黄花矶松Limonium aureum

中文名Chinese Name):黄花矶松
学名Scientific Name):Limonium aureum (Linn.) Hill
英文名English Common Name):
别名Chinese Common Name):黄花补血草
异名Synonym):Limonium erythrorrhizum Ikonn.-Gal. ex Lincz.  Statice aurea L.
科属Family & Genus):白花丹科(Plumbaginaceae)补血草属
形态特征Description):多年生草本,高4-35厘米,全株(除萼外)无毛。茎基往往被有残存的叶柄和红褐色芽鳞。叶基生(偶而花序轴下部1-2节上也有叶),常早凋,通常长圆状匙形至倒披针形,长1.5-3(5)厘米,宽2-5(15)毫米,先端圆或钝。有时急尖,下部渐狭成平扁的柄。花序圆锥状,花序轴2至多数,绿色,密被疣状突起(有时仅上部嫩枝具疣),由下部作数回叉状分枝,往往呈之字形曲折,下部的多数分枝成为不育枝,末级的不育枝短而常略弯;穗状花序位于上部分枝顶端,由3-5(7)个小穗组成;小穗含2-3花;外苞长约2.5-3.5毫米,宽卵形,先端钝或急尖,第一内苞长约5.5 6毫米;萼长5.5-6.5(7.5)毫米,漏斗状,萼筒径约1毫米,基部偏斜,全部沿脉和脉间密被长毛,萼檐金黄色(干后有时变橙黄色),裂片正三角形,脉伸出裂片先端成一芒尖或短尖,沿脉常疏被微柔毛,间生裂片常不明显;花冠橙黄色。花期6-8月,果期7-8月。
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 15 Page 201   
Limonium aureum (Linnaeus) Hill, Veg. Syst. 12: 37. 1767.
黄花补血草 huang hua bu xue cao| Plumbaginaceae  | Limonium
Statice aurea Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 276. 1753; Limonium erythrorrhizum Ikonnikov-Galitzky ex Linczevski.
Herbs, perennial, 4--25(--30) cm tall, glabrous. Taproot red-brown to dark brown; bark unbroken. Caudex thickened, usually enlarged and woody with age, becoming many-headed, usually covered with red-brown scales and persistent petioles. Leaves basal, rarely 1- or 2 along basal part of peduncle, usually withering by anthesis; petiole narrow; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate to oblanceolate, 1.5--3(--5) X 0.2--0.5(--1.5) cm including petiole, base attenuate, apex rounded, obtuse, or rarely acute. Inflorescences 2 to several, arising from different rosettes, paniculate; rachis usually 4--7 X dichotomously branched and flexuous, often densely verrucose, with basal branches sterile; spikes terminal on apical branches, with 3--5(--7) spikelets; spikelets 2- or 3-flowered; bracts broadly ovate, 2.5--3.5 mm; first bractlet 5.5--6 mm. Calyx funnelform, 5.5--6 mm; tube ca. 1 mm in diam.; limb golden to orange-yellow; lobes usually with projecting veins and awned to mucronate. Corolla orange. Fl. Jun-Aug, fr. Jul-Aug.
C Gansu, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, N Shaanxi, Shanxi [Mongolia, Russia (E Siberia)].
 黄花矶松Limonium aureum

黄花矶松Limonium aureum

