura auriculata Cassini; G. hemsleyana H. Léveillé; G. ovalis (Ker Gawler) Candolle; G. ovalis var. pinnatifida Hemsley; G. panershenia Z. Y. Zhu.
Herbs, perennial. Stems erect, or ± ascending from base, 30-60 cm tall, woody, striate when dry, simple or with synflorescence branched in upper part, glabrous or shortly pubescent, purplish. Leaves thick, usually crowded in lower part, petiolate or subsessile; petiole 0.5-4 cm, shortly pubescent, with ovate or half-moon-shaped, dentate auricle at base; blade abaxially purplish, adaxially green, ovate, elliptic, or oblanceolate, 2-15 × 1.5-5 cm, both surfaces shortly pubescent, with conspicuous black lines when dry, lateral veins 6-10-paired, veinlets often coalescent into subparallel oblong reticulate veins, base cuneate-attenuate or decurrent into petiole, subtruncate or slightly cordate, margin coarsely dentate, sometimes lyrately lobed, rarely entire, apex obtuse or acute. Upper leaves smaller, bractlike, narrowly lanceolate or linear, pinnatifid, sessile, semiamplexicaul. Capitula 1.5-2 cm in diam., usually (2 or)3-5 terminal laxly corymbose-paniculate, often divaricately branched; peduncles 1-15 cm, densely shortly pubescent; bracts 1-3, linear. Involucres campanulate, 8-10 × 6-8 mm; bracts of calyculus several, linear or filiform; phyllaries 11-14, narrowly lanceolate, 8-10 × 1-2 mm, sparsely shortly pubescent or subglabrous, 3-veined, margin scarious, apically acuminate, narrowly triangular. Florets orange-yellow, fragrant, slightly exceeding involucres; corolla 11-15 mm, with 9-10 mm tube and narrowly campanulate limb; lobes oblong-ovate, apically reddish, acute. Anthers obtuse or rather hastate at base. Style branches slender; appendages conical, papillose. Achenes brown, cylindric, ca. 5 mm, puberulent, 10-ribbed. Pappus white, silky, 10-12 mm. Fl. Aug-Oct.
Grassy and weedy slopes, wet places by fields, seaside rocks; sea level to 2800 m. Guangdong, Hainan, Sichuan, Yunnan [N Vietnam].