厚叶沿阶草Ophiopogon corifolius
中文名(Chinese Name):厚叶沿阶草
学名(Scientific Name): Ophiopogon corifolius Wang et Dai
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
科属(Family & Genus):百合科(Liliaceae)沿阶草属
形态特征(Description):根细长,质软,密被白色根毛。茎很短。叶基生成丛,禾叶状,坚硬,革质,长38 -60厘米,宽1-1.5厘米,先端急尖或钝,基部具膜质的鞘,老时鞘渐脱落,上面绿 色,背面粉绿色,具白色纵条纹,有9条脉,边缘稍向背面卷;向基部渐狭成不明显的 柄。花葶长约24厘米,总状花序长约12厘米,具多数花;花通常2-4朵簇生于苞片 腋内;苞片近卵形,最下面的长约6毫米,紫褐色;花梗长10-12毫米,关节位于中部 以上;花被片外轮三片条形,内轮三片披针形,长约9毫米,紫色;花丝明显,长约1毫 米;花药条形,分离,长约8毫米;花柱细,长约9毫米。种子椭圆形,长约1厘米,宽 约8毫米。花期4-5月,果期7-8月。
引自植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 24 Page 260
厚叶沿阶草 hou ye yan jie cao | Liliaceae | Ophiopogon
Roots slender, soft, white hairy. Leaves basal, tufted, indistinctly petiolate, abaxially glaucous and white streaked, grasslike, 38--60 × 1--1.5 cm, leathery, rigid, base attenuate, margin slightly recurved; leaf tufts ± surrounded by membranous sheaths. Scape ca. 22 cm. Inflorescence a reduced panicle, ca. 12 cm, many flowered; bracts purple-brown, subovate, basal one ca. 6 mm. Flowers usually in clusters of 2--4; pedicel 1--1.2 cm, articulate distally. Tepals purple, ca. 9 mm, outer ones linear, inner ones lanceolate. Filaments ca. 1 mm; anthers ca. 8 mm. Style ca. 9 mm, slender. Seeds ellipsoid, ca. 10 × 8 mm. Fl. Apr--May, fr. Jul--Aug.
* Dense forests; 1200--1400 m. Guangxi, SW Guizhou.

学名(Scientific Name): Ophiopogon corifolius Wang et Dai
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
科属(Family & Genus):百合科(Liliaceae)沿阶草属
形态特征(Description):根细长,质软,密被白色根毛。茎很短。叶基生成丛,禾叶状,坚硬,革质,长38 -60厘米,宽1-1.5厘米,先端急尖或钝,基部具膜质的鞘,老时鞘渐脱落,上面绿 色,背面粉绿色,具白色纵条纹,有9条脉,边缘稍向背面卷;向基部渐狭成不明显的 柄。花葶长约24厘米,总状花序长约12厘米,具多数花;花通常2-4朵簇生于苞片 腋内;苞片近卵形,最下面的长约6毫米,紫褐色;花梗长10-12毫米,关节位于中部 以上;花被片外轮三片条形,内轮三片披针形,长约9毫米,紫色;花丝明显,长约1毫 米;花药条形,分离,长约8毫米;花柱细,长约9毫米。种子椭圆形,长约1厘米,宽 约8毫米。花期4-5月,果期7-8月。
引自植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 24 Page 260
厚叶沿阶草 hou ye yan jie cao | Liliaceae | Ophiopogon
Roots slender, soft, white hairy. Leaves basal, tufted, indistinctly petiolate, abaxially glaucous and white streaked, grasslike, 38--60 × 1--1.5 cm, leathery, rigid, base attenuate, margin slightly recurved; leaf tufts ± surrounded by membranous sheaths. Scape ca. 22 cm. Inflorescence a reduced panicle, ca. 12 cm, many flowered; bracts purple-brown, subovate, basal one ca. 6 mm. Flowers usually in clusters of 2--4; pedicel 1--1.2 cm, articulate distally. Tepals purple, ca. 9 mm, outer ones linear, inner ones lanceolate. Filaments ca. 1 mm; anthers ca. 8 mm. Style ca. 9 mm, slender. Seeds ellipsoid, ca. 10 × 8 mm. Fl. Apr--May, fr. Jul--Aug.
* Dense forests; 1200--1400 m. Guangxi, SW Guizhou.